August 2024 Postal Record

Doherty & Donelon Scholarships awarded Six children of NALC members to receive funding for college

S ix children of NALC members will receive NALC memorial scholarships in recognition of their academic achievements and com- munity involvement. One student from each of five geo- graphical regions was awarded $4,000 apiece from the William C. Doherty Scholarship Fund, and a sixth student will receive $1,000 from the John T. Donelon Scholarship. All six scholar- ships are renewable for three addi- tional years. The Doherty Scholarship was found- ed in 1962 to honor William Doherty, NALC’s president from 1941 to 1962. The winners for 2024 are: Central Region: Camieal Roberson Parent: Kieaunta Roberson, Indianap- olis, IN Branch 39 Quote: “I would like to lead a communi- ty-based life. Ideally, I would be a neona- tal nurse practitioner that connects with her patients and community on a daily basis. I might have a family with a few children, and we attend church weekly. I would need to consider my current fam- ily members and what area best suits the lifestyle that I want.” Plans: Roberson will enter North Caro- lina Agricultural and Technical State University this fall and plans to study science and pursue a career in nursing. Eastern Region: Samantha Grimm Parent: Brad Grimm, Pittsburgh, PA Branch 84 Quote: “My parents are the most influ- ential people in my life for a variety of reasons, but most notably for teaching me the importance of hard work. My father has been a letter carrier for 24 years, and my mother has been a regis- tered nurse for 28. Their dedication and commitment to their respective careers has instilled in me a profound under- standing of the value of hard work and

Seated (from l): Dale E. Bittinger, Dr. Georgia Booker and James B. Massey Jr. Standing (from l): Lawrence Kania and Carly A. Hook

cally for women in STEM, I can pay their efforts forward. By breaking down gender norms and stereotypes, they have inspired me to fearlessly pursue my passions while inspiring others to do the same.” Plans: Pandey will attend Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania this fall to study electrical engineering with a concentration in public policy and plans to become an electrical engineer. Southern Region: Kendall England Parent: Lori Beth England, Fayette- ville, TN Branch 1402 Quote: “My mother has been most influential in my life in various ways. Along with raising me, my mom has been my biggest supporter in all that I do, whether that be sports or school and anything else in between. She encourages me to try new things and place kindness above all else. Without her, I would not have a fraction of my academic success, I wouldn’t have found new interests through branching out, and I would not know the beauty of selflessness. My mom has exhibited pure selflessness my entire life and shown me its importance.” The Postal Record 5 August 2024

perseverance. Observing both of my parents lead with integrity, reliability, and a strong sense of purpose in the professions has left a profound impact on my work ethic. I am fortunate for their role modeling and their sacrifices to provide my sister and me with a life abundant in opportunities for success.” Plans: Grimm will enter Penn State University this fall and plans to major in business as she continues to foster her interest in statistics and numbers. Northeast Region: Shreya Pandey Parent: Sujata Pandey, Princeton, NJ Branch 268 Quote: “Female engineers have been profoundly influential in my life, as they broke barriers and paved the way for girls like myself to pursue careers in STEM. Their resilience and efforts have opened opportunities for me, and inspired me to create similar oppor- tunities for girls interested in STEM within my local community. Through transforming my high school’s Engi- neering Club into a safe space for girls through events and workshops and creating a YouTube channel where I produce educational content specifi-

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