August 2024 Postal Record

the door hit her, knocking her to the ground. When this happened, both of her legs were in the path of the truck. “In a situation like this, there was no thinking—just reaction,” Wilburg said. Wilburg dropped everything and ran to drag the woman from underneath the vehicle. He then jumped inside, slamming on the brakes and putting it into park as it nearly smashed into the gate of the parking lot. After saving the woman, the car- rier went into the post office to let his supervisor and postmaster know what had occurred. “Not even 20 minutes after the situ- ation occurred, the lady returned to the post office to find me on my route to thank me multiple times and say, ‘God Bless you for saving my life,’ ” Wilburg said. She’s not the only one who com- mended him. While telling his story to his mom, she told him that “I was her ‘hero,’ ” he said. Carrier helps customer during medical emergency One day on her route in April, Royal Oak, MI Branch 3126 carrier Tammy Sporer rang the doorbell on a couple’s door. She did this nearly every day be- cause “they are older, they are retired, they’re usually home,” She said. That day there was no answer, which the 22-year carrier found odd. Sporer set the package down in front of the door and put the mail in the mailbox. She started walking down the sidewalk, which went from the front door to the driveway. When she was almost at the driveway, she heard their dog bark and thought “someone’s got to be home.” So, she went back and saw her customer, Danny, going to pick up the package.

It fell out of his hand and Sporer said, “he kinda slumped.” “I grabbed him and said, ‘Are you OK?’ and he said, ‘I don’t feel so good,’ ” Sporer said. Sporer helped Danny into his house and called his wife, who is a retired nurse. She was only a few minutes away, so they waited for her and when she arrived, she decided that they needed to go to the hospital. Sporer said Danny later told her that he had spent three days in the hospital with issues from a heart- related condition. “He’s doing great now,” Sporer said of her customer. “It’s a relief knowing I could help.” PR

Tammy Sporer with Danny and his dog

The Postal Record 15 August 2024

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