King's Business - 1955-12

Out of the

BE A BETTER SUPERINTENDENT . . . use the SUPERINTENDENT'S GUIDE FOR 1956 Program plans for each Sun­ day • Monthly outline for workers/ conference • Com­ ments on lesson and home study suggestions • Ruled pages for handy records • Six other wonderful helps. (Based on Uniform Interna­ tional Sunday School Lessons) 92 Pages — Pocket Size RED FLEXIBLE COVER — 65 CENTS — Order from — AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION Dept. BSG 1816 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. FREE ijimy J fm m -... J HÊSt l/ato \ FREE trial packetof YOUTHMATERIALS: month's8Upply of meeting plans, socials, activities, leadership training. Christ-centered, inter-denominational. Now in use in3,000 youth groups, 25 denomina­ tions. Specify age-bracket: 6-12; 13-19. Give church name and address. dMstimUlfikaiSeimlSMtaio

Lab Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept, of Science, Biola Bible College


T h e V i r g i n B i r t h

nd the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found fa­ vour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus” (Luke 1:30,31). The truth of the virgin birth is particularly dear to the Christian. For it was by this means that our Lord chose to clothe Himself with a human form. In spite of the reverence with which the believer holds this doctrine, the critic has been persistent in his efforts to destroy it in order to undermine the divinity of Christ. Because of the criticisms that have been leveled at this beloved truth the Christian has made every attempt to defend it. Some have done so by suggesting that a virgin birth could be scientifically possible, and as evi­ dence they have pointed to the suc­ cess of m odem science in stimulating the development of unfertilized eggs of some of the lower animals. By either mechanical or chemical stimu­ lation it is sometimes possible to get such eggs t o . develop into an adult without fertilization having taken place; such a process is called par­ thenogenesis. However, these experi­ ments cannot explain the birth of Christ for there are well-established laws of sex determination which in­ dicate that if it were possible to stim­ ulate a human egg to develop with­ out fertilization, the resulting indi­ vidual’ would, in all likelihood, be a female. Thus, although such a pro­ posal removes the need of the mirac­ ulous to explain the development of a child w ithin a virgin, the miracu­ lous would still be needed to get a male out of such a process. In real­ ity then we cannot explain the vir­ gin birth by appealing to any known scientific principle. Equally wrong are those who see the virgin birth as a necessity to in-

sure the sinless nature of Christ. The Scriptures do not tell us why Christ was born of a virgin. There is no direct hint as to why this must be except that God through His servant Isaiah prophesied that it was to be so (Isa. 7:14). His sinless nature was not centered in the flesh of the body but was essentially a spiritual phenomena dependent on His deity. If He “ . . . was in all points tempted like as we . . .” it was necessary for Him to have essentially the same flesh as all men. No, the only logical reason for the virgin birth was to provide a point of entrance into this world for deity in human form. If Christ was to ex­ perience all that every other man has, He would have to undergo the development within the womb and birth. He could have entered this world as an adult if He wanted to but then He could be accused of not understanding our woes for He would not have experienced them all. If He was to be tempted in all points such as we, it was essential for Him to have all the experiences that we have had. Even the experience of growth within the womb and birth. But yet He was divine. His Father was God. How could He be conceived by any natural process? So God, through the operation of the Holy Ghost (Luke 1:35) initiated in Mary that “holy thing” which developed into our Lord’s physical body. Since this birth was not dependent upon an earthly father, the only way God could demonstrate to man that this was so would be to choose a virgin for Christ’s earthly mother. Thus the virgin birth is seen to be a completely miraculous event that cannot be explained by any known scientific principle. Nor is there a need of any other impera-. tive for the virgin birth than Christ’s deity. END.

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Our Heavenly Father never takes anything from His children unless He means to give them some­ thing better. , — George Mueller

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