August 2024 Postal Record

Election Notices

person or by mail to the Committee of Nominations by the November meet- ing. Nominations can be mailed to P.O. Box 727, Bellingham, WA 98227. The election will be conducted at the regular branch meeting on Dec. 12 at 1155 N. State St., Bellingham, by the election committee. Sarah Hubbard, Rec. Sec., Br. 450 Oak Park, Illinois This is the official notice to all Branch 608 members that nominations for president, vice president, secretary- treasurer, health benefits representa- tive, sergeant-at-arms, three trustees, and delegates to the state conventions in 2025 will be accepted from the floor at the regular branch meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 22, at Commo- dore Barry American Legion Hall, 6919 W. Roosevelt Road, Berwyn. All terms are for three years. By virtue of their office, the president and secretary- treasurer are delegates to national and state conventions. The balloting will be done by mail, and the secret ballots will be opened and counted at the regular branch meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 26, at the same location. Any nominee not pres- ent must notify the secretary-treasurer in writing prior to the October meeting, giving assent for nomination. Charles Kindahl, Sec.-Treas., Br. 608 Ocala, Florida In accordance with Article 5 of the NALC Constitution , this is official no- tice of election for the officers and del- egates of Branch 1103. In accordance with local bylaws, nominations will be accepted at the general meetings on Oct. 8 and again on Nov. 12. Positions open for nomina- tion will be president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and steward, as well as convention delegates for the 2025 Florida state convention and 2026 national convention. You must be present to accept a nomination or pro- vide written notice to an officer prior to said meeting. An election will then be held at the December general meeting in accor- dance with local bylaws. Gary Smith, Pres., Br. 1103 Palatine, Illinois Nominations for the election of offi- cers of Branch 4268 will be held at the regular branch meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 9 at the American Legion Hall Post 690, 122 W. Palatine Road, Pala- tine. Candidates must accept nomina- tions at the time made or, if absent, in writing within five days. Nominations may also be made in writing, but must be received by the branch secretary no later than 4 p.m. on Oct. 8. Nomi- nations will be held for the following branch offices: president, executive vice president, recording secretary, treasurer, sergeant-at-arms, financial secretary, HBR/MBA officer, safety of- ficer, retiree officer, three trustees, and eight delegates to the 2025 Illinois state convention. The terms of office will be three years, beginning Jan. 8, 2025. Candidates may accept nomina- tions for only one office. The election will be conducted by secret mail ballot. Ballots will be mailed to the last known home address of eligible members on Oct. 19. Ballots

health benefits representative, MBA representative, sergeant-at-arms and union stewards. Any member in good standing and current in their payment of dues may run for office. Nominations will be held at 7 p.m. at the union hall at 130 S. Munger St. in Pas- adena during the regular monthly meet- ing on Sept. 17. Nominations may also be made in writing but must be received by the branch secretary no later than start of meeting. If a nominee is not present at the meeting, written acceptance is permissible. Nominees must certify that they have not served, accepted or ap- plied for any supervisory position within two years. Candidates may accept nomi- nations for only one office. Election will be held by secret bal- lot, if necessary, at the regular monthly meeting at 7 p.m. on Oct. 15 at the union hall. Any member who, for any reason, will be unable to vote on Oct. 15 may obtain absentee ballots by writ- ing to: Election Committee, Branch 3867, 130 S. Munger St., Pasadena, TX 77506. Requests for absentee ballots must be received by the election com- mittee postmarked no later than Oct. 1. Write-in votes are not permitted. Lydia Amador, Sec., Br. 3867 Pensacola, Florida This is official notice to the members of Branch 321 that nominations will be taken during the Sept. 10 monthly meeting, located at the union hall, 3817 North S St., Pensacola, for the branch and corporation’s three-year trustee, delegate(s) and alternate(s) delegates to the 2025 Florida state convention. To be nominated, a member must be either present at the nomination meet- ing, signify in writing their willingness to accept a nomination, or orally inform the president or recording/financial secretary of their willingness to ac- cept a nomination. Any oral or written acceptance of a nomination must be made prior to the nomination. The election will be held during the Nov. 19 monthly meeting. Voting will begin at 8 p.m. and shall continue until such time that all members present or those who have given prior notifica- tion that they will be present to vote, have completed their ballot. Voting will close at the end of the regular branch meeting on Nov. 19. Philip M. Skipper, Pres., Br. 321 Pueblo, Colorado This is official notification to all members of Branch 229 that nomina- tions of branch officers will take place at 7 p.m. on Oct. 10 at the regular meet- ing at 1240 Lake Ave. All members in good standing shall have the right to nominate candidates. The offices to be filled are president, vice president, secretary, treasure, sergeant-at-arms, board of trustees (three), MBA representative and health benefits representative. The term in of- fice will be two years, beginning Jan. 9, 2025. Nominations for delegates to 2025 state convention will also be held. Donald Hemphill, Pres., Br. 229 Roanoke, Virginia Due to a vacancy of the office of vice president and in accordance with Article 5 of the NALC Constitution and

also be made in writing but must be re- ceived by the branch secretary no later than Oct. 21. Nominations will be held for the fol- lowing branch offices: president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, ser- geant-at-arms and three trustees. The term of the office will be three years, beginning Jan. 1, 2025. Elections will be done by secret ballot. Ballots with instructions will be mailed to each active and retired member in good standing. Election will begin Oct. 26 and end on Nov. 19 at 4:30 p.m. At the regular branch meeting at 5:15 p.m. on Nov. 19 at The Rivercourt, 16 S. Main St., New City, votes will be tallied, and winner(s) will be revealed by the election committee. Write-in votes are not permitted. Rosa Rodriguez, Pres., Br. 5229 New Orleans, Louisiana This is official notice to all Branch 124 members of nominations for the following positions: branch presi- dent (official delegate to the national and state conventions), vice presi- dent, recording secretary, financial secretary-treasurer, assistant secre- tary, sergeant-at-arms, three trustees, health benefit representative, shop steward(s) for each unit, and delegates to the 2025 state and 2026 national conventions. The term in office will be two years, from January 2025 to January 2027. Nominations will be held during the regular branch meeting be- ginning at 7 p.m. on Oct. 27 at 4200 Elysian Fields Ave., New Orleans. All ballots will be by mail only, as provided by Article 5 of the NALC Con- stitution . All regular members in good standing shall have the right to nomi- nate candidates. All candidates must be present at the October meeting when nominations are made or signify in writing to the branch secretary of their willingness to serve if elected. If there are two or more candi- dates for any office, the plurality of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect. There shall be no write-in votes for candidate{s) not officially on the ballot. Ballots must be received no later than 1 p.m. on Nov. 23. Troy Joseph, Sec., Br. 124 Niles, Michigan This is official notice to all Branch 775 members that nominations for the offices of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and trustees will be held at the regular branch meet- ing on Nov. 14. This will be a two-year term. The regular meeting will be at 7 p.m. at the Fraternal Order of Eagles, located at 34 Sycamore St., Niles. David Henning, Sec., Br. 775 North Sound, Washington This is the official notice to all mem- bers of Branch 450 that, per branch by- laws, nominations for elected officers and convention delegates will take place at the Nov. 14 regular branch meeting at 1155 N. State St., Belling- ham. Nominations for one trustee position and delegates for the 2025 Washington state convention will be accepted. Article 5, Section 1 states that nominations for all candidates of the elective officers and delegates will be signed by one member in good standing and must be presented in

must be mailed back to the election committee in the stamped addressed envelope, addressed to election com- mittee at the P.O. box listed on the en- velope. Ballots must be received by 3 p.m. on Nov. 20. At this time, the elec- tion committee will collect the ballots, bring them to the American Legion Hall, and begin the tally. Robin Brown, Rec. Sec., Br. 4268 Parkersburg, West Virginia This is the official notice that Branch 481 will be accepting nominations for the following during the Nov. 8 month- ly meeting at 7 p.m.: 1) five branch offi- cer positions, which include president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and health benefits representative; 2) one trustee for a three-year term; and 3) delegates for the 2025 West Virginia state convention. If an election is needed, it will be held at 6 p.m., one hour prior to the Dec. 12 monthly meeting. Shelly Elschlager, Sec., Br. 481 Pasadena, California This is official notice of nomination and election of branch officers and con- vention delegates for Branch 2200. Nominations for the election of of- ficers of Branch 2200, and nomina- tions for delegates for the conventions within the term of office, will be held at the regular branch meeting at 7 p.m. on Oct. 9 at the union hall at 1310 North Oxford Ave., Pasadena. Members may also attend and make nominations via the Zoom platform. Candidates for of- fice and delegates must accept nomi- nations on our pre-printed branch form for each position within three days. If you are seeking nomination and will not be present in person, you may request the form be mailed to you at any time by calling the branch office at 626-798-6122. It is your responsibility to return the form to the branch no later than midnight on Oct. 12. Nominations will be held for the following Branch offices: president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, financial secretary, sergeant-at-arms, health benefits representative, MBA representative and three trustees. The term of office will be three years, beginning Jan. 8, 2025. The candidates elected president, vice president and secretary-treasurer in the forthcoming election shall be delegates to the state and national conventions that take place during their term of office. Candi- dates may accept nomination for only one branch office and as a delegate to the conventions. The election will be conducted by se- cret mail ballot. Ballots and instructions will be mailed by the election committee to the last known home address of eli- gible members. Election results will be announced at the regular branch meet- ing at 7 p.m. on Dec. 11 at the union hall at 1310 North Oxford Ave., Pasadena, and via the Zoom platform. Nancy Norman, Sec.-Treas., Br. 2200 Pasadena, Texas This is the official notice to all mem- bers of Branch 3867 for nominations and election of offices for the 2025- 2026 term and delegates to the 2025 state convention. Nominations will be held for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, three trustees,

82 The Postal Record August 2024

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