
To the editor: Robocall scandal embarrassment to democracy When honest hardworking Canadian citizens get phony calls from a company - linked to the Prime Minister

izens get phony calls from a company - linked to the Prime Minister - lying and making false claims like their voting station has changed locations is detrimental and harm- ful to our democracy, and it raises some seri- ous and legitimate questions.

disillusionment and turn-off voters. Misdi- recting voters, and mak- ing it difficult for them to vote is illegal. We as Canadians have a fun- damental right to cast a ballot in a free and fair election, and that right should not be obstructed in anyway. At least 34 riding’s across Canada have be- come disenfranchised. The Conservatives could

Even without those six seats, the Conser- vatives would have still won the election, but the real issue is the harm these robo- calls have done to shake the confidence of everyday Canadian citizens for our dem- ocratic institutions. The Prime Minister says he is innocent, and he has publicly protested his inno- cence. The only way to find out if Harper and the Conservatives are innocent or guilty is by conducting a proper investi- gation. Tens of thousands of Canadians have been demanding answers, and that num- ber is growing each day. The best way to create good jobs is to pro- vide tax credits to businesses that create new jobs, to create value added jobs in the resource sector, and to invest in infrastruc- ture. We also need a balanced approach to bal- ancing the budget. Rather than making reckless cuts to essen- tial public services and betting on gam- bling, the McGuinty Government should restore the corporate tax rate to the 2010 level, ensure that the rich one per cent pay their fair share of taxes, reduce its reliance on high priced consultants, and cap public sector CEO salaries. Encouraging more Ontarians to gamble their money away is no way to create good jobs and to balance the budget. We don’t need a slot machine economy that preys on the vulnerable. votes, and it states in Section 90 subsection 6 that "a clerk or other election official who wilfully fails to perform a duty im- posed by this Act is guilty of an offence that constitutes a corrupt practice." However nowhere in the act does it pro- hibit a City Clerk from openly supporting a candidate. Should the Municipal Elections Act be amended to outline the appropriate con- duct of a City Clerk running a municipal election? The answer is ye. Should the City Clerk of Cornwall have been more discrete about who they sup- ported during the last election? Once again, the answer is yes. I don't think she broke the Municipal Elections Act, but the perception of inap- propriate behaviour, or bias is detrimental to our democratic institution. That is why a City Clerk and any elec- tions management body should be pub- licly impartial - to uphold the dignity and trust of that institution. For those who are interested, here is a link to the Municipal Elections Act: /statutes/english/elaws_statutes_96m32_ e.htm Jason Setnyk Cornwall Brian Lynch, Cornwall

What does Prime Minister Harper know, and when did he know it? The Robogate scandal is becoming a na- tional embarrassment and a disgrace to our democracy. I hope the RCMP con- ducts an in-depth investigation into these serious allegations. Does Elections Canada have the re- sources to enforce electoral laws? The an- swer is probably no, and that is why the RCMP needs to conduct the investigation. Canadians deserve answers. It should not be like in those third-world countries, where the UN has to come-in and ensure fair elections. When honest hardworking Canadian cit- Il est tout à fait normal que la politique du bilinguisme de Cornwall dérange cer- tains irréductibles orangistes. Après tout, les Conservateurs n’ont-ils pas donné le ton en nommant des juges et un vérificateur unilingues anglais? Pour eux, le bilinguisme n’est pas une compé- tence donc pas un critère d’embauche. Il y a chez les Conservateurs d’anciens mem- bres du Reform Party qui ne voulaient pas de bilinguisme. On les voit agir aujour- d’hui. Maintenant que les Conservateurs ont ou- About the home care services that are provided to our vulnerable seniors: I was at a lady’s residence where she had a shower daily and laundry done once a week allotted time. All of a sudden they tell her you have lost your laundry time which she had for over a year. What a shock to the poor womenwho is un- able to do her own laundry. I don’t this is fair as the government says they are providing money to keep seniors in their home. I see it has turned a for profit deal and seniors should ask if laundry is dirty: it doesn’t mat- Lettre à l’éditeur : To the editor:

- lying and making false claims like their voting station has changed loca- tions is detrimental and harmful to our democracy, and it raises some serious and legitimate

Racknine Inc. has been linked to the robocalls, and this company has worked for the Tories and for Harper himself. This scandal has the potential to create

have lost at least six battleground riding’s according to an article from the Toronto Star because of this voter suppression.

Les irréductibles orangistes

Gambling expansion irresponsible

To the editor:

vert cette boîte de Pandore, il faut s’attendre à ce que les francophobes de tous acabits s’en donnent à cœur joie pour taper sur le dos des francophones « Gens de Cornwall » ne vous attendez pas à un retour d’appel de votre ministre conservateur Guy Lauzon. Ça ne viendra pas! Nous, dans le comté de Russell, en savons quelque chose : notre député con- servateur Pierre Lemieux n’a jamais osé se prononcer sur le bilinguisme malgré nos nombreux appels à l’aide.

I am disappointed by the recent an- nouncement by Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan that the Ontario Govern- ment plans to expand gambling in On- tario as a way to balance the budget. The plans include two new casinos, greater access to slot machines, and gov- ernment-backed Internet gambling. This is not the responsible way to grow Ontario’s economy and to raise more rev- enue. The McGuinty Government is trying to balance the province’s books on the backs of problem gamblers and their fami- lies and the poor who are desperate to make ends meet. This greater access to gambling will in- crease gambling addiction and the associ- ated mental health and social problems such as anxiety, depression, personal debt, bankruptcy, family breakdown, and high rates of suicide. Former Cornwall City Councillor and 2010 Mayoral Candidate Mark A MacDon- ald has filed a complaint about election fraud. There is definitely some evi- dence to suggest the City Clerk sup- ported Bob Kilger for Mayor. E.g.: It is documented that she belonged to a Facebook group entitled "Bob Kilger for Mayor". I fully agree with the principle that a non-partisan election management body is the key to an impartial election process. Non-partisan means not affiliated, influ- enced by, or supporting any one political party. In regards to municipal politics, where we do not have political parties, that defi- nition should be extended to include being publicly impartial and not support- ing individual candidates. However, after reading and re-reading the Municipal Elections Act, there appears to be nothing that states, supports, im- plies, or enforces that principle. The duties of the Clerk are outlined in Section 11 of the Act. "The clerk of a local municipality is responsible for conducting elections within that municipality...". Starting at Section 89 of the Act there is a list of offences, including miscounting To the editor:

Claudette Lafleur Embrun, Ontario

Province not supporting seniors at home

ter get it done by family or pay someone to do it. Dr. Tombler brought the language issue is out which is a good thing at least we now get a debate on this. (OAS) also came out and seniors soon changed the governments mind on that situation. I think disabled seniors should be asking the Mcguinty government where the money is going if, seniors have to pay to stay in their home we don’t hear any- thing fromoppositionMP either party...why? I hope some of the seniors speak up right or wrong thats my opinion.

City clerk should be impartial when it comes to elections

James Duval Cornwall

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Jason Setnyk Cornwall

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