KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-03

Students using the library listening lab for class preparation

individuals who try to talk with the dead (Deut. 18:9-13). Read these verses and see the standard which is delineated very particularly. Inci­ dentally a necromancer” (v. 11) is one who is endeavoring to reach the dead. We have the privilege of talk­ ing with the Lord. He is the One who will give us all the information we need to know. There are boun­ daries which God has set. These are not to be crossed over by man what­ soever. One of the tremendous dis­ tinctives of our belief is that we serve not a dead Saviour but a risen Lord. Our key interest is in those things which are alive and soon to come. We should be more concerned about the fellowship we can have with Christ.

that they looked to God in faith. Af­ ter it was all over verse 16 shows how they “feared the Lord exceed­ ingly.” Some of the seamen may have been saved afterward. God does many things, even for the unsaved. He causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall upon the just and the un­ just alike. Q. Fremont, Calif, “is it possible to talk with the deadP I am thinking o f the late Bishop Pike who supposedly talked with his d ead son.” A. It would be best to keep our ques­ tions on an impersonal basis. While Dr. Pike may have been a man of many capabilities he was not an evangelical in his theology. The Word of God is very explicit about Page 20

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