C+S March 2018

By automatically overlaying models, the Site Data Management Solution highlights locations or changes in height to visualize works in progress and cut and fill volumes for easy interface of earthworks balance.

The ability to add information, such as key construction dates, images, and BIM renderings, to specific points in the reality meshes optimized planning and construction. By automatically overlaying models, the SDMS highlights locations or changes in height to visualize works in progress and cut and fill volumes for easy interface of earthworks balance, all in the same platform. The use of reality modeling for topographic surveys and photo recordings saved a total of 55 resource-days per month, and using the SDMS for automating and processing data saved more than 200 resource-days. The combined solution streamlined workflows and improved communication among the team and with stakeholders, minimizing rework and significantly reducing project costs. With different disciplines required for the site and infrastructure development, it was necessary to have accurate collaboration and information sharing among the team and with stakeholders. The mass quantity of project data was managed and analyzed in ProjectWise; that information was attached to reality meshes in SDMS and onsite building contractors and team members accessed the data through their mobile devices. This set-up enabled any conflicts regarding site boundary and foundation works to be identified and resolved prior to construction for more careful planning. The enhanced information mobility enabled fast, temporary traffic diversion arrangements and minimized impact to traveling citizens. Integrating LumenRT to simulate construction progress and produce animated visualizations helped communicate progress to the public adjacent to the site. Having an effective, integrated construction management solution optimized collaboration among AECOM, the contractor, the client,

and the public for a holistic project approach. The technology enabled AECOM to work closer with contractors for more efficient supervision and allowed building contractors to anticipate and solve problems in advance. The use of reality meshes provided more precise and accurate site monitoring through detailed visualizations, enhancing client decision making and facilitating citizen understanding of the construction progress. “By creating synergy between our expertise in project management and the further utilization of reality modeling and BIM, we successfully increased productivity and safety,” Tsang said. Smart community model Anderson Road Quarry will serve as the fundamental model to develop other communities in Hong Kong that, when combined, will gradually form the smart city of Hong Kong. Although the model was populated with facility data for this specific project, it can be integrated with other data sources for uses in other cases, ranging from energy efficiency and environmental sustainability analyses to generating master plans for future facility, transportation, utilities, and security plans. An innovative milestone in Hong Kong’s civil projects, Anderson Road Quarry was the first project to apply Bentley’s BIM advancements and reality modeling capabilities to traditional construction work, revolutionizing the construction industry in Hong Kong.

CHINTANA HERRIN is a reality modeling product marketing manager with Bentley Systems (www.bentley.com), primarily focused on applications pertaining to 3D photogrammetry and point clouds. She is responsible for Bentley’s ContextCapture, Descartes, and Pointools applications. Herrin has nearly 20 years’ experience marketing engineering software.


march 2018


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