115 a Master of Theology degree. During his Seminary days their daughter Laura and son Craig were born. Also, during his Seminary years, Clyde served as .... --..::....- ... ...------- - Athletic Director of Biola from 1957 to 1960. In 1953, the Cook family went to Cebu City in the Philippines, as mis- siaonaries under Overseas Crusades. Much of Clyde's time while there was spent in basketball evangelism, youth rallies, pastoral Conferences, teach- ing in Bible Schools, and organizing evangelistic crusades for university students. In 1967, the Cook family returned from the Philippines to Biola, Where he became Director of Missions. While serving in this capacity, he developed a major in Social Science with a Missions emphasis. A strong emphasis was placed on the values of mission strategy, history, theology, and intercultura studies. The purpose was to prepare the students going to the mission field not only to know about missions in general, but also to have an understand- ing of the culture with which they would be working. This was the forerunner of the School of Intercultural Studies and World Missions of Biola today, one of the best of its kind in America. While he was on the Biola faculty, Dr. Cook attended Fuller Seminary, earning a Doctor of Missiology degree, in 1974. In 1978, he resigned from the Biola faculty to accept the position of President of Overseas Crusades, a position which he held for three and one-half years . In 1980, Dr. Cook was appointed to the Biola Board of Directors. In this capacity he was conversant with the affairs of the School and was aware of Dr. Chase's resignation as President. He was also aware that a Search Committee had been appointed to look for a new President. However, what he did not know was that he was being considered for the position. He was on a trip to Latin America for 'overseas Crusades when he received a tele- phone call from a member of the Board informing him that he was being con- sidered as Dr. Chase's successor.
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