63 two full-time faculty members. Therefore, it is understandable why Mr. Hor- ton was so deeply grieved when he realized this meant the parting of the ways between him and his "son in the faith." The teaching of these three men bad its impact on the students and friends of Biola. Mr. Horton said, "Mr. Hadden's teadhing has antagonized a great many pastors and unnecessarily so." Seeing little hope of an am- icable settlement with Hadden, Horton states, "I do not suppose for a mom- ent he will sign our agreement; he does not believe it. I see no way but to tell him plainly that the coming of Dr. Torrey changes our whole plan, that the position he holds concerning dispensational truth is not in . ac- cord with our views and that our roads must part." The mention of Dr. Torrey·'~ name in this relationship adds credibility to the general assumption on the part of many, that one of the main reasons for bringing him on the scene was to deal with such problems as this. This was pointed out by Mr. Horton in a letter t6 Mr. Hadden stating the necessity of signing the Statement of Doctrine. He said, "The teaching is so fraught with so much contortion during the previous year, that the Sch- ool sees no way out of its difficulty but to secure a good strong man, such as Dr. Torrey as Dean, and turn the choice of faculty and outline of curricu- lum over to him." When Mr. Hadden failed to reply as requested, Mr. Horton reported, "I have had no answer from Mr. Hadden. He has had my letter three weeks. He came in for his check yesterday, but we had no conference." Mr. Hadden had told the Treasurer that he would not confer with Mr. Horton ex- cept in the presence of a third party, which was indicative of the strained relations between these co-workers. When Mr. Horton wrote Mr. Hadden again about the whole matter, it was now a test of whether or not Hadden would sign the required Statement of Doctrine. Mr. Horton pointed out that "The President,members of the Board, officers, and workers are all to sign it." Commenting on the doctrinal
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