King's Business - 1955-12

9. What does Paul teach in Eph. 4:30- 32 about the subject we are discussing? What is the reason for every believer exercising a forgiving spirit? (Eph. 4:32.)

in welcoming back his other brother who had wandered in sin? (Luke 15:25-30.) 3. Was the elder son right in his criti­ cism of his brother? Had his brother actually done the things of which he was accused? (cf. w . 12-16.) But was the elder brother right in maintaining his unforgiving spirit? Why not? 4. How does the father indicate the right attitude and the one that should have been entertained by the elder son as well? (w . 31, 32.) 5. Has God Himself manifested the same spirit as the father in the parable? (cf. Rom. 5:5-10; Eph. 2:1-10.) In the Romans’ passage note the four terms that are used descriptive of the sinner. What does Ephesians say about the sinner? 6. How does Paul apply the principle of forgiveness in Eph. 4:30-32 and Rom. 12: 17-21? Ja n . 2 9 , 1956 Our Citizenship Under Christ Rom. 1 3 :1 -8 ; Luke 2 0 :1 9 -2 6 D A IL Y READ IN G S Jan. 2 3 — Praying for the Government 1 T im . 2:1 -6 Jan. 2 4 — Paying to the Government M att. 17:24-27 Jan. 25 — Godly Influence in Government Dan. 2 :4 6 -4 9 Jan. 2 6 — Submitting to the Authorities

1 Pet. 2 :1 3 -1 5

Jan. 27 —

Respecting the Authorities

Eccl. 8:1 -4; 1 1:2 0 a

Jan. 2 8 —

Respecting the Authorities

Ja n . 2 2 , 1956 Is Jealousy Ever Christian? Luke 1 5 :1 1 -3 2

Dan. 3 :1 4 -1 8

H E A R T O F T H E LESSON Today we begin the first in a series of two topics on the general theme “Chris­ tian Endeavor Week.” On Feb. 2 Christian Endeavor young people will be celebrat­ ing the 75th anniversary of the founding of Christian Endeavor. It was back in 1881 that Christian Endeavor was born in the Congregational Church of Portland, Maine. Certainly the thousands of young people led to Christ and channeled into Christian service have made their impact upon the world for the Saviour. Let us pray that the program of witnessing and living for Christ may continue until He comes. S T U D Y QU ESTION S 1. What is the obligation of the Chris­ tian to the government under which he lives? (Rom. 13:1.) Why is this obligation binding upon all Christians? (v. lb.) 2. The word “damnation” in Rom. 13: 2 is better translated “judgment” and re­ fers to the punishment by the government upon those who break the just laws of the land. According to this passage, what is the main purpose of government? (w . 3, 4.) 3. Many people today oppose capital punishment. Do you think there is a ref­ erence in v. 4, where mention is made of the “ sword,” to capital punishment? Do you think the social order will be more respectful toward the law of the land if there is severe punishment for crime? This subject may well be discussed with interest in your society. 4. What obligation besides obedience to the laws of the land is stated in Rom. 13:6, 7? 5. What was the purpose of the ques­ tioners in Luke 20:19-21? 6. How did our Lord answer these men? (w . 22-25.) What is the meaning of this answer? 7. To sum up: do you think the Chris­ tian should be as good a citizen as pos­ sible to his country? Do you think he ought to love America and serve America as a loyal citizen of the greatest nation on earth? END. Note: This is the last in this series of young people's topics- Starting in our January issue new & improved study material will be ready. 45

D A IL Y R EAD IN G S Jan. 16 — Jealousy Hates

Gen. 4 :8 -1 2

Ja n . 17 —

Jealousy Deceives

Gen. 2 7 :3 4 -3 6

Ja n . 18 —

Jealousy Degrades

1 Sam. 1 8 :7 -1 2 ; 2 8 :7 , 8

Jan. 19 —

Jealousy Devises Evil

Esth. 5 :1 0 -1 4

Jan. 2 0 —

Jealousy Is Selfish

John 12:3-6

Ja n . 21 —

Godly Jealousy

Ex. 2 0 :4 -6

H E A R T OF T H E LESSON We all acknowledge the fact that the spirit of jealousy is like poison; it kills everything it touches. Jealousy ruins the person who has it and often brings harm to those who are the object of it. The Bible speaks about this sin. Let us study this sin in the light of God’s Holy Word. S T U D Y QU ESTION S 1. Note the list of evils mentioned in Gal. 5:17-21. Is envy named among them? 2. Why was the elder son so angry when he learned of the joy of his father

W hat Shall I Do W ith Jesus? “ Oh Lord, revive thy work.” That was the prayer of Habakkuk. It should become the prayer of all the saints of God in all parts of the world. Habakkuk prayed for God’s work to be revived. There is much of the work which is being done today in the, name of Christianity that is not God’s work at all. Nothing is really God’s work that is not done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only issue in the world today. The church is not the issue. Social service is not the issue. Human uplift is not the issue. Jesus is the issue. “What shall I do with Jesus which is called Christ?” That is the question for each individual to settle. Because the world did not settle that right 2,000 years ago, there is no other problem that has ever been permanently and satisfactorily settled. Jesus Christ is the solution for all human problems. — Bob Jones’ Comments

D E C E M B E R , 1 9 5 5

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