August 2024 Postal Record

Hudson Valley Mgd., New York Please be advised that nominations for the election of officers of Branch 137 will be held at the regular membership meeting on Oct. 16. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the American Legion, which is located at 55 Overlook Road, Poughkeepsie. All regular members have a right to nominate a candidate for any office, and for those nominees unable to attend the meeting, written acceptance is permissible. Nominations will be held for the following positions: 1) president; 2) executive vice president/MBA; 3) 1st vice president; 4) 2nd vice president; 5) secretary/treasurer/health benefits; 6) assistant secretary/treasurer; 7) di- rector of education; 8) director of retir- ees; 9) sergeant-at-arms; and all three trustee positions. All elected offices are for three-year terms, and listed of- ficers 1-8 are delegates to local, state and national conventions. Positions 1-5 will be voted on by secret mail ballot, and Positions 6-9 and the three trustee positions will be voted on at our election meeting on Dec. 18 at 7 p.m. at Knights of Columbus, which is located at 327 Westchester Ave., Port Chester 10573 by secret ballot. Write-in votes are not permitted, and retired members who wish to vote and are unable to attend this meeting can contact the election com- mittee at P.O. Box 10666, Newburgh, NY 12552, by Nov. 12 to make arrangements for an absentee ballot. Isaac Harper, Sec./Treas., Br. 137 Lafayette, Indiana This is an official notice to all mem- bers of Branch 466 that we will be ac- cepting nominations for all elected po- sitions and delegates to the 2025 state convention at the October meeting in the main post office break room. D. Lyn Hairston, Sec., Br. 466 Lancaster, Pennsylvania This is official notice to the member- ship of Branch 273 that, per Article 5 of the NALC Constitution and Article 4, Sec- tion 2, and Article 5 of the Branch 273 bylaws, nominations for trustee shall be conducted at the monthly branch meet- ing on Sept. 18, commencing at 7 p.m. The one trustee position (Joanne McNamara’s position) is a three-year term, commencing on Jan. 1, 2025, af- ter the installation ceremony held at the regular December branch meeting. If an election is necessary, it shall be conducted by secret mail ballot. The election committee shall mail a ballot to each member’s last known address at least 20 days before the Nov. 20 regular branch meeting. The president shall appoint the election committee immediately fol- lowing the close of nominations. The deadline for returning marked ballots shall be 5 p.m. on Nov. 20. All election results will be announced after the official opening of the Nov. 20 monthly meeting. Christian Oatman, Rec. Sec., Br. 273 Laramie, Wyoming This is an official notice to all mem- bers in good standing of Branch 463 that nominations for elected branch officers will be held at our regular monthly meet- ing at 6 p.m. on Oct. 10 at the American Legion, 417 Ivinson Ave., Laramie. Nomi-

that you will accept a nomination. Send it to the Branch P.O. Box 1383, Mon- terey, no later than 5 p.m. on Sept. 29. Elections will be held in October by secret ballot. Scott Bedell, Sec., Br. 1310 Montgomery, Alabama Capital City Branch 106 will have nom- inations for president, vice president, recording secretary, financial secretary, treasurer and one trustee position. Nom- inations will be held at our October and November meetings, with voting being held at the December meeting. Breonna Jackson, Sec., Br. 106 Morristown, New Jersey This is official notice to all Branch 272 members that nominations for the offices of president, executive vice pres- ident, vice president, secretary/treasur- er, director of retirees, sergeant-at-arms and three trustees will be held at the regular branch meeting on Oct. 24 at the Watnong VFW, 45 Tabor Road, Mor- ris Plains. Any member in good standing may nominate. Candidates must accept nominations at the time made or, if ab- sent, in writing. Terms for the office will be for three years, beginning on Jan. 1, 2025, and ending on Dec. 31, 2028. The elections will be conducted at the Dec. 6 meeting. John Simpson, Sec./Treas., Br. 272 Naperville, Illinois This is to notify the members of Branch 1151 that nominations for all branch officers and delegates to the 2025 state convention will take place at the regular monthly meeting on Nov. 5, at the VFW, 908 W. Jackson Ave. Nominees need not be present at the meeting provided that they submit written notice of their intention of run- ning to the recording secretary prior to nominations or within one week after the meeting. The election will be held at the same location on Dec. 3 between 6 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. The president, vice presi- dent, secretary and treasurer, by virtue of the office, shall be automatic del- egates to the state convention. Lyphus Stevenson, Pres., Br. 1151 New Braunfels, Texas This is to serve as official notice to all members of Branch 2805. Nomina- tions for officers will be held at the reg- ular branch meeting Oct. 9, with elec- tions to be held at the regular branch meeting Nov. 13. Jeffrey Wagner, Sec./Treas., Br. 2805 New Castle, Pennsylvania This is official notification to all members of Branch 22 that nomina- tions for all officers will be held at the regular branch meetings in October. The elections, if necessary, will take place in December. Michael Powles, Sec.-Treas., Br. 22 New City, New York Nominations for the election of of- ficers of Branch 5229 will be held at the regular branch meeting at 5:15 p.m. on Oct. 16 at The Rivercourt, 16 S. Main St., New City. Candidates must accept nomination at the time made or, if absent, in writing. Nominations may

tions will be mailed to the home ad- dresses (of record/on file) of eligible members in good standing. Ballots must be received to the election com- mittee at designated address by 3 p.m. on Nov. 20. Results will be announced at the Nov. 20 meeting. Valerie Henry, Rec. Sec., Br. 2183 Midland, Michigan This letter is to serve as an official notice to all members of Branch 2317 for the election of officers for the 2025- 2026 term. Nomination of officers will be held at the Oct. 17 meeting for all officers, trustees and delegates at 3510 James Savage Road. Ballots will be mailed out to mem- bers and elections will take place at the Nov. 21 meeting to be held at 3510 James Savage Road. Crystal Hearn, Sec., Br. 2317 Minneapolis, Minnesota This is an official notification to the membership of Jerome J. Keating Branch 9 and is in accordance with the Branch 9 bylaws for the election of officers and delegates. Nominations for the offices of president, executive vice president, recording secretary, financial secretary, treasurer, editor, sergeant-at-arms, health benefits rep- resentative, director of retirees, three trustees, delegates to the 2025 MSALC convention, four delegates to the Min- nesota AFL-ClO/Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation (RLF), and two del- egates to the St. Paul Regional Labor Federation (RLF) will be held at the September general membership meet- ing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 24. This meeting may be attended either virtu- ally or in person at the Crystal VFW, 5222 56th Ave. North, Crystal. With the exception of MSALC del- egates, the term for all offices will be three years, beginning in January 2025. the president and executive vice president shall be delegates to the NALC convention, MSALC convention and Minnesota AFL-ClO/Minneapolis RLF by virtue of their office. Candidates must complete the ap- propriate letter of intent and return the same to the recording secretary at the general membership meeting for which they are nominated, or within 10 days thereafter, to the Branch 9 office, by no later than 5 p.m. Elections for contested officer posi- tions and Minnesota AFL-CIO/Minneapo- lis or St. Paul RLF delegates will be by ref- erendum ballots that must be returned to the designated post office box selected by the election committee by 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 26. Should an election of delegates to the MSALC convention be necessary, it will be held at the October general membership meeting on Oct. 22. Scott Bultena, Pres., Br. 9 Monterey, California In accordance with Article 5 of the NALC Constitution , this is official notice that nominations for delegates to the state convention and for branch officers will be held at the regular meeting of Branch 1310 on Sept. 19. All members in good standing are eligible for nomination. If you have held a supervisory position the previous 24 months, prior to nomina- tion, you are not eligible for nomination. If you are unable to attend the meet- ing, you must submit a letter in writing

nations will be held for the following branch offices: president, vice president, secretary and treasurer (each serving a term of one year) and two trustee posi- tions (serving a term of two years). Elections will be held at our regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m on Nov. 14 at the American Legion, 417 Ivinson Ave. Andrew Lamb, Sec., Br. 463 Lewiston, Idaho This is an official notice to all mem- bers of Branch 1192 for the nomina- tions and election of the following of- fices for the year starting Jan. 1, 2025: president (one-year term), vice presi- dent (one-year term), secretary/trea- surer (one-year term), and one audit committee trustee (three-year term). Nominations will be accepted start- ing at our regular scheduled meeting at 6 p.m. on the third Wednesday, on Sept. 18, and close on Oct. 16, at the close of the meeting. If submitting a nomination for an office by mailing, a nomination must be received by the secretary/trea- surer or election committee chairman by 6 p.m. on Oct. 16. Candidates may accept nomination for only one office. Write-ins on ballots will not be permitted. Nomi- nees attending meeting in September or October will accept or decline nomina- tion at time of nomination. Any members nominated not in attendance of meeting have until Oct. 26 to accept or decline nomination. Accept/decline letters must be received by the secretary/treasurer or election committee chairman no later than 4 p.m. on Oct. 26. Elections will be held at the regular scheduled meeting at 6 p.m. on Nov. 20. Any member who is unable to attend the November meeting or would prefer to cast their vote through an absentee ballot can request a ballot by writing to: Election Committee, P.O. Box 534, Lewiston, ID 83501, at any time after the September meeting and prior to Oct. 25. Absentee ballots will be mailed by Oct. 30. Absentee ballots must be requested by Nov. 2. Absentee ballots will be available to all working mem- bers until Nov. 8. Ballots must be received by 3 p.m. on Election Day. Election results will be announced at the end of the November meeting and posted on the NALC bul- letin board within one week. All meetings are scheduled to be held at Jollymore’s, 1516 Main St., Lewiston. Matthew James, Pres., Br. 1192 Lima, Ohio This is official notice to all members of Branch 105 that nominations for dele- gates to the 2025 state convention will be held at the regular meeting in November. The election will be conducted by secret mail ballot, with ballots to be in before and results announced at the regular meeting in December. Todd J. Friemoth, Sec., Br. 105 Melrose Park, Illinois This shall serve as official notice to all members of Branch 2183. Nominations of election for officers of Branch 2183 and also delegates to the 2025 Illinois state convention will take place at the regular scheduled union meeting at 6:45 p.m. on Oct. 16 at the American Legion hall, located at 9757 Pacific Ave., Franklin Park. The election will be conducted by secret mail ballot. Ballots with instruc-

The Postal Record 81 August 2024

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