August 2024 Postal Record


Deadline: This form must be returned to NALC Headquarters no later than December 31, 2024. DONELON SCHOLARSHIPS DOHERTY

In honor of NALC’s president from 1941 to 1962, the William C. Doherty Scholar- ship Fund will again award five $4,000 scholarships to chil- dren of members in good standing. The John T. Donelon Scholarship Fund will award one schol- arship in honor of Donelon, longtime NALC assistant to the president. Applicants must be high school seniors and must meet all of the follow- ing eligibility criteria to be considered.

Eligibility • Applicant must be the son, daughter or legally adopted child of a letter carrier NALC member in good standing— active, retired or deceased. Stepchildren and grandchil‑ dren are eligible if they live with the letter carrier in a regular parent‑child relationship. • Applicant’s parent must be a member in good standing of NALC for at least one year prior to making application. • Applicant must be a high school senior when making application and must submit the form provided at right, signed by the NALC member and an officer of the mem‑ ber’s NALC branch. This form must be returned to NALC Headquarters by December 31, 2024. Requirements • All applicants must take the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT) in either their junior or senior year. A copy of the official scores from the administering or‑ ganization must be received at NALC Headquarters by midnight, March 31, 2025. (Computer-generated print‑ outs of test scores will not be accepted.) • All biographical question‑ naires and secondary school reports must be received at NALC Headquarters by mid‑ night, March 31, 2025. Regulations • Scholarship is to be used toward pursuing undergradu‑

ate degree at an accredited college of recipient’s choice. • Winners may accept other college scholarship assis‑ tance in addition to the NALC award. • Any change of schools or course of study must be done only with the permission of the NALC Scholarship Com‑ mittee. • A transcript of grades must be forwarded to the commit‑ tee at the end of each school year. • If winner suffers certified serious illness, scholarship will be held in abeyance for not more than one year. • If unusual conditions are going to require an inter‑ ruption in schooling, recipi‑ ent must state reason(s) in writing to the Scholarship Committee and request that the scholarship be held in abeyance. Request(s) will be reviewed by the Committee and a decision rendered. • If the NALC member is sus‑ pended by his/her local NALC branch or enters supervision, scholarship will be canceled. Terms of awards • The official scholarship judges will award one Wil‑ liam C. Doherty Scholarship in each of the five USPS Regions and one John T. Do‑ nelon Scholarship. Winners are judged on the basis of secondary school records, personal qualifications and test scores. As in the past, the scholarship judges will consist of experienced per‑ sons in the educational field. Decisions of the judges will be final.

• Doherty Scholarship awards will be $4,000 per year and the Donelon Scholarship award will be $1,000 per year. Each scholarship is renewable for three consecutive years there‑ after providing the winner maintains satisfactory grades. Award money will be deposited annually with the college. It will be credited to the winner’s ac‑ count to be drawn upon under the rules and regulations which the college has established for handling scholarship funds. Award money is to be used for required college fees, including room and board and transporta‑ tion fees. • Children of NALC national officers are not eligible.

Date_ ______________________ (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Please send instructions as to how I can compete for a scholarship award. I am a senior in the 2024-25 school year. I am the of letter carrier _______________________________________________ of Branch No.___________ City___________________ State_ ______ My name is_________________________________________________ My address is_______________________________________________ City________________________ State_____________ ZIP_________ Phone No.___________________ ___________________________ Signature of branch officer __________________________ __________________________ Signature of NALC parent member Printed name of branch officer • active • retired •deceased •daughter •stepdaughter* •granddaughter* • son •stepson* •grandson * SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Title Date This form must be returned no later than Dec. 31, 2024, to the NALC Scholarship Committee, in care of the National Association of Letter Carriers, 100 Indiana Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20001-2144. * Stepchildren and grandchildren are eligible if they live with the letter carrier in a regular parent‑child relationship. ______ ______ ______ ______ Last 4 digits of Social Security No. __________________________ (or spouse if deceased)

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