Henry - A History of Biola University Since 1908

138 Charles Lee Feinberg, the first Dean of Talbot Theological Seminary was born in 1909, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. His early life was spent in a typical orthodox Jewish home-; in whit:n-he--Ead-the loving care of a Jewish family. Although they lived in a Gentile community, life in the Feinberg hone consisted of routine family training, observance of the numerous Jewish holidays, festivals, attendance at the Synagogue, and other traditions. In the Jewish family and community there is a special routine for the weekend. All male children were expected to be in the Synagogue. There were numerous festivals in which they were involved. Friday evening was a joyous time, especially for the younger members of the Jewish community. There were two loaves of bread upon the table to represent the two rows of loaves upon the Table of Shewbread in the Temple. Also, there was special prayer for the Bread at the beginning of the meal, followed by prayer offered after the meal, according to Jewish custom. Passover, New Year, and the Day of Atonement were special events in the Orthodox Jewish family. Young Charles Feinberg, at the age of six, began public grammar school. His religious training in the Hebrew School began simultaneously. It was impressed on the children that both were equally important. All the Rab- binical . pronouncements were held to be equally in value to all other train- ing, and the interpretation of the Scriptures by the Rabbis was important. The conversion of Charles Feinberg from Orthodox Judaism to Christianity began when he was approximately twelve years of age, the time of his con- firmation in the Jewish faith. A lady who was both evangelical and evangel- istic had moved next door. She developed a plan to give the Word of the Messiah to the Feinberg family. Relaizing that she could not use the name of Jesus in their home, because that name represented a foreign god to an Orthodox Jew, she discretely began to sow the seed, first discussing the Old Testament with Charles' father. When young Charles went to her home, she began asking him questions, such as, "How do you know the Messiah will

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