Henry - A History of Biola University Since 1908


f negative. Later, during the invitation, Pastor Ekholm asked his friend if he wanted to accept the Lord. There was a long hesitation, during which the Pastor had to leave because he was one - of--the-(;;~nselors. Finally, unde1 deep conviction, young Pauley practically ran down the stairs to catch up with his friend, who led him to the Lord. It was some time later when Edwarc who had begun to attend the Eckholm church, learned from Mrs. Ekholm that on the particular stormy afternoon her husband had made two unsuccessful attempts to attend the meeting. However, he felt strongly that he should go; and encouraged by his wife, he mad~ the third attempt which was success- - ful, and it was then that he met the young man in the doorway. As a Christian now, Edward Pauley completed high school in 1957 and en- rolled in Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts, a Christian Liberal Arts College, where he met Miss Shirley Stewart. They were married in May, 1964. Following his graduation from Gordon in 1961, with a B. A. degree in Phil- osophy, he entered Boston University Graduate School to earn the M. A. De- gree in philosophy in 1964. His graduate work also included a year at Ox- ford University in England, and later, while on a Sabbatical leave, he spent another seven months studying there. After his return from Oxford the second time, Dr. Pauley began teaching Philosophy at the University of Rhode Island in the fall of 1967, and con- tinued his graduate work at Boston University, receiving . his Ph. D. Degree in 1968. In 1971, he was appointed the first full-time Assistant for Aca- demic Affairs at the University, a position which he held for five years until he came to Biola as Dean. Dr. Pauley's first contact with Biola was through Dr. and Mrs. David Hammond, with whom Mrs. Pauley had become acquainted when she lived in Phoe- nix, Arizona . In the meantime, the Hammonds came to Biola, where he taught in the Education Department. When the Pauleys later visited the Hammonds, they saw the campus. In 1966, during the second visit of the Pauleys, he

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