Henry - A History of Biola University Since 1908



such station. The application seemed to provoke nothing less than a continued night- _.......,_.._ _____ mare of denials, appeals, and hearings. Finally, the license was granted and Station KBBI began broadcasting in 1959, approximately thirteen years after the original application was made. Because some problem arose for time to release the "Biola Hour'' .in the San Diego area, Biola applied for and eventually received a license for its second FM staion in San Diego, with call letters of KBBW . Unfortunately, these b..u radio stations, of necessity operating under the regulations of the Federal Cormrunications Comnission, could not deny time for release of pro- grams with which Biola disagreed doctrinally or otherwise, and they did not provide the income anticipated. In addition, because of the limited cover- age in distance of the FM band, the two stations could not provide the ad- vertising desired for Biola. Added to these problems the possibility of an outlay of perhaps $200,000.00 to upgrade the equipment for the two stations caused the Board to dispose of the two stations and use the assets derived from them in the expansion of the "Biola Hour" and in the development of the academic program of the School . Among the several offers to purchase the two stations was the $1,150,000.00 one made by the Pacific Southwest Airline. Because this offer was received first, and since all the conditions were more acceptable than those of some others, Biola sold to them in September 1970. Over the years, the expansion of the Biola radio programs has had many problems, yet the "Biola Hour" has continued to grow. The expansion under Dr. Talbot was rewarding, setting the pace for the future. When he was physically unable to continue, gradual changes were inaugurated, such as special speakers, including faculty, Drs. Sutherland and F_einberg, who played imp~rtant roles over the years; and Dr. Lloyd Anderson, a member. of the - Board of Directors and pastor of a Baptist Church in West Covina, who be- came the regular Bible Teacher on the program.

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