August 2024 Postal Record


T he Executive Council is the gov- erning body of the NALC between national conventions and is re- sponsible for determining the direc- tion of the union. In accordance with Article 9, Section 11 of the NALC Con- stitution , the council consists of the president, executive vice president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, assistant secretary-treasurer, direc- tor of city delivery, director of safety and health, director of life insur- ance, director of the health benefit plan, director of retired members, the board of trustees and the nation- al business agents. As of May 30, 2024, the Coun- cil had convened twenty-one (21) times since the 2022 national con- vention, with additional meetings scheduled prior to the 73rd Biennial Convention in Boston. Meetings of the council are an important opportunity for national officers and key staff to focus on the important issues facing letter carriers. NALC leaders learn about the latest developments from the field and tackle significant issues of national importance. Often, staff members in attendance will report on departmental activities. By meeting as a group, Executive Council members gain the perspec- tive needed to make important deci- sions on behalf of the membership. Here is a summary of the council meetings that took place during the past two years: May 24-27, 2022 (Washington, DC): The council discussed in detail the provisions of the Postal Reform Act of 2022, which was signed into law on April 6 by President Biden, and other legislative priorities. The council received information regarding the USPS’s intention to rescind the face covering policy and has declined to renew the COVID-19 related MOUs. COVID-19 protocols at the upcoming national convention including other convention items were discussed. The council adopted several amendments to be presented at the 2022 national convention and discussed and made recommendations of approval or dis- approval on resolutions and amend- Executive Council

ments to the NALC Constitution for submission to the convention. The council was notified of a newly created position providing for letter carriers to replace field secretaries in the region- al offices. The council also elected the Nalcrest officers, June 22, 2022 (video conference): The council discussed and made recommendations of approval or disapproval on all resolutions and amendments to the NALC Constitu- tion for submission to the 2022 na- tional convention. Aug. 3-5 and 8-12, 2022 (Chicago, IL): President Fredric V. Rolando an- nounced the appointment of Direc- tor of Safety and Health Manuel L. Peralta Jr. to the Federal Advisory Committee – Occupational Safety and Health. The council discussed the additional resolutions received since the last meeting for recom- mendations of approval or disap- proval. The council was advised that NALC is working on data in prepara- tion for discussions with the USPS about how the Sorting and Delivery Centers will be structured. The coun- cil was provided with a legislative and political update. The council au- thorized the purchase of property for the purpose of housing the Region 11 national business agent’s office. Nov. 29, 2022 (video conference): The council passed a resolution concerning the rates for the NALC Health Benefit Plan for employees and staff, based on the staff plan actuary’s analysis. Dec. 13-14, 2022 (Washington, DC): The council was informed of the expiration of the term for Board of Governor Lee Moak and efforts to have him reappointed. President Fredric V. Rolando discussed with the council the Segal Report and the financial impact the recalcula- tion of the CSRS retirement liability would have on the Postal Service. The council also received a political and legislative report, an update on the status of the Step AA pay dis- pute and had discussions on the commitment from the USPS to cre- ate a task force to address crimes against postal employees.

The Postal Record 37 August 2024 June 29, 2023 (Washington, DC): The council discussed the 2024 presidential election and the en- dorsement of the Biden-Harris tick- et by the AFL-CIO. The council was provided with a legal report and a May 20, 2023 (video conference): Executive Vice President Paul Barn- er provided the council with an up- date on collective bargaining and the status of the potential purchase of property in California to house the Region 1 national business agent’s office. Jan 24-26, 2023 (Marietta, GA): The council was provided an up- date on the Vote At Home initiative as well as a political and legislative update. Negotiating priorities were discussed with the council. The council was also provided with di- versity training. Feb. 22-23, 2023 (Washington, DC): The council was assigned bar- gaining subcommittees and the topics they would be discussing in preparation for negotiations with the USPS for the collective bar- gaining agreement. An update was provided to the council concerning the activities of the Disaster Relief Foundation. A litigation report was provided by legal counsel as well as a legislative and political update. President Brian L. Renfroe dis- cussed with the council initiatives to increase contributions to the Let- ter Carrier Political Fund. April 18, 2023 (video conference): Executive Vice President Paul Barner provided the council with an update on the status of contract negotiations. The council was also given an update on the potential purchase of property in California to house the Region 1 na- tion business agent’s office. May 12, 2023 (video conference): Executive Vice President Paul Barn- er informed the council that a team headed up by Director of Safety and Health Manuel L. Peralta Jr. was tasked to study safety and health concerns related to the implemen- tation of the Sorting and Delivery Centers. The council was also pro- vided with an update on collective bargaining efforts.

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