August 2024 Postal Record

Visalia, California This shall serve as notice to all members of Branch 866 that nomina- tions for branch officers for the 2025- 2026 term will be held during the regu- larly scheduled membership meeting on Oct. 10. Nominations for the follow- ing officers will be taken: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, sergeant-at-arms, trustees (three of them) and shop stewards at each of- fice/station (to be nominated for each office/station by a member assigned to that corresponding office/station). If necessary, elections for the nominated positions will take place at the regularly scheduled membership meeting on Nov. 14, and the results will be tabulated and announced during the course of said meeting. The regularly scheduled meetings will take place at the union office, lo- cated at 214 N. Floral Ave., Visalia, starting at 6 p.m. Kevin Worley, Sec., Br. 866 Washington, DC This is the official notice, pursuant to Article 5 of the Branch 142 bylaws, of the nomination and election of delegates and alternate delegates to the 2025 Maryland/Washington, DC state convention. Nominations for all delegates will be made at the regular branch meeting on Oct. 2. The election of delegates and alternate delegates will take place at the regular branch meeting on Nov. 6. Capitol Branch 142 union meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. and the branch is located at 6310 Chillum Place NW, Washington, DC. In the event of the COVID-19 pan- demic and social gathering guidelines from the CDC changing and we are unable to have a regular branch meet- ing on Oct. 2, the membership will be notified by mail in reference to nomina- tions and elections for all delegates. If there are any questions about the nominations for the 2025 Maryland/DC state convention, please contact the union hall at 202-291-4930. All members in good standing as de- fined in the NALC Constitution must be present or they have a member in good standing place their name in nomina- tion. All members in good standing must signify their acceptance of nominations in writing to the recording secretary no later than 72 hours after the Oct. 2 nomi- nating meeting. By virtue of their office, all Branch 142 officers are delegates to all conventions. The nominee’s written acceptance must also include that they have not, voluntarily or otherwise, held, accepted or applied for a supervisory position in the Postal Career Service for any period of time, whether one day or fraction thereof, either detailed, acting, probationary or permanently, at any time during the 24 months prior to the nominating meeting. Written acceptance of nomination can be faxed to 202-291- 4944. It is the responsibility of the nomi- nee to ensure that their faxed written ac- ceptance has been received timely. Karen R. Clark, Rec. Sec., Br. 142 Western Massachusetts Nominations for the regular trien- nial elections of Western Mass. Branch 46 shall be held at the regular meeting at 7 p.m. on Oct. 8 at the AFL-CIO Hall, 640 Page Blvd., Springfield. Self-nomination is permitted. Can-

San Antonio, TX 78233-4579. Nomina- tions must be received before the Sept. 12 meeting. Members may also make their nomination at the branch meeting either in person or by Zoom. Nomina- tions will be verified and closed by the election chairperson/or designee prior to the meeting being adjourned. The election will be conducted on Oct. 11 at the regular branch meeting at the Branch 421 hall, 6218 Krempen Ave., San Antonio. Dennis Alltop, Rec. Sec., Br. 421 Santa Clara, California This is the official notice that nomina- tions for the election of Branch 1427 of- ficers will be held at the regular branch meeting at 7 p.m. on Oct. 2 at the branch office, located at 3350 Scott Blvd., Build- ing #57, Santa Clara. Candidates must accept nomination at the time made or, if absent, in writing, and may accept nomi- nation to only one office. At the general membership meeting on Oct. 2, nominations will be for the following branch officers for the term of three years: president, executive vice president, senior vice president, 2nd executive vice president, vice presi- dent, secretary, treasurer, assistant secretary/treasurer, insurance/MDA, sergeant-at-arms, chairperson board of trustees, three trustees and two delegates-at-large. The election will be conducted by secret mail ballot. Ballots will be mailed on Oct. 9 to the home and address of eli- gible members. To be eligible, a mem- ber must be in good standing as of July 1. If you do not receive a ballot by Oct. 16, notify the union office. Ballots must be mailed back to the election commit- tee in the postage-paid, pre-addressed envelope to be received by 2 p.m. on Nov. 6. At this time, the election com- mittee will collect the ballots, bring them to the branch office and begin the tally. Write-in votes are not permitted. Newly elected officers shall be in- stalled at the regular meeting in Janu- ary 2025. Hogan Navarro, Sec., Br. 1427 Shreveport, Louisiana This is official notification to all members of Branch 197 that nomina- tions of all branch officers for the 2025- 2027 term will take place at the Sept. 12 union meeting at the American Le- gion. Nominations will be taken for the offices of president, vice president, re- cording secretary, financial secretary, treasurer, sergeant-at-arms, health benefit representative and one trustee position. Shop steward nominations for each work unit will take place two weeks prior to the September union meeting. To be nominated for any union officer position, one must be in good standing and be a union member. Danny Hatchett, Pres., Br. 197 Somerville, New Jersey This is an official notice to all mem- bers of Branch 768 that nominations will be held at the branch monthly meeting for offices of president; vice president; secretary-treasurer; record- ing secretary; area representative; shop stewards for Bridgewater, Hills- borough, Somerville, Basking Ridge and Millington; health benefits repre- sentative, three trustees and sergeant- at-arms.

Nominations will be held at the Oct. 1 and Nov. 5 branch meetings. Elec- tions will be held at the Dec. 3 branch meeting. All members must be mem- bers in good standing. The meetings will take place at the American Legion Hall, 232 Union Ave., Somerville. Elsworth Penn, Rec. Sec., Br. 768 State College, Pennsylvania In accordance with Article 5 of the NALC Constitution and the branch by- laws of Branch 1495, this serves as the official notice to all members in good standing that nominations for the of- fice of one trustee will be accepted at the regular monthly branch meeting on Oct. 8. Additionally, nominations will be accepted for those who wish to serve as branch delegates to the 2025 Pennsylvania state convention. Following the nomination(s), elec- tions will be held by secret mail-in bal- lot (if necessary). Election results will be announced at the Nov. 12 monthly branch meeting. Members wishing to be nominated must accept such nomi- nation in person or must submit their willingness to be nominated in writing to the branch secretary prior to the Oc- tober nomination meeting. Kevin Sommers, Pres., Br. 1495 Stockton, California This is the official notice to all mem- bers of Port City Branch 213 of nomina- tions and elections of delegates for the 2025 California State Association of Letter convention Aug. 21-23, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Air- port. Nominations will be held for del- egates to the state convention at the Oct. 8 general meeting. The election will be conducted on Nov. 13 at the general meeting. Those members present at the meeting on Nov. 13 will vote on delegates. There will be no mail ballot for convention delegates. Ruben Figueroa Jr., Sec., Br. 213 Toms River, New Jersey This is to serve as official notice to the members of Branch 2128 that nom- inations for delegates to the 2025 New Jersey state convention will be held at 6 p.m. at our Nov. 13 general mem- bership meeting at the Elks Lodge, 600 Washington St., Toms River. Any member in good standing is eligible for nomination. Members must be present to accept a nomination or have submit- ted an acceptance letter, for nomina- tion, to the recording secretary in ad- vance of the meeting. Balloting for the nominees will take place at the December general meet- ing, if necessary. Edward Sedillo, Sec., Br. 2128 Valparaiso, Indiana This is official notice to members of Branch 753 that nominations for dele- gates to the 2025 Indiana State Associa- tion of Letter Carriers convention will be taken at the regular meeting on Oct. 15. The election will be held at the regu- lar meeting on Nov. 19, with the results given at that meeting. Absentee bal- lots may be obtained from the election committee and returned no later than 4 p.m. on Nov. 19. Donald Gulbransen, Sec., Br. 753

the bylaws of Branch 524, this is an of- ficial notice to all members of Branch 524 of nominations for vice president of Branch 524. All nominees must be in attendance to accept their nomina- tion and willingness to serve if elected, either orally, or in writing to the branch secretary if they cannot be present. Branch 524 provides in its bylaws that nominations may be in writing, with the nominations to be received by the branch secretary not less than 30 days before the date of the election. The elected vice president’s term will begin January 2025 and end December 2025. Nominations will take place at the reg- ular business meeting held on Nov. 19. Elections, if necessary, will take place at the regular business meeting held on Dec. 10 between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. The Branch 524 business meetings are held at the union hall, located at 1015 Georgia Ave. NE, Roanoke. Jack Green, Sec., Br. 524 Salem, Virginia This is the official notification to all members of Branch 1605 that nomina- tions of all branch officers for the 2025- 2027 term will take place at the regular monthly union meeting in November. You must be present to accept nomina- tion or signify in writing your willing- ness to serve if nominated or elected. If an election is warranted, such election will take place by secret ballot at our regularly scheduled union meet- ing In December. The election will be conducted in accordance with the by- laws of Branch 1605. All eligible mem- bers must be present to vote. Absentee ballots may be requested in writing 14 days prior to the election date. Dale Martin, Pres., Br. 1605 San Antonio, Texas This is the official notice to all mem- bers of Alamo Branch 421 (San Anto- nio, TX, and merged cities) that nomi- nations for station stewards for 2025 will be held at the respective stations on Nov. 2. Nominations may either be in person or by signed letter accepting the nomination before Nov. 2. The election will be by popular vote of those eligible voters within each sta- tion. The term of office for a steward is one year. It begins on Jan. 1 and ends after the close of business on Dec. 31. Voting will begin immediately after the nominations and will close at the end of the workday on Thursday of that week, or after all eligible voters have cast their ballot. Counting of the bal- lots will be conducted immediately fol- lowing the close of voting. The branch president shall be noti- fied immediately of the election results and the results posted on the NALC bul- letin board in the station. In addition, this is the official notice to all members of Alamo Branch 421 (San Antonio, TX, and merged cities) that nominations for delegates to the Texas State Association of Letter Carri- ers (TSALC) state convention to be held in Austin, date to be determined 2025, and for eight delegates to the San Anto- nio AFL-CIO for 2025 will be at the regular branch meeting on Sept. 12. Members are encouraged to email their nomina- tion to the branch office attention Dennis Alltop, recording secretary, at alamo- or mail it to NALC Alamo Branch 421, 6218 Krepon Ave.,

The Postal Record 83 August 2024

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