August 2024 Postal Record

Election Notices

Aiea-Pearl City, Hawaii Branch 4682 will hold nomina- tions for the election of the following officers: president, vice president/ trustee, recording secretary/trustee, fi- nancial secretary/treasurer, sergeant- at-arms/trustee and health benefits representative. Nominations will be at the regular branch meeting at 5 p.m. on Oct. 10 at 850 Kamehameha Highway, Suite 110, Pearl City. Candidates must accept nomina- tions in person or, if absent, in writing, for only one office. The terms of office will begin Jan. 1, 2025, for two years. The candidate elected president shall be a delegate to the national/state conventions that take place during their term. The election will be by secret ballot at a special Branch meeting from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 13 at 850 Kame- hameha Highway, Suite 110, Pearl City. Any member who is unable to vote on Nov. 13 may request an absentee ballot in writing to: Election Commit- tee, Branch 4682, P.O. Box 52, Pearl City, HI 96782. Requests must be re- ceived no later than 3 p.m. on Nov. 1. Requests must include: member’s printed name, address, signature. For an absentee ballot to be valid, the sig- nature on the request must be verified and match the signature on the absen- tee ballot envelope. Kristine Fiatoa, Pres., Br. 4682 Albuquerque, New Mexico This is official notice of nomination and election of Branch 504 officers and delegates to the New Mexico State As- sociation of Letter Carriers 2025 state convention. Nominations will be opened for the offices of president, vice president, recording secretary, treasurer, health benefits representative, five trustees and sergeant-at-arms. The term of of- fice is two years for branch officers. Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the regular branch membership meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 18 at the union hall, located at 123 Quincy St. NE, Albuquerque. No candidate shall accept nomination for more than one branch officer position. Nominations for delegates for the 2025 New Mexico State Association of Letter Carriers convention will also be held on Sept. 18, as stated above. Nominations will be accepted two other ways: through email to connie-, or by mail- ing a letter of nomination to Connie Burns, Branch 504 Secretary, 124 Mon- roe St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108. All emails and letters must be received by 6 p.m. on Sept. 17. This is one day prior to the general meeting, and the branch will still take nominations from the floor, if necessary. No seconds will be required, and self-nominations will be permitted. Candidates are required to confirm in writing their willingness to serve if elected. If a candidate is unable to at- tend the branch membership meeting, please submit a letter accepting the nomination to the branch secretary prior to the meeting, or have a member hand-deliver it to the meeting. Only members in good standing can nominate and/or run for branch officer and/or state delegate. Members in good standing as of Sept. 18 will be eli-

kersfield. Any member who will be un- able to vote on Nov. 20 may obtain an absentee ballot by submitting a signed written request to: Election Committee, Golden Empire Branch 782, 2628 F St., Bakersfield, CA 93301, after nomina- tions have been closed but no later than Nov. 6. Write-in votes are not permitted. Of the delegates from the Bakers- field local area selected to attend the state convention, the requirements of eligibility for conventions funds will be: attendance at 10 of the 12 regular general meetings just prior to the state convention. Of the delegates selected from the outlying associate offices (ex- cess of 30 miles from Bakersfield), the requirements of eligibility for conven- tion funds shall be: attendance at least two meetings (any combination of reg- ular general meetings and/or quarterly area meetings) in the 12 months just prior to the state convention. Mike Towery, Pres., Br. 782 Bergen Co. Mgd., New Jersey This is official notice to all Branch 425 members of nominations and elec- tions. Nominations of candidates for all officers and trustees, along with the members in each station to nominate the primary shop steward(s), shall be made at the regular meeting on Oct. 8. A member must be of good stand- ing to accept nomination to office. The president will appoint alternate shop stewards. The term of office for all elected of- ficers, trustees and shop stewards of this branch shall be for three years, 2025 through 2027. The president shall appoint an elec- tion committee consisting of a chair- man and two tellers to conduct the election. They are to keep a record of the members voting, count ballots, and announce the results of the election at the Dec. 10 meeting. Elections will be by secret mail- in ballot. Ballots will be mailed to all members in good standing within three weeks of nominations. Ballots must be returned by mail, to the address desig- nated by the election committee, and postmarked no later than the Dec. 1. No “walk-in” ballots will be accepted under any circumstances. John Dudek, Sec.-Treas., Br. 425 Beverly Hills, California This is an official notice to all active and retired members of Branch 2293 that nominations of all officers and trustees for the 2024-2026 term will take place at our regular membership meeting at 8 p.m. on Oct. 15, which will take place at the branch union office, located at 9201 Wilshire Blvd., #106, Beverly Hills. All candidates must be members in good standing, and if you owe the branch any back dues, it is your re- sponsibility to pay the branch prior to the regular membership meeting on Oct. 15. If a nominee is not going to be present, they must provide a signed/ dated written acceptance and person- ally hand it over to Recording Secretary Shavonda Taylor prior to the meeting on Oct. 15. All elected officers are open for nomi- nations and are for a term of two years, which are: president, vice president, recording secretary, financial secretary treasurer, sergeant-at-arms, health ben- efits representative, branch steward(s) and three trustees. The president of

gible to nominate or be a candidate for branch officer and/or state delegate. Any member who holds, accepts or ap- plies for a supervisory position within 24 months before nominations is in- eligible to run for office. A candidate must be able to certify that they have not held, accepted or applied for a su- pervisory position for 24 months prior to nominations. The election will be conducted by secret ballot prior to the regular branch membership meeting on Nov. 20 at the union hall at 123 Quincy St. NE, Albu- querque. If necessary, the election for state delegates to the state convention in 2025 will be conducted as stated above. The election will be conducted by mail-in ballot only. Mail-in ballots will be sent to all eligible branch mem- bers in good standing on or before Sept. 18 to the home address on file with National. Branch members who do not receive a ballot should notify the Branch 504 Election Committee at NALC Branch 504, P.O. Box 4816, Albu- querque, NM 87196, after Oct. 23. Ballots must be received through the mail at the election committee’s ballot P.O. box address by 11 a.m. on Nov. 20, or delivered to the election site by the member’s chosen representative no later than 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 20 at the union hall at 123 Quincy St. NE, Albu- querque. The election committee shall oversee all election procedures. Connie R. Burns, Sec., Br. 504 Arlington Heights, Illinois This is the official notice to the mem- bers of The Chris Malinowski Branch 2810 for nominations for delegates to the 2025 Illinois State Association convention and the following board positions: president, vice president, fi- nancial treasurer, recording secretary, assistant secretary (financial/recording), sergeant-at-arms, health benefits repre- sentative, Mutal Benefit Association rep- resentative and three trustee positions. Nominations shall be held at the regular branch meeting on Sept. 12 at 600 Landmeier Road, Elk Grove Village. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Any member in good standing is eligible for nomination. Candidates must accept nominations at the time made or, if absent, in writing. Accepting nomina- tions in writing must be received by the recording secretary within two weeks after nominations have occurred. Veronica Ramirez, Rec. Sec., Br. 2810 Bakersfield, California Nominations for delegates to the 2025 state convention will be held at 7 p.m. on Sept. 25 at the Branch 782 union office, located at 2628 F St., Bakersfield. Candidates must ac- cept nominations at the time made or, if absent, in writing to the record- ing secretary within three days after the nomination is made. Nominations may be submitted in writing, provided that they are received by the branch recording secretary prior to the closing of nominations. Every nominee must certify that they have not served as a supervisor for the 24 months prior to being nominated. By virtue of the po- sitions, the Branch 782 president and vice president shall be delegates to the state convention. The election will be conducted by secret ballot at 7 p.m. on Nov. 20 at the Branch 782 union office, 2628 F St., Ba-

the branch shall be the chairman of the delegates to the national and state con- ventions, and by the virtue of their elec- tion to the office of president of Branch 2293, they shall also be an elected and paid delegate to these conventions. The election shall be conducted by secret ballot. The election ballots will be mailed with a return envelope and must be received by 5 p.m. on Nov. 26; all oth- ers will be voided. If you have moved re- cently, please update your new address with the branch recording secretary. Henry Cordero, Pres., Br. 2293 Bridgeport, Connecticut This is official notice to all Branch 32 members in good standing that nomi- nations for all officers will be accepted at the Oct. 16 meeting at Boothe Me- morial Park, North Main Street, Strat- ford, at 7 p.m. Elections, if needed, will be held at the branch meeting on Nov. 20 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Absentee ballots may be requested from Branch 32 Election Com- mittee, P.O. Box 9241, Bridgeport, CT 06602, and must be returned by Nov. 20. Installation will take place at the Dec. 18 meeting. Lynda Mariotti, Sec., Br. 32 Brookfield, Wisconsin This is a notice to all members of Branch 4811 that nominations for the next two-year term for the following offices will be accepted at the Aug. 13 meeting, which will be conducted at Champps Americana, 1240 S. Moor- land Road, Brookfield: president, vice president, two stewards, secretary/ treasurer and safety captain. Any member in good standing is eligible for nomination. Those wish- ing to be nominated must accept such nominations during the Aug. 13 meet- ing or must submit their willingness to be nominated in writing to the branch secretary prior to August meeting. If an election is warranted, it will be held during our October meeting. Vot- ing will be by secret ballot. The results will be announced at the end of the Oc- tober meeting. Craig Topel, Pres., Br. 4811 Brunswick, Georgia In accordance with Article 5 of the NALC Constitution , this is official notice of election for the officers of Branch 313. Nominations will be held for the office of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, three trustees and sergeant- at-arms. Nominations will be held at the Oct. 8 branch meeting. You must be present to accept nomination or ac- cept in writing, giving your letter to the branch secretary before the meeting. If an election occurs, it will be con- ducted by secret ballot. Ballots will be mailed to members’ address of record. Ballots will be counted at the Nov. 12 branch meeting at 7 p.m., located at 1321 Albany St., Brunswick. Ernest Wilson, Pres., Br. 313 Canton, Ohio In accordance with Article 5 of the NALC Constitution , this is official no- tice to all members of Branch 238 that nominations for officers will be held at the regularly scheduled Oct. 8 meet- ing. The election will take place at the Nov. 12 meeting. Nominations and the election will take place at the William

78 The Postal Record August 2024

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