August 2024 Postal Record


material. The IC can supply, when asked, the changing language of a section of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), Handbook M-41, or other postal document going back to its origin. Branches needing support for arbitration, as well as Headquarters officers and staff, have access to this informa- tion through the IC. In addition to official USPS documents, the IC has

an extensive collection of postal-re- lated books and government docu- ments, ranging from past President Doherty’s Mailman USA to a com- plete set of Government Account- ability Office studies on postal is- sues to recently published studies of the Postal Service. Increasingly, digital access is part of the IC, as digital subscriptions to larger online archives of materi- to send donations, supplies, uni- forms and other assistance to their brothers and sisters affected by natural disasters. “The foundation is ready to provide rapid help for our affected brothers and sisters,” Renfroe said. “But it can’t do its job without our support.” Donations should be sent to NALC Disaster Relief Foundation, 100 Indiana Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20001-2144. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and your contribution may be tax de- ductible. It is recommended that you seek further advice from your tax ad- visor. All donations from letter carri- ers, branches and state associations go directly to NALC members who need assistance—no administrative costs are deducted. Any NALC mem- ber who has faced hardship as a re- sult of a natural disaster or wildfire can apply for assistance by complet- ing the Application for Relief Grant available on the Foundation’s web page at “If you have not donated yet, please help your fellow letter carri- ers affected by a natural disaster,” Renfroe said. “Let’s all donate to the Disaster Relief Foundation now so that it can be ready when disas- ter strikes.” The DRF received more than $881,950.16 worth of donations, from June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2024. • Headquarters: $525,100.00

als replace physical subscriptions. Digital access is also a goal for scanning projects happening with IC materials to allow officers and staff to use the IC materials wherev- er and whenever they may need to for research and to assist members. The IC staff is always happy to an- swer reference questions, or do re- search projects, by drawing on the unique materials it has available.

Disaster Relief Foundation A t the 2018 national convention in Detroit, the creation of the NALC Disaster Relief Founda-

2022 Hurricane—FL Flooding—MO

tion (DRF) was announced to the delegates in attendance. The mis- sion of the foundation is to respond to the far-too-often occurrences of devastating natural disasters by providing relief to alleviate the suf- fering of affected NALC members. NALC branches and members re- main determined to provide aid to members who are affected by these disasters. When a disaster strikes, DRF of- ficers and directors quickly identify carriers who are affected and give them aid as soon as possible. The aid might include supplies such as water, food, clothing and postal uniform items. Working closely with local branch leaders, the DRF helps members whose homes are unin- habitable find temporary housing and transportation, as well as apply for DRF grants. The DRF is structured so that when a natural disaster occurs, an as- sessment can be made quickly and then followed up with much-need- ed relief for our affected members. Since being established, hundreds of individual donors, branches and state associations have pitched in to help the foundation build its ca- pacity to assist regular NALC mem- bers in need. Through the NALC Disaster Relief Foundation, NALC is answering the call from branches and individual members who wanted a mechanism

2023 Flooding—IL, WV, MI, NJ Wildfires—HI, WA Hurricanes—FL, CA, PR Windstorms—TN, MI Tornado—GA 2024 Tornadoes—NY, OK, KY Wildfires—NM

• State: $25,958.58 • Region: $8,723.50 • Others: $43,405.77

The Postal Record 43 August 2024 The eligibility requirements are outlined in the application. The foundation’s board of directors will consider the applications and issue grants on an objective basis to eli- gible individuals as funds are avail- able. Members do not have to wait for emergency relief or insurance claims to be settled to apply for aid. Applications must be received no later than 120 days after the date when the natural disaster occurred, unless the applicant can provide sufficient reasons for the delay. The DRF also provided more than $643,900 worth of grants and other assistance for the storms shown above.

• Members: $105,428.31 • Branches: $173,334.00

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