August 2024 Postal Record

The new stamp from the Philippines measures about 8 inches wide.

child as the water tried to knock him around. He managed to bring the child to safety and was named the NALC National Hero of the Year in 2012. On another occasion in 2018, he saved an elderly man who had fallen on the ground, when the carrier no- ticed that mail was piling up over a few days, by calling for emergency assistance. Logue was on the same route in Beach Haven, NJ, for 38 years. “It’s a generational thing,” Logue said. “You see the kids growing up and they get married and become fathers and before you know it, they’re grandfathers. I see the whole cycle on my route.” He said he will always remember all of the people he has had the opportu- nity to get to know. “I miss the people on my mail route because after 38 years, most of those people on my route become family to me,” Logue said, although he said he has enjoyed being retired since the end of May. Carrier celebrates 22 years of service to his community After 15 years on the same route and 22 years as a letter carrier, Mikey Casey, a Branch 4102 member, knew everyone—all of the residents of the 250 Scotch Plains, NJ, area homes that he served. His last day on the job at the end of May was made special by his customers, 200 of whom decorated their homes with balloons and signs congratulating him on his retirement. “I was quite surprised,” Casey told The Postal Record . “I was kind of over- whelmed the day they did this.” Two of his customers came up with the idea and got people on his route involved. He said he misses everyone

on his route, as well as the dogs. “I knew the dogs’ names; they miss me, too,” Casey said. “I knew all of them [his customers] on a personal level. Yeah, a lot of them. We became friends.”

go to the post office every day to retrieve her mail from a P.O. box. She found it to be a bit of a hassle but complied with the post office’s rules, nonetheless. About a year later, circumstances changed—the dog’s owner was in her third trimester of pregnancy, the dog continued to be ill, and her husband had a broken ankle and used crutches. It became increasingly difficult for her family to retrieve the mail each day. The only course of action in her mind was to lie to the post office and tell them that the dog was no longer living with them. However, the post office’s manager found out that the dog still lived there and produced photographic evidence, which caused her to stop the mail to the home again. The fight continued for several months, and the dog owner even tried to get the manager’s supervisor in- volved, but couldn’t. This angered the dog owner, who drove to the post office to confront the post office manager. After the confrontation played out, the manager agreed to continue delivering mail to the home as long as the dog was not seen again. The podcasters went through a list wrongdoings they thought were done by each party and agreed that both parties were at fault for their parts in the unpleasantness. PR

Mikey Casey

Casey is enjoying retirement with his wife in their home in the Poconos in Pennsylvania. They spend their days going to a nearby music venue and having quality time with family. Story of mail man vs. dog featured in podcast Petty Crimes , a podcast that inves- tigates and evaluates interpersonal “crimes” and judges the behavior of the individuals involved, recently featured a story of letter carrier versus dog in the episode, “Postal Pooch.” In the dispute, a woman who owned a sickly dog that was known to bark at the letter carrier left her dog in the care of a friend when she went out of town. When the friend wasn’t paying atten- tion, the dog bolted out of the door, biting down hard on the carrier. It was a severe bite and the letter carrier required medical treatment. Due to her friend’s carelessness, the owner was ordered to pay a fine to the USPS and move the mailbox farther away from the house to the end of the driveway. The owner agreed, moved the box, and paid the fine. However, the manager of the post office was not satis- fied. She decided to halt all mail deliv- ery to the woman’s home, so she had to

The Postal Record 19 August 2024

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