August 2024 Postal Record


and discusses com- munications and me- dia issues in his Let- ter from the Editor in the magazine . Dine also helps formulate and carry out the union’s communica- tions strategy, while interacting daily (and often nightly) with the news media on issues of importance to letter carriers, the Postal Service and the labor movement. He works with national officers on their me- dia appearances and speeches, while also helping letter carriers around the country write letters or com- mentary pieces or prepare for in- terviews. Shea, who has been with NALC since 2002, has duties that in- clude coordinating with other Headquarters departments and national officers to produce print materials, most notably The Postal Record. Along with assigning story ideas and writing articles for the magazine, he handles its design, layout and production schedule. Shea also serves as the union’s chief photographer at most major events. Writer/Editor Hodges was hired in 2010. An experienced scribe, he has produced a multitude of well- received news and feature stories for The Postal Record , including several about the contributions of letter carriers at the community and national levels. He also is in- volved in the editing and layout of The Postal Record’s large Branch Items section. Wagner joined the staff in 2007 as editorial assistant, becoming a writer/editor in 2018. She relies on her substantial knowledge of NALC and her editing skills to per- form her current job as a writer of a variety of news and feature stories for The Postal Record and other Printing Postage Total Printing Postage Total Printing Postage*

Journalists who were simply re- citing the conventional wisdom about the Postal Service often now display the knowledge—and willingness—to delve beyond press releases, preconceived no- tions and special-interest advo- cacy statements and get at the actual situation, while frequently including NALC’s perspective and comments. Along with constant contact with news organizations and in- teraction with members around the country as they deal with the media, the Communications and Media Relations Department also helps write speeches for national officers. We provide advice for our political and legislative efforts in terms of effective communications strategies and practices. We work on NALC advertising campaigns that spread our message in print or in broadcast media. And we work with our allies, whether individu- als or groups, to help them get the message out. Meet the department The Communications and Media Relations Department staff cur- rently consists of six individuals: • Philip Dine, the department’s director and the union’s media liaison. • Mike Shea, The Postal Record managing editor. • Rick Hodges, a writer and edi- tor. • Jenessa Kildall Wagner, a writer and editor. • Sarah Eccleston, the editorial assistant. • Sarah Thomas, the digital com- munications specialist. These six staff members provide most of the story-idea generation, research, interviewing, writing, ed- iting, copy editing, photography, design, layout and production for department projects. As director since 2010, Dine’s work encompasses a broad spec- trum. He edits The Postal Record


4/22 to 3/24 $3,238,293 $2,595,178 $5,833,472

$2,441,356 $1,914,366 $4,355,722

Number of issues




4/22 to 3/24


-- 2

Number of issues


4/22 to 3/24 $135,297 $396,590 $531,887

$103,031 $224,200* $327,231

Number of issues 26 *The NALC Bulletin and the NALC Activist share a USPS postage account, so the postage cost here is estimated. 17

The Postal Record 47 August 2024 Thomas began working at NALC in 2023. As a digital communica- tions specialist, she helps man- age NALC’s social media accounts by creating original content, spot- lighting NALC members, bringing attention to issues relevant to let- ter carriers, managing the calen- dar, and reporting on metrics. Her role also includes working with other Headquarters departments to update the NALC’s website with new web content. Additionally, she helps photograph NALC events and produces various audio and visual projects. publications. Wagner produces the popular series of features on letter carriers’ interesting hobbies. She also handles the State Summaries and Retiree Reports sections of the magazine, as well as other editing and layout duties. Eccleston became the editorial assistant for The Postal Record in December 2023. For each month’s Postal Record she writes, research- es and conducts interviews for human interest stories, the Proud to Serve section and the internet news section. She is also involved in laying out the magazine and various other communications-re- lated tasks.

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