same relative positions as before. From the first to the second folds on these surfaces, color lightly with black and print the word “Sin” in each. These two surfaces lack % inch of meeting. In this opening print the word “ Separation” beginning about 1 V 2 inches from the top and working down. Color the spaces between the second and third folds lightly with black and write the word “Sin” in each. Between the third fold from thè left and the center of the whole paper, near the fold, print the word “God.” On the right side print the word “Man.” Using the word “ Sepa ration,” complete the f o l l ow i ng words: “Sinless, Fellowship, Compan ionship, Peace, Worship, Image, Light, Life, Soul, and Dominion.” Near the top and left side of this 7 x 8 1/2 inch space, print “Glorious,” and on the right side the word “Gar den.” Fold both wings back of the center.) LESSON : This paper reminds me of the Garden of Eden. It was a glori ous garden where God and man walked and talked together. These words, “Sinless, Fellowship, Compan ionship,” etc., suggest the relationship man had with God. It was not long until sin entered the garden. (Show the spaces between the second and third folds on each end.) When sin came into the garden, it came be tween God and man, bringing about a separation. (Fold these ends toward the center. The word “ sin” will be between “God” and “Man,” leaving only “Separation” showing.) God did not want sin and separa tion to continue, but only through
Christian Education
Object Lessons
By Elmer L. W ilder, T h.D .
Illustrated by Gladys Bowman
from the darkness. We will put this black and white circle below the black one, showing how the dark ness and light were divided. On the second day God divided the waters from the waters. We will put this next circle to the right of the last one, indicating the waters in the sea divided from the waters in the clouds. The dry land appeared on the third day with trees and grass. The fourth day is very much like the first, ex cept that God filled the day and night with the light of the sun, moon and stars. This cellophane-covered circle we will place as a cover over the circle for the first day, causing us to see the sun in the day and the moon in the night. On the fifth day God put birds in the air and fish in the sea. We will place this circle over the second day. Animals and man were created on the sixth day and we will put this circle over The third day, showing animals and man on the earth. The seventh day was the day of rest and we have here a circle showing the animals and man lying down under the trees. The only safe place to rest is beneath the cross of Christ, so we will place this circle with the red cross over the man as he rests. O B JE C T S : A piece of white paper 8% x 21 inches. (Two inches from the right end, fold toward the left, mak ing the size 8% x 19 inches. One and three-quarter inches from this fold, fold backward [away from the front of the large sheet]. Three and one- quarter inches from the second fold, again fold toward the left. Follow the same procedure in reverse work ing from the left end of the paper. When this is done, the two ends of the paper will meet, and the over all measurements of the folded paper will be 7 x 8Vi inches. With the two ends meeting, put half of a red cross on each, the whole cross being 4 inches wide and 7 inches high. Along the left side print “God” in large letters. Along the right side print the word “Man.” Open this first fold on each side and print “God” on the left and “Man” on the right in the Ja n . 8 , 1956 F acts A bout the F all
Ja n . 1, 1956 C reation and C hrist
O B JE C T S : Four round pieces of card board 6 inches in diameter, one piece 5 inches in diameter and a' piece of outing flannel a yard square. (Cut a complete circle % inch wide off the outer edge of the 6-inch pieces of card board and cover the openings—now 5 inches in diameter—with clear cel lophane. Color the original 5-inch piece black. The second 5-inch piece is black on the left half and white
on the right. The third has blue wa ter on the lower half and gray clouds on the top half. The fourth has land, on which trees and grass are grow ing. The land projects out of the water. The fifth has animals and a man lying down under the trees. Put auting flannel on the back of each of the solid pieces of cardboard. On the inside of the first cellophane-covered circle, left of the center, paste a moon and stars. To the right of the center, paste a sun. On the second, paste the pictures of birds on the top half and the pictures of fish on the lower half. The third should have the pictures of animals and a man. The fourth has a red cross. Put the yard of flannel on a square piece of cardboard and fasten securely with thumbtacks.) LESSON : This black circle which I am putting on thè upper left-hand cor ner of the board reminds us of the world as described in Genesis 1:2, “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” God had created it perfect but something had hap pened to spoil that perfection. The first chapter of Genesis tells us how God reconditioned the earth, making it a wonderful place in which to live. The first day, God divided the light
Christ’s giving of His own life on behalf of sinners could they be re stored to fellowship with Him. To make this fact real to men, even be fore the coming of Christ, there had to be the shedding of blood of inno cent lambs. As I fold this paper again, we shall see what happens when a sinner ac cepts Christ as Saviour. The cross of Christ covers sin and takes away the separation which once existed. There is now nothing between God and man but Christ, God’s Son and man’s Saviour.
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