FRONT COVER Urban Minority Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Outreach Program


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UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “



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UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “

UMADAOP, Lima Inc. 311 E. Market Street, Lima Ohio 45801

08 MYRTLE BOYKIN-LIGHTON About the Chief Executive Officer 12 THE JOSHUA TREATENT CENTER Treatment Center is a valuable piece in the addiction recovery puzzle 16 JEANNEWALLACE A Cheerleader on the Sidelines of Sobriety 20 JOCELYN BURKS The Power of Second Chances 24 FIGHTING FOR THE BRAINDISEASE MODEL Model can complicate messaging in treatment plans 28 FROM SMOKINGTO DRINKING Marijuana users are five times more likely to develop an alcohol abuse disorder, according to a new study 30 REGGIE GANT Lima UMADAOP client looks back with gratitude

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32 STARTING YOUNG Insight into adolescent addiction comes as new guidelines urge early prevention 36 FIGHTING FIRE WITH FIRE Researchers look to combat addiction through repurposed pharmaceuticals 38 ANTI-SMOKE SIGNALS Anti-tobacco campaigns appeal is all about staying independent 42 RELAPSE TRACKERS Fitness trackers could help prevent relapse 46 FIGHTING TOGETHER Collaboration needed to BEFORE IT STARTS Prevention strategies equip young people at Lima UMADAOP 52 TURNING RELAPSE INTORECOVERY Lima UMADAOP client is doing better the second time around end opioid epidemic 50 STOPPING IT

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Copyright 2017 by No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, excepting brief quotations in connection with reviews written specifically for inclusions in magazines or newspapers, or limited excerpts strictly for personal use. Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved.

• Agency Programs • Politics • Society • Culture • Incarceration • Poverty • Re-Entry Topics ofDiscussion is an online platform to have a voice in the national discussion on addiction and recovery.


Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is the use of medication, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a whole-patient approach to the treatment of substance use disorders. Research shows that when treating substance use disorders, a combination of medication and behavioral therapies is most successful.

UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “




yrtle Boykin-Lighton, CEO of the Lima Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug abuse Outreach Program (Lima UMADAOP) currently serves as the President of the UMADAOPs of Ohio Federation; and is the Executive Director of the Lima-UMADAOP. She possesses a bachelor’s degree in Family Life Studies, and is working towards a Master’s degree in Business Administration. Myrtle is licensed as a Chemical Dependency Counselor III and an Ohio Certified Prevention Specialist II. Her expertise in helping people spans over 30 years within the criminal justice, prevention, treatment and recovery services fields. Historically, Myrtle was instrumental in assisting with the start up of the first Circle of Recovery group with the Toledo UMADAOP in the early 90’s and served as the assistant director under John Edwards Sr., for twelve years. In the early 90’s Myrtle M


played an intricate role in forming the Women’s Health Coalition in Lucas County. Myrtle became the Executive Director of Lima UMADAOP in 2002. Up to that time, the organization was only providing prevention services. In 2004, having the foresight for needed growth, and under the direction and blessing of the board of directors, Myrtle and her team of dedicated employees through sheer determination and without any funding

Myrtle loves the Lord and knows that love has sustained her through her lean years and perilous times. Mrs. Myrtle Boykin- Lighton is also a member of Friendship Baptist church under Bishop Duane Tisdale and is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, Sigma Mu Omega Chapter Lima Ohio. She is married to Willie Lighton and God has blessed them with three children and eight grandchildren.

started the Phoenix Women’s Recovery Housing and Recovery Support Project. Moreover, the agency was certified the same year to begin treatment services, which has grown to incorporate four houses for women. One of the houses being a home for women and children and three houses for men spanning several counties. She most recently opened HOPE Scattered Sites Program, which places individuals in recovery back into the community in their own apartment. Her project of opening a recovery home for women and small children was a twenty-year dream brought to life through patience, commitment, and her passion for families struggling with addiction. She is a strong proponent of a Recovery Oriented Systems of Care and runs her organization based on that system. Myrtle maintains energy and dedication to the Lima Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program and the federation of UMADAOPs. She believes in learning from others and operating in an organized, efficient manner to satisfy the requirements of funders and serve the target population. To address the opioid addiction that has plagued our country and meet the local call of the devastation in Ohio, Myrtle has teamed up and collaborated with House of Emmanuel to open the Joshua Treatment Center in a small, rural Ohio suburb. The Joshua Treatment center is a detoxification and residential center focusing on substance use disorder. The center is set in a cozy atmosphere which focuses solely on addiction. Inside the serene grounds at Joshua Treatment Center, you’ll find a well rounded comprehensive and sophisticated treatment program addressing substance use disorder. The center’s goal is to create a serene atmosphere for person centered treatment offered to any person seeking help from addiction, and most importantly, the center has the finest team of treatment professionals to provide evidenced base services.


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Our unique 'family rst' approach in combination with a Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) offers individualized comprehensive services across one’s lifespan.

We understand that the family dynamic in drug and alcohol addiction is incredibly powerful. If you or a loved one is struggling, please don’t hestitate to call. (866) 712-4401

UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “


Where you can have a voice in the national discussion on addiction and recovery


The Joshua Treatment Center Treatment Center is a valuable piece in the addiction recovery puzzle

Everywhere you go these days, you can’t help hearing about the opioid drug crisis. It is constantly claiming new victims and making it harder for people to lead successful lives. “Ohio ranks one or two in the nation for overdose deaths from opioids.The epidemic is nationwide but facilities are turning people away because they don’t have room to treat everybody.” says Jim Perrin, the Director at Joshua Treatment Center at UMADAOP in Lima, Ohio.

The Lima UMADAOP is dedicated to its mission of opening its own residential facility where those struggling with various severities of addiction can receive daily help through inpatient care. According to Myrtle Boykin-Leighton, executive director, “Our services are responsive to the issues of gender, age, disability, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation and reflect support, acceptance, and understanding of cultural and lifestyle diversity.” “The epidemic is nationwide, but facilities are turning people away because they don’t have room to treat everybody.” - Jim Perrin, Director, Joshua Treatment Center


A seasoned champion The UMADAOP at Lima has known Jim Perrin’s work and dedication for more than two decades. Since the beginning, he has championed diverse roles to strengthen the facility’s aid to the surrounding community. “I started in ‘92 as a counselor and I have worked my way up to where I am now as a director. So, I have worked every position that I supervise. I know the positions because I wrote them all,” says Jim. “I understand that staff has to genuinely care and love their work in order for us to have any success.” Recovery programs are a difficult process, but with the right support, they can offer individuals life-changing habits that lead to more successful lives. As Jim shared his belief in the substantial and practical help the new Joshua Treatment Center will play in the local area, he reflected on the roles other programs and services from UMADAOP have served throughout the years. Jim explained that most programs have emphasized addiction- prevention education, counseling, and on-site help from clinicians. Lima UMADAOP offers that, but they are also out in the community and in the homes of the patients they serve. He believes that the Joshua Treatment Center will become a valuable piece to the addiction recovery puzzle because it adds a more holistic approach that treats addiction recovery patients throughout their day to day. Learning valuable life skills during inpatient treatment leads to favorable outcomes in aftercare.

Tackling the trials With each new program comes new challenges, but Joshua Treatment Center has a committed staff that understands the difficulties of families in recovery. Jim is ready to tackle the trials an inpatient housing facility brings to the surface, and mentioned that while he has enjoyed every role he has had in his career, “My true love is residential [care].” Hope is definitely in the air. One client was known to remark of the new center, “The entire staff was so friendly and caring.They made me feel secure about [my son’s] success in the program.”The Joshua Treatment Center has received numerous cards from clients and families expressing their gratitude to Joshua Treatment Center and its staff. Each has been grateful their family member has been restored to being the person they were intended to be.

“My true love is residential [care].” - Jim Perrin


UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “

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NOW OFFERING SERVICES IN THE WAUSEON AREA MAT Ofce 3491 ST. RT. 108 (Shoop Ave) Wauseon, Ohio 43567 (419) 335-5533 Outpatient Services Ofce 1056 N Ottokee Wauseon, Ohio 43567 (419) 404-9003

UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “

We can support you

and keep you safe!

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In-patient residential programs are ideal for individuals with a high potential to relapse. Over 70% of our housing graduates continue to remain sober, be gainfully employed and live independently in the community.


A Cheerleader on the Sidelines of Sobriety A recovery coach can mean even greater chances of success


arry Brown, the infamous basketball coach who won both an NCAA title and an NBA title once said, “You have to do something in your life that is honorable and not cowardly if you are to live in peace with yourself." Wise words that not only apply to the world of sports, but also to the game of life. Likewise, the Recovery Coach Department at UMADAOP is a resource for people recovering from addiction who want to go on and lead honorable lives ‚lled with peace. As patients go through the normal processes, meetings, and counseling sessions of their day to day journey back to wellness, a key

team of motivators work alongside to help those in recovery get back on the road to sobriety.„e division began only a few years ago, but from the beginning has served as a vital line of support during every aspect of recovery. A motivational friend A familiar face to many patients at UMADAOP, Jeanne Wallace, describes her role in the Recovery Coach Department as “Cheerleader”. Jeanne, as well as others who share her motivational role, extend practical elements of care by befriending the clients in each

program.„e team encourages those in recovery, supplies each of them with care-packages of clothes and basic toiletries, and often facilitates ‚rst visits home to patients’ loved ones. „e home visits are some of Jeanne’s favorite aspects of working at the facility because she gets to witness clients reuniting with their families. “„ey are overjoyed to see their family,

sometimes after not seeing someone for a decade,” she explains. “Yesterday, a client


of mine and I went to a meeting with her boyfriend. We had lunch with him for his birthday.” Strengthened family ties add to a recovering person’s support team once they leave UMADAOP’s care, so rebuilding those bonds is really important. A long journey to freedom Recovery coaching is a form of broad-based support for persons with addictions or in recovery from alcohol, other drugs, codependency, or other addictive behaviors. Recovery coaches typically work with persons who have active addictions as well as persons already in recovery. Recovery coaches are helpful for thinking through life decisions and the part your addiction or recovery plays in those decisions. Recovering from an addiction can be a long journey that reveals deep hurt and unravels the struggles that have built up over many years. But with a determination to become clean and a supportive team to stand by patients during every step of their recovery, UMADAOP believes that anyone can be helped back to health and sobriety.

”They are overjoyed to see their family, sometimes after not seeing someone for a decade.” - Jeanne Wallace, recovery coach, Lima UMADAOP



We put families first!

(866) 712-4401

Our commitment, integrity, stewardship, and resiliency are the core values of who we are. The primary purpose of Lima UMADAOP is to provide culturally appropriate prevention services to African and Hispanic American communities in Ohio. To teach individuals to take responsibility for their actions; to examine and confront the values, beliefs and attitudes that contributes to those actions; and to develop positive alternatives to destructive environmental factors. Our mission is to reduce the incidence and prevalence of violence, poly substance use/abuse and its negative affects among at-risk individuals and families.

UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “ 19

The Power of Second Chances Housing Coordinator helps instill confidence in inpatient clients

There’s an old saying that says, “Giving up on your goal because of one setback is like slashing your other three tires because you have one flat.” Jocelyn Burks, housing coordinator at the Lima UMADAOP, believes life is about having second chances. Joycelyn Burks began her work at the Lima UMADAOP office in 2009. As Housing Coordinator, she helps to facilitate a sober- living environment where inpatient clients can work with clinicians and counselors every day toward the goal of reclaiming a life of sobriety. Joycelyn’s confidence in the recoverability of those who’ve struggled with addiction motivates her to lend substantial help day in and day out.

Enjoyable connections Because connection with other recovering addicts is so important, Joycelyn believes activities outside of the traditional mode of treatment are essential. Some of her favorite memories with the inpatient clients are ones most don’t associate with treatment. “The roller skating and the cookouts with dancing and music are some of my favorite moments. People get to meet people who are clean and sober – it encourages them to meet people who have come through [addiction recovery] successfully,” Jocelyn says. She believes in the intentionality UMADAOP takes toward involving recovery patients in activities that facilitate connectivity both on and off the organization’s grounds. Throughout the years, Joycelyn has witnessed the difficulty some inpatient residents endure in their attempts to reconcile relationships that have been hurt through previous years of addiction. Her advice to recovering patients is, “I encourage people to remain steadfast in being sober. Take in one day at a time. Don’t worry about trying to prove it to anyone; family and friends will come around eventually. Continue to move forward and don’t force-feed it. Sometimes it really gets to [patients] that family members don’t buy into [their recovery] so soon. Be patient.”

“encourage people to remain steadfast in being sober.” -Joycelyn Burks , housing coordinator Lima UMADAOP


“In the population we serve, relapse is part of the process. We do not give up on the person just because that happens.” -Joycelyn Burks

Never give up the fight Relapse, unlike what most people think, is most often the rule, rather than the exception these days. It is an opportunity to learn about one’s triggers and can, in fact, lead to greater overall success as a recovering addict.The art is in bouncing back quickly and not giving in to perfectionistic thinking.The phrase “all or nothing” isn’t appropriate in addiction recovery. Joycelyn summarized one of UMADAOP’s prolific beliefs about addiction recovery, “We are an agency of second chances. We are an agency that does not give up on someone.That is the part that I love. In the population we serve, relapse is part of the process. We do not give up on the person just because that happens.”


Where you can have a voice on the national discussion on addiction and recovery


Services for the entire family!

Recovery support services generally, and peer-based services especially, gain a greater centrality than is typically the case in addictions treatment systems. They are not necessarily ancillary since they can serve as the primary component of an intervention that may or may not include treatment. Recovery support services include a broad array of services, such as: Housing; Transportation; Food; Clothing; Parenting training; Childcare; Life skills training; Employment coaching; Legal services; Recreation; Service brokerage; Recovery coaching; Peer mentoring; Recovery checkups; Outreach; and Spiritual support. Contact us for more information (866) 712-4401

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UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “

311 E. Market St. Lima, Ohio 45801


“The concept of addiction as a disease of the brain challenges deeply ingrained values about self-determination and personal responsibility.” – Dr. Nora Volkow, Dr. George Koob, Dr. AThomas McLellan

Fighting for the Brain Disease Model Model can complicate messaging in treatment plans

Fighting public opinion can be an uphill battle, sometimes even a futile one. Despite years of progress and scientific advancements, researchers and treatment providers still find themselves having to convince the general public that substance use disorder is a disease. But it’s a message that can often complicate treatment plans as much as it seeks to inform.


Setting the Record Straight Earlier this year, three of the nation’s leading drug experts wrote a paper seeking to explain, once and for all, how substance use affects the brain in the same way as similar diseases. In an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine, NIDA Director Dr. Nora Volkow, NIAAA Director Dr. George Koob, and Treatment Research Institute founder Dr. AThomas McLellan say they hope to reaffirm the brain disease model while simultaneously addressing common misconceptions about addiction. “The concept of addiction as a disease of the brain challenges deeply ingrained values about self-determination and personal responsibility that frame drug use as a voluntary, hedonistic act,” the authors write. The authors argue that public skepticism about the brain disease model comes from researchers’ inability to articulately describe the relationship between changes in neurobiology and the behaviors associated with addiction. Although countless scientific studies have proven the brain disease model to be accurate and effective, the authors admit more work may be needed to change public perception. “A more comprehensive understanding of the brain disease model of addiction may help to moderate some of the moral judgment attached to addictive behaviors and foster more scientific and public health–oriented approaches to prevention and treatment,” the authors write.

“You have to emphasize the responsibility on the part of the person, but you also have to explain why the behaviors are happening.” – Bob Rohret, MARRCH executive director

 Scientific studies attest that a person’s brain chemistry can be altered as a result of addiction.This fact can provide a needed explanation as to why continued use can still be a problem for people who clearly desire to get clean. “When you start to apply an explanation of why certain behaviors occur,” Rohret says, “it provides people some comfort in understanding why they’re doing what they’re doing.” Mixed Messages But as confident as many in the medical community are about the nature of substance abuse disorder, the idea that addiction is a disease presents something of a double-edged sword for treatment providers. “The messaging has to be sort of finessed,” says Bob Rohret, executive director of the Minnesota Association of Resources for Recovery and Chemical Health (MARRCH). “You have to emphasize the responsibility on the part of the person, but you also have to explain why the behaviors are happening.” Rohret says treatment providers have to inform those in recovery about the nature of their disease, while also making sure knowledge of that disease doesn’t become a crutch or an excuse for inaction. When presented correctly, Rohret says patients should understand their addiction and responsibility toward it in much the same way someone with heart disease may understand their affliction. Although they cannot change the biological makeup of their body immediately, they can make behavioral changes and take actionable steps that lead to more positive outcomes.


OPI ATE + OPI OID ADDICTION What is the difference between Opiates and Opioids?



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What Medications Treat Opiate & Opioid Addiction?


These medications act directly upon the opioid receptors; more specically the mu receptors. Because the effects of these medications vary at the receptor level, there can be different clinical effects during treatment.

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A FULL AGONIST binds to the receptor and activates it by changing its shape, inducing a full receptor response.

A PARTIAL AGONIST binds to the receptor and activates it with a smaller shape change in the receptor that induces a partial receptor response. 26

INSERT 2 is an online platform to have a voice in the national discussion on addiction and recovery.


Marijuana users are five times more likely to develop an alcohol abuse disorder, according to a new study

When it rains it pours. The old idiom may be familiar to many drug users who often find themselves battling more than one addiction. While previous research has shown multiple substance abuse disorders often go hand in hand, a new study suggests simply using marijuana can lead to a much higher risk of developing an alcohol use disorder.

Finding the Link Researchers at Columbia University analyzed data from 27,461 people who had used marijuana at the time of first testing, but had no history of alcohol related disorders. When researchers checked back three years later, they found marijuana users were five times more likely to have developed an alcohol abuse disorder.

Researchers said they were surprised the link wasn’t between marijuana use disorder, but simply marijuana use itself. “I think it’s important for people to be aware that there are certain behaviors that come with specific risks,” says Dr. Renee Goodwin, one of the lead researchers. “It would be particularly useful for youth.” Because youth are at a higher risk of experimenting with both drugs and alcohol, researchers said educating them about the total scope of risk is not only important, but could help curb problematic behaviors. “Preventing or delaying the onset of marijuana use could prevent or delay the onset of alcohol use disorder,” Dr. Goodwin says. “Statistically it should.”

“I think it’s important for people to be aware that there are certain behaviors that come with specific risks.” -Dr. Renee Goodwin


“Preventing or delaying the onset of marijuana use could prevent or delay the onset of alcohol use disorder.” -Dr. Renee Goodwin

Uses In Treatment For those already struggling with marijuana or alcohol use disorders, researchers said the knowledge that the two behaviors are linked could help people see the bigger picture of their addiction, and could prove useful in their journey toward recovery. “In some ways it may seem self- evident, but it may not be,” Dr. Goodwin says. “If you’re trying to quit drinking, it’s good to know that quitting marijuana could increase your chance of being successful.”

Zero relationship to mood and anxiety disorders As marijuana use has increased in the U.S., with some states even voting for legalization, some have wondered what the psychological cost will be to users. To investigate the question further, other researchers at Columbia University also conducted a recent study to determine if a link exists between increased marijuana use and psychiatric disorders. Although the results, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, mimicked previous research in showing a strong relationship between marijuana use and other substance abuse disorders, the findings in regards to psychiatric disorders were much different. The study showed no relationship between marijuana use and increased instances of mood and anxiety disorders, only substance abuse disorders. But despite the lack of a connection, researchers still cautioned against public policy that could lead to increased marijuana use. “The lack of association between more frequent cannabis use with increased risk of most mood and anxiety disorders does not diminish the important public health significance of the association between cannabis use and increased prevalence and incidence of drug and alcohol use disorders,” the authors wrote. 


A ‘time out’ for recovery Lima UMADAOP client looks back with gratitude The opiate epidemic that has gripped America has produced some startling statistics. But numbers don’t really tell the whole story. It’s the story of people like Reggie Gant, a recovering heroin addict and graduate of the Lima UMADAOP treatment program. As for many addicts, Gant’s path to addiction started with prescription painkillers. In 2012, Gant was working out at a Columbus health club when he tore his rotator cuff and pectoral muscle. After undergoing surgery to repair the injury, Gant was prescribed percocet to help cope with the pain, which led to a serious addiction. It only took a few months for an addiction to develop, and when Gant’s prescription expired, he started to experience the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal. At the time, Gant was a production supervisor for an optical manufacturing facility in Columbus. “One guy who worked for me had similar issues,” Gant recalls. “He introduced me to heroin.” After getting the drug through his co- worker for a while, Gant realized that for addicts, “the name of the game is building connections. If one dealer isn’t available, you need to have other people you can go to.”Within a few months, he had developed his own connections. “One guy who worked for me had similar issues. He introduced me to heroin.”

Needing more & more He also developed a tolerance which led to needing more of the drug. At first, a half-gram of heroin would last two or three days. Eventually he needed about .75 per gram per day.The father of two daughters and a son, Gant made an effort to hide the habit from his family and appear fully functional. He lost his optical job in 2013, but continued to work at odd jobs every day. By December, 2015, “I had hit rock bottom.” Gant’s insurance company referred him to a short-term detox program in Columbus.Then he completed a month of inpatient treatment at Ridgeview Behavioral Center in Lima. Physical relief was provided by monthly suboxone strips, which prevented withdrawal effects and reduced cravings. (Gant is gradually tapering off the suboxone, and expects to be finished with it this summer).

-Reggie Gant , client Lima UMADAOP


“Sticking to my doctor’s advice, I was able to free myself.” He was also able to address psychological issues underlying his addiction, including an anxiety disorder that had dogged him for years. In February, 2016, Gant began outpatient treatment at Lima UMADAOP. “It was a real eye-opener and I was able to build on the things I had started at Ridgeview. We were held accountable, with unannounced drug tests to make sure we were staying clean. And, my knowledge of addiction and why I got into this position greatly improved.” Now in the final phase of outpatient treatment, Gant attends group therapy sessions once a week, along with Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Each of the recovery tools Gant received in treatment was important, but he feels he got the most benefit from group sessions with UMADAOP counselors and recovery coaches “teaching us how to live in balance, and becoming aware of underlying mental disorders or other conditions that might affect our recovery. UMADAOP did a great job helping me understand the cycles people get into on the path of addiction,” says Gant, who has been prescribed a combination of Lexapro and Vistaril to control his anxiety. Gant says he really appreciated the combination of structure and 24-7 support provided by living for a year in a UMADAOP recovery house at 576 Cortland Avenue in Lima. “It was like a family setting; I became extremely close to the four other recovering gentlemen who lived there. We were all responsible for house cleaning, taking care of the yard and getting our own groceries.” “When people get addicted, they tend to fall away from normal society and stop taking part in the day-to-day things you need to do to stay healthy and happy. UMADAOP put a lot of effort into showing us the right way to get back on track. You can only stay on the sidelines for so long; eventually you have to get back in the game.”

A new environment Gant is currently living in a “step-up house,” still connected to the program, but with more freedom to go to work or school during the day. He has a job driving other UMADAOP clients back and forth to recovery meetings and keeping them company. Gant is looking forward to returning to school this fall, with plans to earn an MBA at the University of Northwestern Ohio University. Looking back at how far he has come in recovery, Gant is grateful for the life-saving help he received from the people at UMADAOP. “The greatest advice I received was to get out of the environment I was in as an addict. Otherwise, it’s too easy to fall into the same patterns.” “I had tried hundreds of times to quit on my own. But heroin addiction is so serious, you need to get out of that environment, long enough to get the proper therapy, education and medications.” “My knowledge of addiction and why I got into this position greatly improved.” -Reggie Gant 31

StartingYoung Insight into adolescent addiction comes as new guidelines urge early prevention

Treatment providers have known for years that adolescents are more susceptible to drug use and consequently, addiction. But now they might know why. Researchers recently discovered a specific pathway in the brain that makes adolescents more prone to problematic substance use, which could lead to stronger prevention efforts. By studying how cocaine affected the behavior of young and adult mice differently, researchers found that a mechanism in the brain which regulates specific protein production also controls addictive behaviors. By manipulating that mechanism, researchers were able to mitigate cocaine’s addictive effects. “Now we have a bidirectional switch that can turn on and off the cocaine-induced changes in the brain,” says lead researcher Dr. Mauro Costa-Mattioli of the Baylor College of Medicine.

“ The excitement of this study is that now perhaps we have a signalling pathway that could be targeted for the treatment of addiction. ”

- Dr. Mauro Costa-Mattioli, Baylor College of Medicine

One size fits all What’s most exciting about the study is that the pathway does not appear to be specific to cocaine. A second study examining nicotine returned similar results, leading researchers to believe any treatments targeting the pathway would be effective for all substances. “In the case of nicotine, it’s exactly the same thing,” Dr. Costa-Mattioli says. “All the drugs of abuse, they reduce the activity, they hijack or change this mechanism.” Researchers say they’re still interested to see if the mechanism plays a role in the transition from social substance use to more problematic use. But they say simply identifying such a crucial link of the substance use chain could lead to significant prevention methods. “Of course, the excitement of this study is that now perhaps we have a signalling pathway that could be targeted for the treatment of addiction,” Dr. Costa-Mattioli says.


Total improvement Experts say the benefits of implementing early intervention efforts far outweigh the cost. Although limited data exists, studies show investing just one dollar can produce anywhere from a few dollars to $26 in cost savings down the road. “Thus a well-designed, well- implemented early childhood intervention can dramatically benefit the community and society as well as improve children’s and families’ quality of life,” Dr. Volkow says. But the benefits of early intervention go beyond substance abuse. Experts say many of the risk factors for substance abuse are the same indicators for other social, behavioral and academic problems. They say creating a prevention program to address and reduce the risk of substance abuse will pay big dividends across the board. “Interventions designed to reduce early risk factors show benefits in a wide range of areas,” Dr. Volkow says. “Including improved personal and social functioning, better performance in school, and less involvement with the juvenile justice system or mental health services.” 

“ Early childhood intervention can dramatically benefit the community and society as well as improve children ’ s and families ’ quality of life. ” - Dr. Nora Volkow, NIDA director

First eight years To address adolescent drug use, experts say prevention efforts have to start earlier than most would expect.The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the government’s top agency on substance use, recently released new guidelines suggesting prevention education should start in the first eight years of a child’s life. Officials acknowledge that early childhood is not a time period normally associated with drug use. But they say factors with family, school and community environments can shape development of certain emotional and behavioral issues that can manifest in substance abuse problems even decades later. “Central to intervening early is the idea of shifting the balance of risk and protective factors in a way that builds a foundation for optimal social development and resilience,” says NIDA Director Dr. Nora Volkow.


UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “


We offer after school & school-based programs that promote the growth & development of your child. Our programs empower positive decision making skills, enhance coping skills and promote healthy choices. They are designed to increase the academic achievement of students & leadership skills. Training and recreational events are also provided. Programs are available for boys & girls ages 6-17.


UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “


Lima UMADAOP has a proven history of establishing new programs. These achievements have been demonstrated time and time again by bringing vital programs to the community in need of safe and stable recovery housing. Nationally, the success rate is about four out of ten. Lima UMADAOP is proud to report that since its inception in 2004, over 70% of housing graduates continue to remain sober, be gainfully employed and live independently in the community.

Now offering treatment at The Joshua Treatment Center! 350 S. Irwin Rd. Holland, Ohio 43528



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ADJUSTING ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION Another team of researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia believe the FDA-approved drug pindolol could be used to stop alcohol abuse. Pindolol is an anti-hypertensive medication used to treat high blood pressure. But because of the way it interacts with neurotransmitters in the brain, they believe it could also be eective in treating alcohol use disorders (AUDs). To study the drug’s eect, the team used mice and exposed them to an alcohol consumption regimen similar to a binge drinking cycle common in humans. For mice also given pindolol, the team found they were able to reduce drinking in the long term (after at least 12 weeks).€e team did not see as positive of results in the short term (only four weeks), but they say they’re still excited about its potential uses. “Although further mechanistic investigations are required, this study demonstrates the potential of pindolol as a new treatment option for AUDs that can be fast-tracked into human clinical studies,” the authors wrote.

espite years of stigma, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is steadily gaining in popularity among treatment providers. Government groups like the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services are actively campaigning to get more providers to oer MAT as a potentially vital resource for patients. While such groups often promote well-known medications such as methadone and buprenorphine, drug researchers are looking for new medications that could be a lifeline to patients in need. But new medications can cost millions to research and take years to get on the market.€at’s why some researchers are taking a closer look, and ƒnding success, with drugs already approved by the FDA. CURBING COCAINE USE Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania say a drug already on the market for diabetes may be able to curb cocaine use.€e FDA-approved drug Byetta, used to regulate blood sugar in diabetic patients, is derived from a natural hormone known as GLP-1.€e research team looked at how the hormone functioned in rats and found that the same hormone that regulates food intake could be used to suppress cocaine consumption. “€ese results are very provocative and suggest these compounds could be repurposed for drug addiction,” says Dr. Heath Schmidt, one of the lead researchers. “We have seen a reduction in cocaine consumption…but it doesn’t completely abolish it.” Currently, there is no FDA-approved drug for the treatment of cocaine abuse. But because Byetta and a similar drug have already gained federal approval, researchers say that leaves fewer hurdles before they could be used in treatment settings. Although still far from human trials, researchers say they’re optimistic, especially because their research suggests the hormone is not speciƒc to cocaine and could be used in treatment of other substance abuse disorders. “I think this opens up a large world view with regards to this system in the brain,” Dr. Schmidt says. “€ere’s really a lot to be explored here and I think it’s really an exciting time to be in the ƒeld and exploring the GLP-1 system.”


Tobacco statistics “What’s the deal with tobacco?” asks a Fresh Empire graphic. With this question, it launches into the ingredients found in cigarettes, along with the health and social side effects of smoking. Images on Fresh Empire’s website show fresh- faced youth looking directly into the camera as a way to deliver a straightforward and relatable source of information for young people. Fresh Empire does not rely on imagery alone. It also provides poignant statistics and cites research conducted by the HHS and Internal Agency for Research on Cancer, among other organizations: •Cigarette smoking causes 480,000 deaths per year. • Smokers die, on average, 10 years younger than non-smokers. • 16 million people have at least one disease caused by smoking. A graphic on the site shows what Fresh Empire calls “all sorts of nasty chemicals” in tobacco, along with unsavory facts about those substances. Listed first is carbon monoxide, which is found in car exhaust. Cigarettes contain arsenic, Fresh Empire informs readers, which is used in pesticides. And there’s benzene, found in gasoline. Another header states simply “keep your cash,” which leads to a statistic that smoking half a pack a day costs an average of $1,000 per year. “That’s a lot of cash to blow on cigarettes,” Fresh Empire states. “What would you rather spend $1,000 on?”

nti-smoke Signals

When you are addicted to tobacco, you are not in control. So says the main message of Fresh Empire, an Internet and TV campaign designed to inspire teens and young adults to stay away from cigarettes. Fresh Empire’s website——has information and informational videos all about the consequences of smoking. Here, young people can learn about the chemical content of cigarettes, health risks associated with tobacco use and social drawbacks. Fresh Empire, sponsored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), puts on events with performers such as rappers Silento and Stuey Roc, who deliver positive, tobacco-free messages. “Being fresh is about yourself.The empire is yourself, man,” says radio personality ET in video footage of a Fresh Empire concert. And Rock had this to say about tobacco use on a Fresh Empire video: “Smoking is not cool.” “Being fresh is about yourself. The empire is yourself, man.” - Radio personality ET Fresh Empire’s anti-tobacco appeal is all about staying independent


Online videos andTV ads The website has a series of short videos and TV ads, all with poignant soundbites and stories about the self-empowerment that comes from staying away from smoking. In a 30-second TV spot, young people, one after another, repeat the mantra, “I reject anything—including tobacco—that tries to control me.” Jayy Starr, a young hip-hop musician, stars in a commercial where she tells the story of her grandfather. He smoked cigarettes for many years and died of lung cancer. “Losing my grandfather has influenced my whole musical being, because it makes me more passionate,” Starr says in a behind- the-scenes video for the ad. “I’m not going to lose

young man in sunglasses and a scarf. Throughout the videos, television ads and web content, Fresh Empire implores young people to think of cigarettes as an affront to autonomy. Surrendering to nicotine is not being in control, they say. Therefore, smoking is not fresh. “Losing my grandfather has influenced my whole musical being, because it makes me more passionate. I’m not going to lose another person to cigarettes. To me, being a leader means being 

In another video, young people stand in the middle of the frame as messages flash on the screen alongside then. One reads “Long live Fresh Empire. Long live you. Live tobacco-free.” Another spot flashes empowering words for young women—“fresh,” “strong,” “boss,” “royal,” and “queen”—before a female voice-over says, “Fresh Empire is flippin’ the script in fashion, in hip-hop, in life.” Another video opens with the question “What’s Fresh Empire?” followed by a group of young people defining the tobacco-free movement. “It means looking out for you,” the first young man says. Another adds, “And your fam, too.” “When you are doing you, looking fresh, people follow,” says a stylish

tobacco-free.” -Singer Jayy Starr

another person to cigarettes. To me, being a leader means being tobacco- free.”


We understand how precious your child is.

UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “

The teenage years are a critical window of vulnerability. Children and teens receive a variety of services that are designed to build for the future.

Visit our Youth Prevention Office 809 W. Vine St. Lima, OH 45804



UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “

Programs that are designed to help perpetrators get in touch with the issues that underlie their unhealthy behavior and help transition from prison to community supervision. Our services enhance public safety, improve the lives of communities, and assist the community based offender in becoming a productive member of society. Lima-U.M.A.D.A.O.P. receives referrals from the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation, Adult Parole Authority, Allen and Hardin County Drug Courts, and various community agencies.

(866) 712-4401

Visit our Main Office! 311 E. Market St. Lima, Ohio 45801 41

“There’s a lot of information that can be gained from when somebody relapses.”

- Dr. Stephanie Carreiro, University of Massachusetts

Fitness trackers could help prevent relapses

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Dr. Carreiro says wearable biosensors can detect a relapse event for some substances (like heroin and cocaine) by sensing a change in heart rate or other physical conditions. The treatment provider can then use the tness tracker’s other information, like the time and location of the relapse event, to develop a prole about the conditions that prompt a patient to use. “It gives us very specic contextual information and serves as that reminder to the patient that someone could potentially know right away when they relapse,” Dr. Carreiro says.

Fitness trackers, or wearable biosensors, like Fitbit and Jawbone are the latest tness trend to gain widespread popularity. But some believe they could be used to treat addiction as well. New research suggests the devices can be used to reliably detect relapses, which could then give treatment providers the information they need to prevent relapses in the future. “There’s a lot of information that can be gained from when somebody relapses,” says Dr. Stephanie Carreiro, a researcher from the University of Massachusetts.

ACCOUNTABILITY MATTERS That accountability to someone who could see the relapse is an important step in moving past simple self-reporting and drug testing. People can lie during self-reports and drug testing will only show that drugs were used, but not information like how much was used, when it was used, and where. Because the sensors can be easily removed, the system will only work for patients who are truly motivated to stay sober. Dr. Carreiro says rather than a big brother scenario with treatment providers tracking a patient’s movements, the devices simply connect a patient to their support network.

“We could potentially trigger an interaction with a patient just seeing if they’re okay and need some help,” Dr. Carreiro says.

“It definitely served as a reminder that there was something motivating them to stay sober.”

- Dr. Stephanie Carreiro

SIMPLE REMINDER In a study of 15 patients, nearly everyone kept wearing the devices even when relapsing. Dr. Carreiro says that’s because many people are already used to wearing tness trackers, and the treatment plan simply ts into the daily routines they’ve already established. Researchers also say just having a physical object on a patient’s wrist to remind them about their dedication to sobriety can be enough to prevent a relapse. “Multiple people looked at it and thought of going back to jail or being there for their children,” Dr. Carreiro says. “It denitely served as a reminder that there was something motivating them to stay sober.”

WHAT ABOUT PREVENTION? The ultimate goal is to prevent relapses and keep patients on the path to sobriety. While the technology is advancing quickly, researchers say the collective knowledge base simply isn’t there yet to predict a relapse event. But as they conduct more studies and develop better algorithms with the information gained, they should be able to tailor interventions to a specic patient and hopefully keep them from relapsing. “We need to continue to dene different proles so that we can get a more complete understanding of what’s happening,” Dr. Carreiro says. “That’s when it will be the most powerful.”


UMADAOP provides programming with the belief that substance abuse is best prevented and treated when the cultural dynamics of a group are addressed and included in the process of prevention, treatment recovery and education. Chemical dependency is viewed as an illness of the total person, which has physiological, psychological, social-cultural and spiritual components that require a holistic approach.

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UMADAOP Lima, Inc “ Families First! “


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FIGHTING TOGETHER COLLABORATION NEEDED TO END OPIOID EPIDEMIC ima UMADAOPExecutive DirectorMyrtle Boykin-Lighton recently attended a national heroin summit aimed at curbing the opioid epidemic that has swept the country.Ohio has been one of the state’s hardest hit, leading the nation in overdose deaths in 2014 when roughly 1 in every 9 heroin-related deaths in the U.S. happened inOhio.During one of the conference seminars, Boykin-Lighton was re…ecting on her experience †ghting on the epidemic’s front lines when the presenter o‡ered a devastating statistic: only 10 percent of people will ever recover from a heroin addiction. “As I sat there and I listened to the speaker say this, I thought tomyself, ‘Not at my program.We’re going to do better than 10 percent,’”Boykin-Lighton says. “We strive every day to †nd ways to help people get better.” Findingwhat workS Lima UMADAOP employs a laundry list of services to help those struggling to break free from active addiction. Programming includes intensive outpatient treatment, group therapy, supportive housing, and teaming new program participants with a recovery coach to guide them through the recovery process. While these services have led to countless success stories over the years, Boykin-Lighton knows the Lima UMADAOP can’t serve everybody. As she’s watched the opioid epidemic unfold, she says the solution has become clear: collaboration. “Over the years, I’ve realized that it takes more than just treatment, it takes more than willpower, it’s going to take a lot of things to help combat this,” Boykin-Lighton says. “”at’s the support of the community, support of family members, treatment providers, housing providers, putting down the tur†sm and standing together to combat this.” L

Collaboration is king In the e‡ort to link community stakeholders, Lima UMADAOP is already leading by example. If the Lima UMADAOP is unable to provide a particular service for a client, they can count on their numerous long-standing relationships with other community organizations to get that client the resources they need. By partnering on things like housing and community education, Lima UMADAOP has established a true community network in Lima. Boykin-Lighton says that cooperation leads to better outcomes for clients and a stronger community overall. “If you’ve got all of these support networks centered around you, the person has a better opportunity and better chance at recovery,” Boykin-Lighton says. “Havingmore access to grant funding for agencies is really important. It’s going to take everything, this is just not something that we can be in denial about.” If communities and agencies are not able to come together, Boykin-Lighton fears the e‡ects could be devastating. She points to public health disparities like spiking rates of HIV and hepatitis as proof that addressing the epidemic needs to come with solutions both immediate and long-term.“”is is going to greatly a‡ect people’s life spans,”Boykin-Lighton says. “We will still be dealing with the outcomes of this years and years fromnow.”


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