August 2024 Postal Record


ment funds: The Civil Service Retire- ment System, the Federal Employees Retirement System, and the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund. Currently, these funds are invested solely in low-yield Treasury bonds, causing the agency to miss out on millions of dollars of potential annual returns. We are proposing that the Postal Service be allowed to adopt private- sector best practices by diversify- ing its investment portfolios with stocks and bonds through Thrift Savings Plan-style index funds. This sensible and fiscally respon- sible change would yield greater returns and ultimately reduce the cost of pensions and retiree health benefits shouldered by the agency, its employees, and even mailers in the form of rate increases. We have had productive conversa- tions with Capitol Hill leaders, and we are hopeful about the prospect of a legislative solution that would allow the Postal Service to reinvest. Similarly, for more than 50 years, the Postal Service has faced a glar- ing misallocation of retirement fund obligations, resulting in more than $90 billion in unjust expenses. NALC has continually engaged the current and previous presidential administrations on this issue. We are evaluating all our options to fi- nally get a fair pension reallocation for the Postal Service. Priority legislation Since our last convention in Chi- cago, a wave of violent crime and assaults against our members has continued to heighten. Since 2020, more than 2,000 crimes have been committed against letter carriers na- tionwide. In 2023, 650 letter carriers were victims of crimes, a 30 percent increase from the year prior. As NALC began investigating these crimes, we were alarmed to find that very few of these cases were pros- ecuted at the federal level. This inac- tion sparked something in our mem- bers, and in the last year more than 15 branches and regions nationwide

Volume 136/Number 5

May 2023

In this issue President’s Message National Officers 24 Branch Election Notices 50 Branch Items 52 1


The monthly journal of the

NALC’s agenda: P Social Security Fairness Act

P Federal Retirement Fairness Act P Segal Report recommendations P New investment strategy for USPS retirement funds

—PAGES 8-13

have rallied to declare “Enough is Enough!” I have traveled coast to coast to join our members at rallies to raise awareness about this grow- ing problem. The solidarity at these events has been unmatched, and we have spread the message across the country that any assault on a letter carrier is unacceptable. In addition to public awareness, federal legislation is the next step to deter these crimes from happen- ing. Earlier this year, Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Greg Lands- man (D-OH), and Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Josh Haw- ley (R-MO) introduced the Protect Our Letter Carriers Act (H.R. 7629/ S. 4356). This bill would deter these crimes from happening by replac- ing and securing postal infrastruc- ture, ensuring every crime against a letter carrier is prosecuted, and strengthening sentencing guide- lines for those who are found guilty of these crimes.

The Postal Record 29 August 2024

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