Henry - A History of Biola University Since 1908

41 the City-wide evangelistic campaign to be conducted by Dr. R. A. Torrey earl ' in 1908. In reality, these classes basically were to consitute a mini-Bible school. Mr. Horton had in mind a class of approximately forty-five minuĀ£e's ",,_ 4 on personal evangelism, followed by a class in general Bible study for ano- ther forty-five minutes. He said, "We want to do two things; first, to in- struct workers, and then to get hold of some who need to be instructed in the Bible." Fearing opposition to some of his plans, Mr. Horton hoped to have the Church Federation of Los Angeles endorse the above plan for Bible study without holding them under their auspices. He said, "There is opporuntity for criticism concerning the kind of teaching we would do. The need is now so definite for instruction along dispensational lines that I want to give it out, and yet there are many Federation men who would no doubt object." His statement is indicative of the issue then in the Church of fundamental- ism versus liberalism. Thus, the historic principles of the doctrine and philosophy of Biola were taking shape in the mind of Mr. Horton, who was looking forward to being able to work along this line independent of limi- tations The vision of a Bible Institute on the West Coast was by no means gen- eral. In fact, it seems that only two men, Lyman Stewart and T. C. Horton, had a vision strong enough to motivate them to action. Mr. Horton worked diligently on their proposed plan; Mr. Stewart had to be absent from the City most of the summer of 1907, when little progress was being made as far as final plans were concerned, in his discouragement, Mr. Horton wrote his friend, "We are not making much progress in the Bible School work, and I do not see that we can do so in definite decisions without your presnece." It was apparent that the previous plans to open the school in the Fall of 1907 was now impossible. However, Mr. Horton did not abandon the vision. During the Summer of 1907, he held two conferences with Dr. Torrey, out of which came valuable

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