August 2024 Postal Record


Doherty & Donelon Scholarships (continued) Plans: England will enter Jacksonville State University in Alabama this fall to study either elementary education or pre-med, with her future vocational plans being either an elementary edu- cation teacher or a physical therapist. Western Region: Philip Liu Parent: Hai Lin Liu, Santa Rosa, CA Branch 183 The winner is: Brianna Boyd Parent: Benjie Boyd, Mentor, OH Branch 4195 Quote: “My sister serves as my inspira- tion for my future goals and ambitions. 15 scholarships at $800 per year, each for a total of $3,200 per scholarship. The Doherty Scholarship has changed to provide for five scholarships, with an increase in the amount to $4,000 per year for a total of $16,000 per scholarship. The Donelon Scholarship provides for one scholarship in the amount of $1,000 per year for a total of $4,000 per scholarship.

As wholesome as this sounds, it is not as it seems. My sister chased her dreams, but wasn’t able to achieve them. When my sister was a senior in high school, she applied and was accepted for admission as an art major. However, my parents were unable to help with the financial situation. … The fear of chasing a risky career and failing as an adult forced me to re- search jobs that are higher in demand. This fear, however, has inspired my educational pathway. While I never fully let myself explore my unknown artistic abilities, I was eager to find the unknown in forensics. I ended up finding my dream and future goals in science through rigorous classes that aligned with forensics.” Plans: Boyd will enter Bowling Green State University in Ohio this fall to study forensic chemistry with plans to become a forensic toxicologist. The NALC Scholarship Committee met in late May at NALC Headquarters in Washington, DC. The committee is composed of Lawrence Kania of Buffalo-Western New York Branch 3 (chairperson), Kimetra Lewis of Dallas, TX Branch 132 and Carly Hook of Santa Clara, CA Branch 1427. The committee reviewed and evalu- ated each application. The committee released the following report: “This year marks the 62nd anniver- sary of the William C. Doherty Scholar- ship Program and the 21st anniversary of the John T. Donelon Scholarship. From the original grant of six scholar- ships in the amount of $500 per year in 1964, the Doherty program grew to

6 The Postal Record August 2024 John T. Donelon, longtime assistant to three NALC national presidents, was announced in 2003. Donelon’s wife, Louise, established the Do- nelon Scholarship as a bequest in her will. to work overtime hours as a mail- man; now, for the last 30 years, he’s paid off our home, raised my brother and I, and never once complained. … College was never an option for my mom, or my dad. Still, my parents have continued to pour their time and effort into supporting our family. To repay my greatest supporters, I hope to accomplish what my mother and father never had to opportunity to do: graduate with a degree.” Plans: Liu will attend University of California, Berkeley, this fall to pursue sports management, business and economics with the hopes of becoming an international sports agent. A scholarship honoring the late Quote: “In 20 years, I see myself as my family’s first college graduate. My parents have sacrificed so much for their families. For as long as he’s lived, my father has lived and breathed work ethic. When my dad immigrated to America as a 12-year- old, he worked eight hours daily at a restaurant every year until he graduated high school in order to pay off his family’s debts. He bypassed community college after a semester

The Doherty Scholarship Program of the National Association of Letter Carri- ers was authorized by the 43rd Biennial Convention meeting in 1962 in Denver, CO. The program was named after Presi- dent William C. Doherty, who retired at the 1962 convention after serving 21 years as the national president. Past President Doherty died on Aug. 9, 1987. The John T. Donelon Scholarship program was established in 2003. Brother Donelon was assistant to three NALC presidents and died in 1985. His widow ensured that his wishes to do- nate to the NALC scholarship program were carried out upon her passing. While state associations, branches, auxiliaries, and individual members contributed to the Doherty fund in its early days, its first important financing resulted from a dinner the union spon- sored on Oct. 23, 1963, commemorating the centennial of free delivery service in the United States. Over the years since its establishment, every segment of our membership has been generous in supporting the program. Our committee commends President Renfroe and the NALC Executive Coun- cil, as well as preceding presidents and councils, for their progressive thinking that has resulted in educa- tional opportunities for the children of our membership. With this report, we are pleased to announce that since its inception,

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