August 2024 Postal Record


sharing events held by UNI Global Union, the global federation of unions to which NALC is affiliated. NALC belongs to UNI’s Post & Logis- tics sector, along with many other unions that represent workers from national postal systems in their home countries, as well as some unions that represent workers for private delivery companies like UPS, DHL and Amazon. In August, NALC hosted two UNI Global Union Post & Logistics com- mittee meetings at our Headquar- ters. On the first day, the World Post & Logistics Committee met. One of the most interesting sessions was about efforts to organize last-mile drivers at private companies like Amazon. National postal systems around the world are all seeing in- creased competition from new de- livery companies. On the second day, the Americas Post & Logistics Committee met and discussed is- sues concerning postal unions in North and South America. Topics included postal worker health and safety, the increase in gig work in the sector, and the challenge of au- tomation. Following the Post & Logistics meetings, several NALC officers and staff attended the UNI World Wom-

en’s Congress and the UNI World Congress in Philadelphia, PA. These global meetings are held every four years and, much like the NALC con- vention, function to set the agenda for the federation for the next sev- eral years through the passage of resolutions and strategic work plans. Union representatives from 400-plus unions in 109 countries joined together to pass resolutions asserting workers’ rights to collec- tive bargaining, healthy and safe workplaces, decent work in a global economy that is rapidly changing due to technology, and work that is not managed by algorithm or an- other digital interface. Delegates also affirmed the labor movement’s commitment to gender equality, building a sustainable future, fight- ing racism and other forms of dis- crimination, and holding corpora- tions accountable for their actions. In October 2023, NALC research staff joined union representatives, Amazon workers, activists and ad- vocacy groups at The Summit to Make Amazon Pay in Manchester, England, to strategize how to tame Amazon’s power and make the company pay its fair share—to its workers and to governments. NALC joined the meetings as part of UNI PERF receives the majority of its contributions through payroll de- ductions authorized by postal em- ployees and other federal employ- ees during the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), although some individual and organizational donations are also received. As of June 13, 2024, the fund has a re- maining balance of $1,956,392.67. The PERF grant structure was modified after Hurricane Sandy, ef- fective Oct. 29, 2012, to maintain a stable and sufficient fund balance that is able to help all postal em- ployees well into the future. does, flooding, wildfires, home fires and other natural disasters.

The Postal Record 51 August 2024 Donations can be made via check made payable to “PERF” and sent to: Postal Employees’ Relief Fund, P.O. Box 41220, Fredericksburg, VA 22404-1220. Donations can also be made through the CFC; the CFC num- ber for PERF is 10268. For more infor- mation, call 202-408-1869, visit the PERF website at, or send an email to perf10268@aol. com. Generous contributions from postal employees and other donors through the CFC have allowed the fund to maintain a stable base of resources. An inspired effort for CFC donations is needed this fall to con- tinue PERF’s work. Global Union’s Amazon Alliance, which is a group of unions from around the world that have an inter- est in how Amazon is shaping and affecting their industries. The summit featured panels of experts discussing the ways Ama- zon uses its size and power to influ- ence markets and governments to increase its profits, as well as ways to limit this influence. The summit also prioritized time to discuss les- sons learned from actual organiz- ing efforts. Unlike the first Amazon Alliance meeting that NALC Research De- partment staff attended in 2019, where little progress had been made in addressing Amazon’s im- mense power, this meeting showed how much work has been done in the few years since. In addition to some small, yet still significant, or- ganizing wins, the public narrative around the company has shifted. Media coverage and the public now understand the exploitative and predatory aspects of the company. This is thanks in large part to the many unions, community groups and advocacy organizations that have come together to shed light on Amazon’s poor labor and business practices.

Postal Employees’ Relief Fund (PERF) T he Postal Employees’ Relief Fund (PERF) was created in 1990 to help carriers, clerks, and other active and retired postal employees rebuild after a major natural disaster.

PERF continues to serve the needs of active and retired postal employ- ees, whose home, as a result of a major natural disaster, suffered substantial damage. Over the 34 years that the PERF has existed, it has provided grants to 4,650 postal employees and re- tirees, providing $22,833,200 to individuals—including hundreds of letter carriers—who have requested assistance related to losses from earthquakes, hurricanes, torna-

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