194 Biola took immediate action to protest that this change would greatly affect the public interest and convenience. KTBI was the only interdenom- inational religious - broadc.:tst"ing~-st-;-tion on the Pacific Coast, and one-quarte time, which is all they would have if KFXM's request were granted, was not sufficient to broadcast the programs demanded by its constituency. The pro- blem was eventually solved when Station KfilX withdrew its application for a change in frequency. Out of the above hearing came an excellent opportunity for Biola to have KTBI licensed as a full-time station. Unfortunately, Biola's grave financial difficulties prevented the School from taking advantage of the opportunity. The Board of Directors was seriously considering selling the Station and purchasing broadcasting time on other stations. This would en- able the Station to render a greater service to the public, and Biola's constituency would be increased if they could share time on a first-class station. As a result, The Board of Directors authorized the Business Manager to sell the Station. In October, 1930, Mr. Lester G. Lillyman, who had made application for a permit to erect a station in the Los Angeles area, discovered that all the broadcast channels were taken. He then learned that Biola wanted to sell its 1000 watt station. The two parties reached an agreerrent, but, unfortunately, the purchaser was not able to raise the neces- sary finances, and the sale was never consummated. Shortly thereafter, a successful buyer, the Los Angeles Broadcasting Company, a subsidiary of the Auburn-Fuller Company, a Los Angeles based firm handling the Cord and Auburn atuomobiles, agreed to pay Biola's price of $37,000.00. The Federal Radio Com.~ission granted its approval of the sale in May, 1931. The new owner rebuilt the transmitter, improving its quality. The call letters were changed from KTBI to KFAC, and are still being used, now for both an AM and FM Station. Station KFAC is known in
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