KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-03

at Biola and Talbot there is a heavy concentration on the Word of God. Every student enrolled in Biola takes the equivalent of a major in Bible and doctrine, regardless of the other major he may select. Biblical instruc­ tion is paramount at Biola. In addi­ tion we have special conferences where the Word of God is presented carefully to our students. This in­ cludes the Torrey Memorial Bible Conference held on Campus, and in a number of leading Southern Cali­ fornia churches. We also have a Spiritual Emphasis Week held at the beginning of each academic year, and the first week of May we have our annual Missionary Conference. All classes cease during these times so that there may be a concentration on these important areas of chal­ lenge and inspiration. We are much concerned that stu­ dents, faculty and staff spend time in intercession. Not only do we have a Day of Prayer set aside in the fall and spring, but also regular prayer groups meeting throughout the cam-

Another important distinctive are daily chapel services where students hear various individuals challenge them in matters of the Christian life. There are periods for assembly as well which offer the opportunity to present programs directed to varied student interests. In Biola College, Mondays are usually given over to outside speakers. The combined stu­ dent body meets in the gymnasium to hear messages from the Word of God. On Friday the Student Mis­ sionary Union presents a chapel em­ phasizing some aspect of missions. Other days are divided into classes or by men and women. It is also helpful when the division comes on the basis of particular interests and outreach. The young people consider and pray specifically for the needs in the given area where their hearts are burdened. Chapel is indeed a very important aspect of the Chris­ tian college. Another basic is that a Christian college is where dedicated men and women study the Word of God. Here

Virginia Gabriel and Dave Bridgen pictured in the Biola Book store. Dave is the Manager of the Book store Page 26

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