King's Business - 1955-12

DOES GOD ANSWER A CHILD’ S PRAYER? By Missionaries Georgia and Emanuel Papadopoulos “The Lord must have led me to you,” said a dear mother who met us in the street. “Please come home with me and speak a few words of comfort to my husband. He is suffering from cancer and his condition is truly desperate. I am so weary of life,” she con­ tinued, “for not only must I pro­ vide and care for him, but also for our three little ones.” As we neared her home, two little boys ran out crying, “Come, doctor, make our daddy well, so he can go to work again and bring us bread and food and clothes.” They tugged at our hands, thinking we were physi­ cians. How deeply our hearts went out to them! We can never forget the sight of that house. It consisted of one small room, with a dirt floor, on which were two or three little stools and a bed on which the father lay, looking more like a corpse than a living person. The children were really in pitiful plight, clad only in rags. The father was moaning with pain, almost too weak to talk. We sat by the bed and encour­ aged him from the Word of God. We prayed for his soul and the healing of his body. What was our surprise when the little ones spontaneously joined in. “Oh, dear God, make Daddy well, please. Have mercy on us. We are hungry and suffering. Amen.” How we would love to return to this family with food, cloth­ ing and a Bible to minister to their physical and spiritual needs. How wonderful it would be if we could have a definite sum of money each month to minister to them and others in similar dis­ tressing circumstances. Pray for them, and for us. Note: Wouldn’t it give you great joy to be able to walk into this poor home with bundles of food and clothing at Christmas time, and share a little of your bless­ ings with them? You can do just that through these missionaries of the American Mission to Greeks. For $5 this family can purchase locally 40 lbs. of nour­ ishing food. For $6 they can re­ ceive a 22-lb. clothing package. And for $1 they can be given a Greek Bible. All this can be done through the American Mission to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhi- ates, General Secretary, Dept. K, Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. Our Canadian friends should write to 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont.

A monthly column of names in the news. When a group of Southern Cali­ fornia ministers, headed by Baptist James T. Martin, last year tried their hand at running a Christian cruise to Hawaii the results were beyond their own expectation. Bolstered by such a whopping success pastor Martin is now organizing three more cruises: one to Central America and two to Alaska. (See page 4.) In Korea this winter the hiding was over for thousands of young chil­ dren. These were the children fa-


Neuberger, Holt, Pierce & Friends In Korea, inhuman contempt.

thered by American and other U.N. troops. Mothers hid the racially mixed tykes because they knew of the bitter hatred Koreans have for mixed chil­ dren. But a child can only be hid so long. They were coming out now and n eighborhood children were pouncing upon them with almost in­ human contempt. Bob Pierce of World Vision, tirelessly told Americans back home what was happening. In his audience one night was Harry Holt, an Oregon farmer. Holt, his wife and six children held family council and decided to adopt eight of these mixed babies. But the law said only two could be adopted by any one family. Holt pleaded his case with Oregon’s Democratic Senator Richard L. Neuber- ger. Neuberger went to work and with the help of others a special bill was pushed through and signed by President Eisenhower. Off to Korea flew farmer Holt. From the thousands of unwanted children he picked eight. Asked how it felt to now have a fam­ ily of 16, Mrs. Holt said, “Our family is happy that we can bring these chil­ dren to our home to teach them of our Saviour’s love and share with them the Christian inheritance— eternal life through the redeeming blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

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