August 2024 Postal Record

August 5-9, 2024 Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

transition. These charging stations, made by one of three manufactur- ers, are being installed in delivery units throughout the Postal Service for use on the NGDV and the Ford e-Transit, a left-hand drive electric van. All new vehicles, regardless of electrification, will include air con- ditioning and advanced safety tech- nology. On May 31, 2024, the first four NGDVs were deployed to the Ath- ens, GA, S&DC. These vehicles, which are all gas-powered, will be integrated into the delivery fleet once the city letter carriers have received the proper familiarization and training. As production of the NGDV proceeds through the end of the year, more vehicles will be de- ployed to delivery units across the country. In August of 2024, the first battery electric vehicles will be pro- duced and integrated into the deliv- ery fleet to replace the aging Long Life Vehicles (LLVs) and Flex-Fuel Vehicles (FFVs). Our goal has always been to en- sure that the Postal Service acquires a delivery vehicle that provides a safe and improved ergonomic work- ing environment for letter carriers while providing sufficient space to accommodate the current volume of parcels and mail. The DFA plan also includes other goals, some that do not relate to the city carrier craft, and some that have not yet begun. These include the simplification of shipping prod- ucts, transformation of the process- ing network through the creation of regional processing and distribu- tion centers (RPDCs) and local pro- cessing centers (LPCs), and seeking changes to how USPS retirement funds are invested to increase earn- ings. As you can see, the plan is am- bitious. Central to its success is investment in the network and the people of the Postal Service. Such large-scale investment is taking place while USPS finances remain in the red. While the pre-funding mandate was repealed and parcels infused a new source of revenue

tions being completed in the facil- ity. Every two weeks, NALC meets with USPS to discuss the ongoing implementation of S&DCs and to discuss any issues affecting the movement of city letter carriers. Any issues or concerns regarding the S&DCs, whether due to a visit by NALC representatives or raised from the local branches, are dis- cussed during these biweekly meetings. As USPS continues to open S&DCs, NALC will remain involved and in discussion with the Postal Service on the status of S&DC implementation, the im- pact on the city carrier craft, and to resolve any issues that can be anticipated or arise Next Generation Delivery Vehicles To meet the needs of a changing mail mix and improve the safety and working conditions for letter carri- ers, one of the DFA plan’s elements is the replacement of the Postal Service’s aging delivery fleet. Since the beginning of this pro- cess over a decade ago, NALC has played an integral role in the design of the NGDV. During regular meet- ings with USPS representatives from engineering, safety, delivery operations and labor relations, as well as with employees of Osh- kosh Defense, NALC has raised the concerns voiced by letter carriers across the country about the cur- rent fleet and what is needed in a new vehicle. In December 2022, USPS an- nounced plans to acquire 106,000 vehicles through 2028. This acqui- sition would include at least 45,000 battery electric-powered NGDVs, and 21,000 additional electric- powered commercial off-the-shelf vehicles. All NGDVs deployed from 2026 onward and all commercial- off-the-shelf vehicles added be- tween 2026 and 2028 are expected to be 100 percent electric. In Febru- ary 2023, USPS awarded contracts for more than 14,000 charging sta- tions to create the infrastructure necessary to support this fleet

26 The Postal Record August 2024

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