August 2024 Postal Record

during their terms of office. All candi- dates are required to be present at the meeting when nominated or signify in writing their willingness to serve if elected. Nominees must signify that they have not applied for, accepted or served in any supervisory capacity in the Postal Service for a period of 24 months prior to nomination. The election, if necessary, will be conducted by secret ballot mailed to the most current home address of record of all members. Ballots must be returned to the election committee prior to the regular branch meeting at 7 p.m. on Nov. 7. The election will be at the regular branch meeting at 7 p.m. on Nov. 7. Alex Doolin, Sec., Br. 888 Centennial, Colorado In accordance with Article V of the NALC Constitution and Article IV of the branch bylaws, this is official notice to all members of Branch 5996 that nomi- nations for the following offices and positions will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the regular Oct. 3 branch meeting at the Cen- tennial Branch Office, located at 1010 S. Joliet St., Suite 204, Aurora: one Trustee (three-year term), shop stewards—all stations (one-year term), delegates to the NALC Colorado state convention, three delegates to the Colorado AFL-CIO convention, and three delegates for the Denver Area Labor Federation. The election will be by secret mail ballot and results will be announced at the Dec. 5 regular branch meeting. Candidates must accept nomination at the time made or must signify in writ- ing to the branch financial/recording secretary prior to the meeting their will- ingness to serve in the desired position. All regular members shall be eli- gible to hold any office or position in the branch, except that a member who, voluntarily or otherwise, holds, accepts or applies for a supervisory position in the Postal Career Service for any period of time, whether one day or fraction thereof, either detailed, acting, probationary or permanently, shall immediately vacate any office held, and shall be ineligible to run for any office or other position for a period of two years after termination of such supervisory status. Upon nomination, candidates must verify that they have not served in a supervisory capacity for

O. McDonald Jr. Hall, 1718 Navarre Road SW, Canton, with the meetings commencing at 7 p.m. The following offices are open for nomination/election for a one-year term: president, vice president, sec- retary/recording secretary, treasurer/ financial secretary, sergeant-at-arms, trustee three-year, (one three-year term), building manager, director of retirees, health benefits representative, mutual benefits representative, and delegates to national convention and/ or seminars. Nominees must have at- tended six of the last 11 regularly sched- uled meetings to be eligible as paid delegates to the convention. Nominees must accept in person when nominated, or must submit acceptance in writing to the branch secretary by Oct. 8. The election will be by secret ballot on Nov. 12. Election ads will be accept- ed for publication in the Branch Report- er at a cost of $10 per ad and must be in the hands of the editor of the Branch Reporter no later than 10 days after a regular scheduled meeting. Absentee ballots may be requested from the election committee at the above address in writing if for emer- gency reasons only (i,e., hospitaliza- tion, annual leave outside the immedi- ate area, imminent death of immediate family member). Absentee ballots must be in the hands of the secretary prior to the commencement of the election night meeting in order to be turned over to the election committee. Bonnie L. Contrucci, Rec. Sec., Br. 238 Carmel, Indiana This is official notice to all members of Merged Branch 888 that nomina- tions for the following branch offices will be held at the regular membership meeting on Oct. 3 at the Carmel Ameri- can Legion, located at 852 W. Main St., Carmel, in accordance with Article 5 of the NALC Constitution and the branch bylaws: president, vice president, secretary/sergeant-at-arms, treasurer, health benefits representative and three trustees. The terms of office will be three years, beginning Jan. 1, 2025. Candidates may accept nomination to only one office. The president and vice-president, by virtue of their office, are delegates to all state and national conventions

the 24 months prior to the nomination. In accordance with Article IV, Sec- tion 2 of the branch bylaws, the branch president and vice president shall be delegates to the national and state conventions by virtue of their office provided they were elected pursuant to the NALC election regulations. Barbara Larson, Fin./Rec. Sec., Br. 5996 Central Maine Merged This is official notice to all members of Branch 391 that we are having elec- tions for all officers in Branch 391. The positions are president, vice president, secretary/treasurer, trustees, health benefits officer, director of retirees, di- rector of education, and newsletter edi- tor. Written nominations to P.O. Box 665, Hampden, ME 04444 or in-person nomi- nations are due at the branch meeting on Oct. 15 at 20 Ivers St., Brewer. Election of officers will take place on Nov. 19, and those elected will take over in January 2025. The terms for all listed officers are for three years. Timothy White, Sec., Br. 391 Champaign, Illinois This is the official notice to all mem- bers of Branch 671 that nomination and election of officers for the 2025- 2026 term. Nomination for the follow- ing officers will be held at the regular October meeting and online via Zoom: president, vice president, secretary- treasurer, two stewards, one Rantoul steward, sergeant-at-arms, three trust- ees, delegates to state convention and delegates to national convention (elected officers will be automatic del- egates to each convention, and others will be ranked as alternates by vote). Each member in good standing and current in dues may run for office and must be present to accept a nomina- tion or have a signed written accep- tance in possession of the secretary. Balloting will be done by mail and secret ballot with the election at the December meeting. The installation will take place at the January meeting. Don Thompson, Sec.-Treas., Br. 671 Chicago, Illinois This is official notice to all members of Branch 11. Nominations of delegates to the 2025 Illinois state convention, to be held June 26-28, 2025, in Peo- ria, will be held at the regular Branch 11 meeting at 7 p.m. on Nov. 14 at Branch 11 headquarters, the James E. Worsham Building, located at 3850 S. Wabash Ave. Nomination forms will be available at the Oct. 10 meeting. Election of dele- gates to the 2025 Illinois state conven- tion will be held at the regular Branch 11 meeting on Dec. 12. Nominations and election will be held in accordance with the NALC Con- stitution and the Branch 11 bylaws. Yolanda R. Cavett, Rec. Sec., Br. 11 Columbia, South Carolina This is to serve as official notice to all members of Branch 233 that nomi- nations for all officers of Branch 233, except for one trustee, will be accepted at the regular branch meeting at 7 p.m. on Sept. 10, located at 4921-B Broad River Road. Article 4, Section 2 of Branch 233 bylaws provides, in part, the follow-

ing: “Except for the Board of Trustees, officers shall be elected every two (2) years and hold office for two (2) years or until successors are duly elected and installed. Two Trustees shall be elected for a term of two (2) years at the regular election of officers on the even year and one for a term of two (2) years on the odd year. Elections will be con- ducted in accordance with Article 5.” When there are two or more candi- dates for any office, the election shall be by ballot and the plurality of votes cast for such office shall be necessary to elect. Elections for branch officers shall be by mail balloting in accordance with Section 14.0 of NALC Regulations Gov- erning Branch Elections Procedures . Every regular member present will be given the opportunity to nominate the person of their choice before nomi- nations for that office is closed. All can- didates for office or delegate shall be present at the meeting when nominat- ed or submit in writing to the secretary prior to nomination their willingness to serve if elected. No part of this require- ment shall be applied as to deny a can- didate an alternate means of accepting a nomination should such candidate be unavoidably detained. All regular members shall be eligi- ble to hold any office or position in the branch, except that a member who, vol- untarily or otherwise, holds, accepts or applies for a supervisory position in the Postal Career Service for any period of time, whether one day or a fraction thereof, either detailed, acting, proba- tionary or permanently, shall immedi- ately vacate any office held, and shall ineligible to run for any office, or posi- tion to be a delegate to any convention for a period of 24 months after the ter- mination of such supervisory status. Upon nomination, the candidate must certify that they have not served in a supervisory capacity for the 24 months prior to the nomination. Nominations for NALC conven- tion delegates shall be at the October meeting preceding the convention year, with the election to be held at the November meeting preceding the con- vention year. Nominations for South Carolina As- sociation of Letter Carriers convention delegates shall be at the October meet- ing and the election held at the Novem- ber meeting annually. Any member of Branch 233 serving as a delegate to the state convention, whose expenses are paid in whole or in part from Branch 233 funds, shall not be eligible to be nominated or elected as an expenses-paid delegate, unless the member has attended at least eight regular or special meetings in the pre- ceding 12 months (October-Septem- ber) prior to nomination. Joseph W. Baker, Sec., Br. 233 Connecticut Merged This is official notification to all members of Branch 20 that nomina- tions for delegates to the 2025 Con- necticut state convention will be held at the regular November branch meet- ing on Nov. 6. If any candidate seeking nomination is unable to be present at the meeting, they must signify in writ- ing their desire to be placed in nomina- tion. Notification must be received by the branch secretary by Nov. 5. Tonya Currier, Sec., Br. 20

Regarding Election Notices

Election Notices must be sub- mitted to The Postal Record , not to other offices at NALC. The Con- stitution for Government of Fed- eral and Subordinate Branches requires that notice be mailed to members no fewer than 45 days before the election (Article 5, Sec- tion 4). Branch secretaries must remember the time difference be- tween deadline for submission of notices—the 10th of the month— and publication of the subsequent issue of the magazine, e.g., Sep- tember’s deadline is for the Sep- tember/October publication. To submit items by mail: Mail to The Postal Record, 100 Indiana

Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20001- 2144. Include the following in- formation: type of item (Election Notice), where it comes from, the person sending it, and how to con- tact the sender. To submit items by email: Send to with the branch city and state as the subject. The item can be in the body of the email or as an attachment in Microsoft Word. Include the same information as listed above for items sent by mail. If you do not receive an acknowledgment that your email was received, please call The Postal Record at 202-662-2851 .

The Postal Record 79 August 2024

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