August 2024 Postal Record

Election Notices

Davenport, Iowa This is official notice to members of Branch 506 that nominations for the Iowa state convention will be held at the regular scheduled branch meet- ings on Thursday, Oct. 10, and Thurs- day, Nov. 14. The voting will take place at the Thursday, Dec. 12, meeting. Jennifer Rushton, Sec., Br. 506 Downers Grove, Illinois Nominations for the election of del- egates of Branch 1870 (Downers Grove/ Woodridge, IL) will be held at the regu- lar branch meeting at 7 p.m. on Sept. 12 at the Knights of Columbus hall, 25 N. Cass Ave., Westmont. Candidates must accept nominations at the time made or, if absent, in writing. Nominations will be held for the delegates for the 2025 state convention in Springfield. Elections will be conducted through mail-in ballots, and all ballots will be counted during the meeting at 7 p.m. on Nov. 14. Meetings are held at the Knights of Columbus hall, 25 N. Cass Ave., Westmont. Any member in good standing is eligible for nomination. Jeanie Williams, Sec., Br. 1870 El Paso, Texas This is an official notice to all Branch 505 members that the nominations for branch delegates to the state conven- tion in 2025 and president, vice presi- dent, recording secretary, treasurer, secretary treasurer, assistant secretary treasurer, health benefits rep, sergeant- at-arms, newsletter editor, assistant editor, director of retirees/OWCP, mu- tual benefits rep and one trustee will be accepted from the floor at our regular branch meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 2. Nominees not present must submit their acceptance for nomination in writ- ing to the branch recording secretary prior to the start of nominations. Elections shall be by secret ballot via mail from Nov. 1 to Nov. 21. The term for the trustee shall be for three consecutive years, from Jan. 1, 2025, to Dec. 31, 2027. Arturo Gallardo, Rec. Sec., Br. 505 Elmira, New York In accordance with Article 5 of the NALC Constitution , this is official notice to all members of Branch 21 that nomina- tions for the following offices will be held at the regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m. on Oct. 2 at the American Legion, 316 Lake St., Elmira: president, vice presi- dent, secretary/treasurer, health ben- efits representative/sergeant-at-arms, director of retirees and three trustees. All offices are for a three-year term. Ballots will be mailed out Nov. 6 with a return date for the ballots to be postmarked by the fourth Wednesday of November (Nov. 27). Results will be announced at the Dec. 4 meeting. All elected officers will take office on Jan. 1, 2025. Cheryl Van Ness, Sec./Treas., Br. 21 Eugene, Oregon This is official notice to all mem- bers of Branch 916 that nomination for state delegates will occur on Oct. 3 at 711 Shelley St. in Springfield at the Teamsters hall in accordance with our bylaws. The voting method will follow all applicable laws set forth by National and our bylaws. The new bylaws affect- ing our election will only take place if

to: NALC Branch 1047, Attn: Branch Elec- tion Committee, P.O. Box 104, Gadsden, AL 35902. Completed absentee ballots must be received by the branch election committee no later than Dec. 5. Keith Mitchell, Sec., Br. 1047 Granite City, Illinois This is official notice that nomina- tions for delegates to the state conven- tions of Branch 1132 will be conducted at the monthly regular branch meeting on Oct. 17, located at the Venice Social Club, 4168 Hwy. 162, Granite City. Nomi- nations will be accepted from the floor or as provided by Article 5, Section 3 of the branch bylaws. Any member in good standing may nominate any other member who is in good standing, and self-nomination is permissible at the nominating meeting or by nomination in writing received a minimum of 30 days in advance of the date of the elec- tion by the secretary. The secretary will announce the nomination, so the mem- ber need not be present at the meeting. All members nominated must certify in writing that they are accepting nomi- nation, that they are a member in good standing, and eligible in accordance with Article 5, Section 2 of the NALC Constitution . Absentee ballots must be requested after nominations have been closed but 15 days before election and received by the Election Committee Branch 1132, P.O. Box 1635, Granite City, IL 62040. Absentee ballots must be received back to the election com- mittee prior to Nov. 16. The election will be by secret ballot at the Nov. 21 regular branch meeting, located at the Venice Social Club, 4168 Hwy. 162, Granite City. Write-in votes are not permitted and will not be counted. All elected delegates to the Illinois conventions will be for 2025. Elected delegates must have attended six regu- lar branch meetings in the 12 months prior to the month of the convention to qualify as a paid delegate. In accordance with Article 5, Section 2(a) of the branch bylaws, the president of Branch 1132, by virtue of their office, shall be an automat- ic delegate to all conventions and affili- ated organizations. This provision will be noted on the election notice and ballot. Tim Swigert, Pres., Br 1132 Greenville, North Carolina Nominations for the following posi- tions will be held at the regular branch meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 8, at Parker’s Barbecue, 3109 S. Memorial Blvd., Greenville: branch president, branch vice president, secretary-treasurer, as- sistant secretary, three trustees, and delegates for the state and national conventions. Nominations will be ac- cepted until 7:30 p.m. Any voting will be conducted at the regular branch meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 5, for the listed positions at Park- er’s Barbecue, 3109 S. Memorial Blvd., Greenville. W. Mark Wilson, Pres., Br. 1729 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania This is official notice to all members of Allen L. Stuart Branch 500. Nomina- tions for the election of officers will be held at the Nov. 5 members’ meeting at the Kimberly Ann Fahnestock-Voelz Memorial VFW Post 7530 (4545 West- port Drive, Mechanicsburg). Nominations will be held for the fol-

lowing branch offices: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, assistant secretary, health benefits rep (HBR), mutual benefits representative (MBR), sergeant-at-arms and three trustee posi- tions. Candidates must accept nomina- tions at the time made or, if absent, in writing. Candidates may accept nomi- nations for only one office. The terms of each office will be three years. The election will be conducted by secret ballot at the Dec. 3 members’ meeting conducted at the Kimberly Ann Fahnestock-Voelz Memorial VFW Post 7530. Any member who, for any reason, will be unable to vote at the regular branch meeting may ob- tain a mail-in ballot by writing to the election committee after nominations. Travis C. Hossler, Sec., Branch 500 Hattiesburg, Mississippi This is official notice to the mem- bers of Pine Belt Merged Branch 938 that nominations for delegates to the 2025 state convention, all branch offi- cers and one board of trustee will take place at the Oct. 17 regular meeting. The elections will take place on Nov. 21 at the regular meeting. Both the nominations and elections will be held at the Jackie Dole Sherrill Community Center, 220 West Front St., Hattiesburg. Sam T. Hill, Pres., Br. 938 Hayward, California Nominations for the election of of- ficers of Branch 1707 will be held at the regular branch meeting held at 7 p.m. on Oct. 3 at the union office, 26250 Indus- trial Blvd., Hayward. Candidates must accept nominations at the time made or, if absent, in writing before or on the day of nominations. Candidates may accept nominations for only one office. Nominations will be held for the fol- lowing branch officers: president (first delegate to all conventions), executive vice president, vice president, secre- tary, treasurer, sergeant-at-arms, three trustees, health benefits rep, mutual benefits rep, and five shop stewards (three from Hayward and two from Cas- tro Valley office). The term of office will be two years, beginning Jan. 1. The election will be conducted by se- cret ballot at the regular branch meeting at 7 p.m. on Nov. 7 at the union office, 26250 Industrial Blvd., Hayward. Any member who, for any reason, will be unable to vote on Nov. 7 may obtain an absentee ballot after the close of nomi- nations by submitting a signed written request to: Election Committee, NALC Br. 1707, P.O. Box 4122, Hayward, CA 94544. The deadline for these requests is no later than Oct. 24. Absentee bal- lots must be received by or on Nov. 7. Write-in votes are not permitted. Fou Tern, Pres., Br. 1707 Hopkins, Minnesota This is official notice to all mem- bers of Branch 2942 that nominations for all executive board positions, one trustee position and delegates to the 2025 Minnesota State Association con- vention shall be taken at the regularly scheduled branch meeting on Oct. 3. Elections will be held during the meeting on Nov. 7. Leanne Steinbrunn, Rec. Sec., Br. 2942

they pass our vote in July and are ap- proved by National ahead of time, and such information will be properly dis- seminated to all members once that in- formation is known. Results will be an- nounced at the Dec. 5 branch meeting. Please read the monthly Relay Box for more information. If you are not receiving the Relay Box , please reach out to the union as soon as possible to resolve the issue. Glenda Whaley, Sec., Br. 916 Eureka, California This is to serve as official notice to all members of Branch 348 that the nomi- nations for all officer positions and one trustee position will be taking place at the regular branch meeting Nov. 13. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the La- bor Temple (840 E St., Eureka) and over Zoom. All nominees should be present or, if absent, should submit written ac- ceptance of nomination. The elections will be held at the regular Dec. 11 meet- ing at 7 p.m. Nominations can be mailed to P.O. Box 3788, Eureka, CA 95502. There will be a future mailing with more information as we get closer to elections. Danielle Sproul, Sec., Br. 348 Fayetteville, North Carolina This is an official notice to all mem- bers of Lewis M. Tucker Merged Branch 1128 that nominations of delegates for the 2025 NALC North Carolina state convention and nominations for one branch trustee. Nominations will be held during the October monthly mem- bership meeting. By virtue of their po- sition, the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer will be del- egates to the convention. Nominees shall either attend said meeting or will have placed in writing their wish to ac- cept or decline said nomination or call/ text the branch secretary on the night of nominations as to their intentions. Elections, if necessary, will be by se- cret mail-in ballots and results will be announced at the November member- ship meeting. Rodney L. Redding, Sec., Br. 1128 Findlay, Ohio This will serve as official notice to all Branch 143 members that nominations for the offices of president, vice presi- dent, secretary, treasurer and three trustee positions will take place at 7 p.m. on Nov. 14. The meeting will be held at 2111 Milestone Drive, Findlay. Elections for the above offices will take place at the Dec. 12 branch meet- ing at 7 p.m. Joie Morgan, Sec., Br. 143 Gadsden, Alabama This is a notice to all members of Branch 1047 that nominations for the next two-year term for the following offices will be accepted at the Nov. 12 meeting at 7 p.m. at the Main Post Of- fice Swing Room, 700 Chestnut St., Gadsden: president, vice president, secretary/treasurer, sergeant-at-arms, three board of trustees members, and a health benefits representative. The election will be held at 7 p.m. on Dec. 10 at the Main Post Office union office, 700 Chestnut St., Gadsden. Vot- ing will be by secret ballot. Requests for absentee ballots after the nominations are complete must be made in writing

80 The Postal Record August 2024

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