Henry - A History of Biola University Since 1908


The word "radio," a household word throughout -the ~ WOT-ld,-·-±·s· defined by Wesbter as "The transmission of sounds or signals by electric waves through space w·i thout wires to a receiving set." With the inventive mind of man, rapid improvements in this device enables the pociet-sized battery operated and transistorized radio today to go wherever man goes. In 1921, Mr. Frank Conrad constructed the first amplitude modulated, or AM, broadcasting station for general public use. Station KDKA, located in East Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, became famous in radio history. A year later Biola went on the air with an AM broadcasting station, the first Chris- tian station in history, with the original call letters of KJS, which were changed in 1925 to KTBI, the last three letters representing the words "The Bible Institute~'' In 1935, another major breakthrough in radio was made with the invention of the frequency modulation or FM carrier, which practically doubled the number of stations that can operate within a given area. The major differences between the two signals is that the FM signals are not affected as much by man-made or atmospheric static as is the AM signals; while on the other hand the the FM signal is limited to a relative short distance from the transmitter. Both AM and FM are in common use throughout the world. Mr. M. E. Carrier, Chief Engineer for Biola, feeling that the Christian radio stat- ion was a means of spreading the Gospel, mentioned this possibility to Super-·- intendent Horton and Dean Torrey, who were both hesitant to make use of it because they knew nothing about the process. In fact, T. C. Horton was so suspicious of the system that he wrote an article, "Restless Over Radio," published in the King's Business, September, 1923, citing six objections to the use of radio as a means of preaching the Gospel: (1) it would give some one preacher too much prominence, (2) it would be too costly, diverting funds from other Christian enterprises, (3) it would create a stay-at-home

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