August 2024 Postal Record

Election Notices

16 at 275 Sunrise Center Drive, Zanes- ville. Candidates must accept nomina- tions at the time made. If absent, nomi- nations may also be made in writing, but must be received by the branch sec- retary at P.O. Box 3214, Zanesville, OH 43702-3214 no later than Oct. 15. Nominations will be held for the following branch officers for a term of two years beginning Jan. 1, 2025: president, vice president/MBA/HBR, financial secretary/treasurer, record- ing secretary, sergeant-at-arms, chief trustee and trustees (not to exceed five). Candidates may accept nomina- tions for only one office. The candidates elected president and vice president shall be delegates to the national and state conventions that take place during their terms of office. Elections will be held on Nov. 20 at the same time and location as the nominations and will be done by secret ballot. Retired members and merged branch members shall receive an of- ficial election ballot along with the following materials: a postcard indi- cating date, place and time of nomi- nations of elections of branch officers and delegates, notice of election, and one official ballot with ballot envelope and one return addressed envelope with voter ID in left-hand corner. Post- card with the nomination information will be sent at least 15 days prior to nominations of officers and delegates. Election materials will be sent by first- class mail at least 15 days prior to the counting of the ballots. Ballots must be mailed back to the election committee in the return addressed envelope and must be received by 6 p.m. on Nov. 19. At that time, the election committee will collect the ballots begin to tally. Write-in votes are not permitted. Michael Martin, Sec., Br. 63

didates must accept nomination at the time made or, if absent, in writing to the secretary (prior to the meeting, if possible). Each candidate must also certify that they have neither applied to serve nor served, even temporarily, in a USPS supervisory position during the preceding 24 months. Nominations will be held for the

following offices: president, vice presi- dent, Upper Valley vice president, secretary, treasurer, health benefits/ MBA representative, three trustees and sergeant-at-arms. Candidates may accept nomination for only one office. Duties of these of- fices are found in the NALC Constitution for the Government of Subordinate and

Federal Branches, Article VI, and the branch bylaws, Article IV. The president, vice president, Up- per Valley vice president, secretary and treasurer shall serve as paid delegates to national and state conventions dur- ing their terms. The remaining officers, in the order above, shall serve as paid delegates to state conventions during their terms (up to the number of del- egates we are entitled to). In addition, nominations will be held for unpaid national convention delegates and alternates, and unpaid state convention alternates. Candi- dates may accept nomination for both paid and unpaid delegate positions. For example, a member may run for both president and unpaid delegate or alternate. In addition, nominations will be held for stewards nominated and elect- ed by respective tour or station, as des- ignated by the president. The election will be conducted by secret mail ballot in strict conformity with the NALC Regulations Governing Branch Election Procedures (copies available). The president shall appoint an election committee at the October regular meeting. Anyone interested in serving on the election committee should contact the president at this time and attend the meeting. Ballots will be mailed to the last known home address of eligible mem- bers at least 20 days before the elec- tion on Dec. 10. They must be received no later than noon on Dec. 10, which is the date of the regular branch meeting, at which the results should be known. Lesley A. Vila, Sec., Br. 46 Zanesville, Ohio This is an official notice to members of Branch 63 that nominations for the election of officers will be held at the regular branch meeting at 7 p.m. on Oct.

Mutual Exchanges

NY: Hampton Bays (11/94) to Fruitland Park, Leesburg, Orlan- do, Ocala, Gainesville, Tampa, Clermont, Ocoee, Winter Garden, Dade City, Plant City, Brooks- ville, Zephyrhills, FL. City carrier. Mounted routes in suburbs. Short drive to NYC. Strong local union.

Good supervisor/PM. Jackie, 631- 478-2257 (call or text). SD: Wenster (11/15) to San Diego, CA or surrounding areas. 20F2 se- niority walking route is majority of day. Great hunting and fishing with four seasons. Affordable housing. David, 605-590-0425 (call or text).

How to place a Mutual Exchange ad The cost of Mutual Exchange ads is $15 for up to 30 words and $25 for 31-50 words per month. Ads must be received by the 5th of the month preceding the month in which the ad will appear (e.g., September’s deadline is for the Septem- ber/October publication). Mail ad with check (payable to NALC) to: Mutual Ex- change Ads, Postal Record, 100 Indiana Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20001-2144. Ads are published for NALC members only. A branch officer or steward must endorse the ad to certify membership. Include your name, address and branch number. Begin each ad with your state abbreviation, city and seniority date. Specific route information or mention of three-way transfers will not be pub- lished, nor any wording that offers cash or property to facilitate an exchange. Mutual exchanges must be approved by both postmasters involved. Seniority of carriers involved shall be governed by Article 41, Sec. 2E of the National Agreement. Carriers may not exchange assignments, since vacated positions must be posted for bids in accordance with local and national agreements.

Nalcrest Update

From the Trustees T here are many benefits that NALC retirees experience while living at Nalcrest. The Nal- crest trustees have just added another one. The Nalcrest Trustees Scholarships are for grand- children of Nalcrest residents. The student must have graduated from an accredited high school or have a GED. The student must be a grandchild of a member or the spouse of a deceased mem- ber who has not remarried. Remember, this is only for Nalcrest residents. The application and details are available at the Nalcrest office and at The Nalcrest Foundation, Inc., during the early part of 1962, secured a mortgage in the amount of $4,448,000 from the New Mexico Land Grant Permanent Fund to build Nalcrest. The mortgage was satisfied on March 12, 2003. Nalcrest oper- ates as a Florida not-for-profit corporation. In response to inquiries on how members or others can provide future support to Nalcrest, the Nalcrest page on the NALC website will soon have a link to a “Legacy Giving” docu- ment describing how bequests can be made through a donor’s will, trust or beneficiary des- 84 The Postal Record August 2024

Nalcrest. So, follow us on Facebook, and if you are going to the national convention in Boston, visit us at the Nalcrest booth from Aug. 3-9. Matty Rose

ignation. Please contact the Nalcrest office for additional details if you are interested. Summertime at Nalcrest is pool time, and the Nalcrest spa/pool has been refurbished and resurfaced, leaving a crystal-clear cooling- off experience. The spa/pool is a popular place for residents and guests to gather, as are many of the other amenities. Just to let you know, there are more than 380 members on the waiting list wanting to live at Nalcrest Trustees NALC Executive Vice President Paul Barner NALC Secretary-Treasurer Nicole Rhine NALC Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Mack I. Julion NALC Director of Retired Members Dan Toth Nalcrest Trustees President Matty Rose Nalcrest Trustees Vice President Fred Rolando Nalcrest Trustees Vice President Tony Diaz

For an application to live at Nalcrest, visit, call 863-696-1121 or fax 863-696-3333. Apply to live at Nalcrest Residents enjoy the Nalcrest pool.

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