Henry - A History of Biola University Since 1908

165 World War II opened the eyes of the world to the crucial medical needs, especially in the more remote mission fields where many Biola graduates were -- s e rving; therefore, in the ear-ly 19-40 1 ~~ - ~any Biola graduates, who were mis- sionary candidates, enrolled in the Mission Medical School in Canada. Dr. Sutherland and others desiring that Biola plan to meet this need, began a thorough investigation into the requirements for such program. At first there was considerable opposition to this proposal, most of which came from those who can be called "traditionalists." They saw Biola's role as being strictly that of teaching Bible and related subjects. Their general argu- ment was, "Let Biola continue to teach the Bible and let others provide any additional training that might be needed." However, the amassed information · resulted in the Board's approval of the School of Missionary Medicine, begin- ning in the fall semester, 1945, with Miss Leonie V. Soubirou in charge. Through the years this course contributed greatly to the general missionary work around the world until the demands for more advanced training neces- sitated another change, resulting in the current Nursing Program, which has become one of . the finest of its kind in America. Another significant development in the academic history of Biola was its move from a Bible Institute to a fully accredited Bible College, in keep- ing with the curriculum in both Biblical and Liberal Arts, after many changes in all levels of education following World War II. Among these was the Christian Day School movement, sponsored by churches and other religious organizations, asking for their graduates. Also, the mission board leaders correctly anticipated that most foreign countries whould demand better traine missionaries as would the young people themselves. Frequent requests com- ing from these groups prompted Dr . Sutherland to propose changes in the Biola curriculum, including adding a fifth year to the four-year program for the Bachelor of Theology degree. Then the administration also wanted to grant the elementary teaching credential. Inquiry to the State · . -.::....-r.:-· ·--~---

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