Henry - A History of Biola University Since 1908

93 in Sydney, Australia, of parents who had migrated from England. His father was a rrernber of the Anglican Church, which meant little to him until late in his life. His mother, a member of the -- 0 1-ow---- cfiurch--of England," was vit- ally.interested in spiritual things. Consequently, she was responsible for the religious training of their eight children. Louis Tal_bot' s mother made an impact on his life as she saw to it that the children attended church regularly; were taught the Scriptures in early life; and were provided with good books, good music, and good friends. Ano- ther person who greatly influenced his life was the Rev. Benns, a Scotsman who pastored the Congregational Church in Sydney, which the Talbot family attended. A third person whose influence made a lasting impression on him was Dr. R. A. Torrey, who conducted an Evangelistic Campaign in Sydney, when Louis Talbot was thirteen years of age. Without doubt, the person who had the greatest influence on the life of Louis Talbot was his older brother Jim, whom Louis adored and tried to imitate. In 1906, Jim Talbot left Australia for America to attend Moody Bible Insititute. Jim's letters were filled with praise for Moody. Needless to say, Louis was extremely interested in Jim's new life in America and his studies at Moody. He began to dream about following in Jim's foot steps. At this juncture in Louis Talbot's life, Dr. Wilbur Chapman, a renowned Amer- ican evangelist, held an Evangelistic Campaign in Sydney. In one of the sessions Louis Talbot made a public dedication of his life to God and ex- pressed his desire to enter the ministry. He wrote to his brother of his decision, bombarding him with questions about America and the Moody Bible Institute. Beginning to make plans to attend Moody, Louis said goodby to his family in 1911, and set sail for America and a new phase in his life. Louis Talbot was graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 1913, not know~ ing where the Lord would lead him to serve. When the Secretary of the First Congregational Church of Paris, Texas, wrote to Moody, asking for one of


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