Henry - A History of Biola University Since 1908

38 devoted Christian business man moved to assist in evangelizing the lost when, at the end of the Spanish American War, there was the feeling among many that the Roman Catholic Church had gained a stronghold on President . McKinley, which might give the Catholics a monopoly on Christian work in the Philippine Islands, which had come under control of the United States. He underwrote the cost of printing an underlined edition of the Spanish New Testament, for which Rev. A. B. Prichard, pastor of a local Presbyterian church, supervised the editing, printing, and distribution in several Spanis speaking countries. Also, in connection with this project, Mr. Stewart and Rev. Prichard organized the Los Angeles Bible Institute, the forerunner of Biola. This school was closed after two years when Rev. Prichard accepted another pastorate . However, Mr. Stewart's vision did not end. He continued to move quietly in the background supporting with his prayers and finances others who possessed the desire to train Christian leaders. Among these with the same desire was Rev. T. C. Horton, an active Chris- ian worker devoting himself completely to evangelism and Biblical instruct- ion. He was Secretary of the YMCA in three major cities. At that time the primary ministry of the YMCA was to evangelize young men and provide basic Bible training to help them mature spiritually. In addition, he had conside: able experience as a pastor in churches in St. Paul, Minnesota, and Dallas, Texas. His mostfr.uitful experience in this area, however, was during his service as an assistant to Dr. A. T. Pierson, one of the outstanding pastors and theologians of the day. Mr . Horton spent much time in systematic Bible study under the private tutorship of this man of God, who was a beloved pastor in Philadelphia. His experience proved beneficial in sharpening the vision of this young man for a training school and in his own preparation for teaching later at Biola Further experience and motivation came for T . C. Horton in 1906, when . he came to Los Angeles as an Assistant Pastor of Immanuel Presbyterian Churc

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