Henry - A History of Biola University Since 1908


I in his publication, the Christian Fundamentalist. They can be summarized under four general headings: Macinnis' plea for peace in the war between the liberals and fundamentalists, his denial of fundamental --:se1 I e-I;;---the . language used in the book, and his new academic program at Biola. Concerning the change in the program, Riley said, "Fundamentalism has been supplanted by modernism and change of objectives; instead of making Gospel preachers, the output is new social workers." Concerning the book, he said, "It is ut- terly lacking in clarity of thought. It is unscholarly and anti-Scriptural." As the contorversy grew in intensity, several other prominent Christian publications entered the fray. One was The Sunday School Times . Dr. Charles Trumbull, the editor, wrote a critical review on the book which he titled, "Simon Peter - Philosopher or Apostle." He posed the question of whether or not Biola was still fundamentally strong. He also discussed the unfortunate remarks made by Dr. Macinnis at the time of his inauguration. He took issue with the defenders of the book who were accusing its critics of "using iso- lated passages on which to build their criticisms." He said, "As one reads through the book it is found that the central thane is unsciptural. Not iso- lated sentences, but the message of the book as a whole, is in contradiction to the Word of God." In a later editorial, pr. Trumbull, said of the book, "It is unscriptura because the author reaffirms his belief that the things Peter stated are in line with some of the best conclusions reached by science and philosophy. Any attempt to act as a mediator between the wisdom of God and man is con- tradictory of God's Word." Then he added a significant statement, "He has done in his book what he never meant to do, that was to propose ideas that were unscriptural. The fact that he does not realize it, makes the crisis such a serious one." Dr. Trumbull was also critical of the author's attempt ''to present a line of thinking that holds to neither side of the battle, which goes against the Bible, for his critics believe that Christians cannot remain neutral, but must com.rnit themselves to the Battle."

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