KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-03

There are no “in betweens.” The next great event in the great pro­ phetic panorama of God is the re­ turn of Christ in the air to receive- all born again believers, regardless of church affiliation, to be with Him­ self. Three sounds are brought to our attention in connection with the Lord’s coming. First there is a shout which refers to that of the victor. The shout will penetrate all the graves, piercing the depth of the seas. It’ll be heard by every born again believer. No longer is such a thing hard to imagine. Through the miracle of electronics one voice can be heard and the individual seen all over the world at the same time. The shout of God’s own Son will go to every comer of the universe. It may be that His shout will consist of just one word. That invitation may be “Come.” It’s one of God’s favorite terms. He has bidden all men every­ where to be saved; He’s not w i l l i n g that any should perish. There will also be the voice of the archangel who is the leader of the

heavenly hosts. He’s directly con­ nected with the descent of Jesus from heaven to receive His own Church. At the same time there is the sound of the trumpet of God. When the trumpet blows in an army camp, men rush from their tents. God’s trumpet is going to sound one of these days. At that point regener­ ated and redeemed children of God everywhere will be taken up to join the great multitudes of heaven. The shout will be so loud, the voice will be so clear, and the trumpet will be so distinct that every child of God will hear unmistakably. The Bible says, “The Lord Him­ self shall descend.” There’ll be no substitute for Him (Acts 1:11). Je­ sus told His disciples, “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:3). Someone may be asking the question, “On what will Jesus stand at that particular time?” The heavens will burst open; Jesus will come forth in all of His glory and majesty.



Every individual who has accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour automatically becomes a member of the New Testament Church. This doesn’t refer to any de­ nomination or visible institution. I refer to the heavenly Body of which Jesus Christ is gloriously the Head. This wonderful Church is composed of men and women of all ages, who are either dead or living at the mo­ ment of Christ’s coming, who will be caught up to meet the Lord in the

air. So shall we ever be with Him. Is it possible for us to know the future? We would answer in the af­ firmative. Much of the Bible deals with predictive prophetic tuth. Robert Ripley, famous for his “be- lieve-it-or-not” columns one day was standing in the midst of the ruins of Hiroshima, Japan. Surveying the ter­ rible havor he declared over a radio, “I’m speaking to you from the spot where the end of the world began!” Page 31

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