August 2024 Postal Record


which is designed to allow postal and federal government employees the ability to make charitable dona- tions through payroll deduction. Pledges made by donors during the campaign season support eli- gible nonprofit organizations cho- sen by the donor. Postal and federal government employees can choose the charity or group of charities they want to support from a list of more than 2,000 eligible charities. NALC is directly involved in two charities: • The Muscular Dystrophy Asso- ciation (MDA, CFC No. 10561) is NALC’s only official charity. It is the world’s leading nonprofit health organization sponsoring research Veterans Group V eterans of the U.S. armed forc- es comprise almost a quarter of the membership of the National Association of Letter Carriers—ac- tive NALC members as well as retired members. These veterans traded their mili- tary uniforms for letter carrier uni- forms, and they continue to serve their communities and this great nation. Oftentimes, gratitude is ex- pressed in words such as “thank you,” but it’s rarely followed up with any tangible expressions. The creation of the NALC Veterans Group is intended to be something tangible and useful. The NALC Veterans Group is de- signed to provide NALC members who are military veterans access to the information and tools specific to veterans’ rights and benefits within the U.S Postal Service. It seeks to provide all NALC members who are also military veterans—active full- time and part-time letter carriers, as well as retired letter carriers—re- sources, rights information and a

into the causes of, and effective treatments for, neuromuscular diseases. MDA research grants support approximately 150 research projects worldwide, as well as camps and activities for children who have one of these diseases. • United Way Worldwide (CFC No. 11188) is the leadership and support organization for the network of nearly 1,800 community-based United Ways in 40 countries and territories. The United Way’s focus is creating community-based and community- led solutions that strengthen the cornerstones for a good quality of life: education, financial stability, and health. During the 2021 campaign, postal employees pledged $4,016,257 in sense of camaraderie. We have more than 19,850 vet- erans in our Veterans Group. The Veterans Group has done three projects since 2018: in Detroit, in Hawaii and in Chicago. The Veter- ans Group saluted all veterans at the 2022 NALC Biennial Convention in Chicago. Veterans Group mem- bers and family participated in the ruck march fundraising event on the shore of Lake Michigan. The event raised more than $26,000 in dona- tions to aid homeless veterans and to help empower other veterans to take control of their transitions to civilian living in the Chicago area. This year, we will be raising money for the New England Center and Home for Veterans (NECHV). Its mission is to equip veterans who are facing or are at risk of homelessness with the tools for economic self-sufficiency and to provide them a path to achieve successful and dignified indepen- dent living. A service and care pro- vider for former military service men and women, the NECHV offers

The Postal Record 55 August 2024 In 2023, charities covered by CFC raised a total of $2,803,536 from postal employees, including 2,134 hours of time spent by employees volunteering for the campaign, which equates to $46,843 in cash donations. This brings the overall total donations to $2,850,379. monetary donations and 6,651 hours of volunteer time, which equated to $128,178. These totals do not in- clude any donations received during the special solicitation period au- thorized by the Office of Personnel Management to help with the hu- manitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. This special period ran from April 18 to June 30, 2022. In 2022, postal employees pledged a total of $2,790,467 in monetary do- nations, including 2,649 volunteer hours, which equates to $62,400 in cash donations. a broad array of programs and ser- vices that enable success, reinte- gration, meaningful employment, and independent living. If you are interested in joining the group, please go to join-veterans. Alternatively, you may complete the sign-up card in- cluded in each issue of The Postal Record and return it to: NALC Vet- erans Group, National Association of Letter Carriers, 100 Indiana Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20001-2144.

Combined Federal Campaign N ALC has long been an enthu- siastic supporter of the Com- bined Federal Campaign (CFC),

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