Henry - A History of Biola University Since 1908


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The main fu~ction of the Dean, a position established in 1911, was to supervise the faculty, to have the oversight of the curriculum, and to serve as the chief liaison officer between the faculty and staff, as well with the President and Board of Directors. Prior to the office of Presi-< dent, established in 1929, the Dean was responsible also for much of the public relations. In 1911, Dr. R. A. Torrey, one of the foremost leaders of the day in the field of Christian education, became the first dean of the School. From the early stages of planning, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Horton had sought his in- valuable advice. Ruben Archer Torrey was born January 28, 1856, in Hoboken, New Jersey. His father was a New York Banker, later a manufacturer, and at one time, . Internal Revenue Collector in Brooklyn, New York. His mother a devoutly religious woman, trained her young son carefully to read the Bible and to pray daily, which he never neglected. While only a boy, as he was reading a book, he was faced with the question, "Will you be a Christian now?" He wanted to say yes, but was afraid, because he was determined to be a law- yer, and because of his fear if he said yes he would have to become a preache1 At the age of fifteen, Dr. Torrey entered Yale University, and gradu- ated four yesrs later. Having no real spiritual life during most of his four years he easily drifted into loose living, although he never completely abandoned attending church and prayer meetings. In his junior year at Yale, he came under such conviction of sin that one night he arose from bed and told God he was willing to preach the Gospel. Immediately, he had peace of DR. RUBEN ARCHER TORREY

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