Henry - A History of Biola University Since 1908

139 come? Why don't you have Prophets and Priests as of old?" For the next eight years, Mrs. Pierson prayed for the "boy next door studying to be a rabbi ," to be saved : . Charles Feinberg, following graduation from high school at the age of seventeen, enrolled in the University of Pittsburg, majoring in history, earning the B. A. degree in three years . During his undergraduate years he was able to complete minors in four fields: English, French, German, and Psychology. His goal at that time was the Rabbinate. However , he was also interested in the field of teaching. After finishing _ his university work, young Feinberg went to New York, to make arrangements for Rabbinical service. Upon his return to Pittsburg, he visited Mrs. Pierson, who no longer lived next door, to share with her some of the doubts that were clouding his mind. He was hesitant to go througr with plans for Rabbinical service because of these doubts . Mrs . Pierson shared with him her feelings that God would save him and make him a believer in the Messiah, citing examples of important Jews who had accepted the Mes- siah . This seemed to give him encouragment. She answered many of his ques- tions concerning the religion of the Gentiles. When she suggested that he go see a Hebrew Christian who could help him, Feinberg said to her, "Wait, this Hebrew can ' t be a Christian . " He had always equated Christianity with Gentiles . Arrangements were made for the Jewish convert to meet with Charles at the Public Library, because this Jewish Christian pointed out that they could not meet publicly because he was known as a missionary and Feinberg was well known in the area as a teacher of children in the Hebrew School. The two men went under cover of darkness to the mission in which this man worked to discuss the matter At the mission, Rev. John Soloman explained to Feinberg that "The life of the flesh is in the blood," and that "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission." He used the Old Testament Scriptures to substantiate these -~--.=. ยท-::-,;.~- ...; :------- -

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