August 2024 Postal Record

hundreds of children of letter carriers have been scholarship recipients. To be in a position as NALC is, to make it possible to assist these bright young students in their academic career, is in itself a source of satisfaction. Every let- ter carrier should know that many past winners have graduated early with high honors, that most of our winners have completed their undergraduate work and, in many cases, have gone on to pursue postgraduate work. No person connected with NALC—nei- ther among the Executive Council nor the committee—has a voice in a final determination of the ultimate winners. These are done by college administra- tors from the Washington, DC, area.

We are grateful for the continued service of Dr. Georgia Booker, retired director for Guidance Counseling Services, District of Columbia Public Schools; James B. Massey Jr., Director of Undergraduate Admissions, University of Maryland; and Mr. Dale E. Bittinger, assistant vice provost for Strategic Undergraduate Engagement, Partner- ships, and Pathways at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. These distinguished members of the academic profession have contributed in a great measure to the success of the program. The financial condition of the program is better than it was in 1964, when the initial awards were made. Its continuation depends on the financial N ALC is now accepting applica- tions for the Leadership Acad- emy, which is open to all active NALC members. The Leadership Academy consists of three weeklong sessions held over a five-month period at the Maritime Institute near Baltimore, MD. During the classes, students discuss effec- tive leadership skills and the union’s legislative agenda. They learn about topics such as the Dispute Resolution Process, strategic planning, branch financial responsibilities, retirement issues, route protection, workers’ com- pensation, effective negotiation tech- niques, and communicating through traditional and social media. Students are required to complete outside learning projects upon return- ing home following Weeks 1 and 2. Upon graduation, students will spend

The Postal Record 7 August 2024 Applications are available at nalc. org/leadership and will be accepted until Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. PR a fourth week working in their nation- al business agents’ offices. The Academy curriculum is de- signed to both develop and enhance the knowledge and skills that are essential for NALC leaders. In addi- tion to the Leadership Academy staff, each of the resident national officers, as well as many Headquarters staff members, help teach at the Academy, providing students with NALC’s top experts in each field. Currently, five resident officers, 12 national busi- ness agents, 23 regional administra- tive assistants, 34 Headquarters and regional staff members, and hundreds of state and branch representatives are graduates of the NALC Leadership Academy. support of our members and friends of NALC. All contributions should be made payable to the William C. Doherty Scholarship Fund, or the John T. Do- nelon Scholarship Fund, and addressed to NALC Headquarters, 100 Indiana Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20001. Details of the fund’s financial posi- tion are included in the audit report of the national secretary-treasurer for the biennial term ending at the Boston convention. Your Scholarship Committee con- cludes by thanking President Renfroe, resident officers and, most expressly, the staff that assists for their unself- ish cooperation and interest in our work.” PR

Apply for the NALC Leadership Academy

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