August 2024 Postal Record

August 5-9, 2024 Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

legislative and political update. The council also discussed heat safety and past litigation involving the U.S. Department of Labor and the Occu- pational Safety and Health Agency. July 24, 2023 (video conference): President Brian L. Renfroe provided an updated to the council on collec- tive bargaining efforts. The council also discussed the HIPP training issues, crimes against postal em- ployees and the likelihood of a labor strike by the Teamsters against UPS. Aug. 29, 2023 (Washington, DC): An update was provided to the council on the potential purchase of property in California to house the Region 1 national business agent’s office as well as the potential pur- chase of property in Texas to house the Region 10 national business agent’s office. An update on con- tract negotiations was provided by President Brian L. Renfroe. Sept. 19, 2023 (video conference): President Brian L. Renfroe provided an update on collective bargaining efforts. The council discussed the vacancy status on the Board of Gov- ernors as Governor Lee Moak would not be renominated. The council was notified of potential legislation ad- dressing crimes against postal em- ployees likely to be introduced in the House of Representatives. The council was provided with an agen- da for the national rap session. The council discussed efforts to create a new steward training platform in an “e-learning” type format and emer- gency response training designed to educate teams on how to respond to

emergencies that affect members. Oct. 18, 2023 (video conference): The council elected the officers of Nalcrest and considered reports from the Convention Site Commit- tee concerning selection of the sites for the 2028 and 2030 national con- ventions. The council voted to have the 2028 national convention in Minneapolis and the 2030 national convention in Honolulu. Oct. 27, 2023 (video conference): President Brian L. Renfroe provided the council with an update on col- lective bargaining efforts, legisla- tion to address crimes against post- al employees and rallies for letter carrier safety. Nov. 16-17, 2023 (New Orleans, LA): The council reviewed the agenda for the national rap session and the topics for the workshops. The council was provided with an update on the states of the “e-learning” steward training and emergency response training. President Brian L. Renfroe introduced the women’s mentoring and diversity inclusion committee concepts. The council discussed ef- forts to address Step B and arbitra- tion backlogs. The council was also provided legislative and political, Board of Governors and collective bargaining updates as well as the status of the possible purchase or property in Texas to house the Region 10 national business agent’s office. Dec. 18, 2023 (video conference): The council passed a resolution concerning the rates for the NALC Health Benefit Plan for employees and staff, based on the staff plan representation, and a fair contract. I myself was a letter carrier for five- plus years and know the demands of the job. I appreciate their dedica- tion and hard work. The Auxiliary members attend workshops at their state capitols, along with other public meetings. We have the opportunity to hear lectures from our elected officials.

actuary’s analysis. Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2024 (Nalcrest, FL): The council acknowledged the cel- ebration of the 60th anniversary of Nalcrest and reviewed the associ- ated activities. Brian L. Renfroe pro- vided an update on collective bar- gaining and discussed the interest arbitration process. The council was provided with an overview of nation- al arbitration hearing involving the PostalEase hack issue. The council was provided with an update on the emergency response training, the status of the Segal Report, the Board of Governors and Postal Regulatory Commission as well as the crime leg- islation. The council was also updat- ed on the women’s mentoring and the diversity and inclusion commit- tees and was provided with a legal report from legal counsel. April 26, 2024 (Washington, DC): An overview of the IT infrastructure was provided to the council by the di- rector of network operations with dis- cussion regarding system upgrades. May 29-30, 2024 (Washington, DC): The council was provided an update on the Emergency Response Team training and the activities of the ERT since. The council was pro- vided with a legal report from legal counsel. The council discussed and made recommendations of approv- al or disapproval on amendments to the NALC Constitution for submis- sion to the 2024 national conven- tion. The council also discussed the Dispute Resolution Process and im- provements that resulted from joint meetings with the USPS. Our Auxiliary members also attend rallies in support of letter carriers. At this convention, we hope to continue to find ways to better the lives of letter carriers and their fam- ilies. Again, welcome to Boston. Have a wonderful time. In solidarity, Cynthia Martinez

The president of the NALC Auxiliary H ello convention delegates! I am so excited to be here in Boston again. I am Cynthia

38 The Postal Record August 2024 Martinez, president of our NALC Auxiliary. The Auxiliary has been my passion for a number of years. I joined 35 years ago. Our mission is to fight for letter carriers. This includes their well-being, their working conditions, their right to

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