August 2024 Postal Record


submit comments if deemed nec- essary. The USPS Board of Governors (BOG) is another oversight body that is responsible for overseeing the executive management of USPS. It consists of nine members who are appointed by the president. No more than five members can be affiliated with the president’s political party. There have been two vacancies on the BOG since December 2023, when Captain Lee Moak and Wil- liam Zollars’s terms expired. Both Postmaster General DeJoy and Dep- uty Postmaster General Doug Tu- lino serve on the BOG. In addition, Roman Martinez is the chairman and Amber McReynolds is the vice chairwoman. Robert Duncan, Anton Hajjar, Derek Kan, Ronald Stroman and Daniel Tangherlini serve in the remaining seats. In March, President Biden an- nounced his intent to nominate for- mer Department of Labor Secretary Marty Walsh to the vacant Demo- cratic seat on the BOG. Typically, an administration sends a Republican and a Democratic nominee to the Senate at the same time for consid- eration. President Biden has yet to announce his intent someone for the vacant Republican seat. NALC will continue to remain en- gaged with both the PRC and the BOG to ensure that letter carriers’ perspectives are considered as they make decisions that could affect our work or the Postal Service. Political update Growing the Letter Carrier Political Fund Our legislative successes have always hinged on our ability to work with legislators in both par- ties and a broad coalition of allies to take advantage of the public’s overwhelming support for the Postal Service. This ability will be central to our success in the future. One way to increase our ability to do so is to grow our political action

committee, the Letter Carrier Po- litical Fund (LCPF). The money we raise to support pro- letter carrier candidates in both par- ties—and to finance extensive get- out-the-vote efforts with our allies in the AFL-CIO—is essential to making our voices heard in Washington. In the years ahead, we aim to build on the recent success of the LCPF. We

In this issue President’s Message 1 Branch Election Notices 98

Volume 136/Number 2

February 2023

Special Letter Carrier Political Fund issue



Note: By making a contribution to the Letter Carrier Political Fund, you are doing so vol- untarily with the understanding that your contribution is not a condition of membership in the National Association of Letter Carriers or of employment by the Postal Service, nor is it part of union dues. You have a right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal. The Letter Carrier Political Fund will use the money it receives to contribute to candi- dates for federal office and undertake other political spending as permitted by law. Your selection shall remain in full force and effect until canceled. Contributions to the Letter Carrier Political Fund are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Federal law prohibits the Letter Carrier Political Fund from soliciting contributions from indi- viduals who are not NALC members, executive and administrative staff or their families. Any contribution received from such an individual will be refunded to that contributor.

The Postal Record 31 August 2024

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