Board Converting News, July 22 2024

Algae-Based Flexo Inks (CONT’D FROM PAGE 41)

The Perfect Combo Get Peak Performance From Your Equipment with Matched Component Sets

“Every kilogram of Algae Black pigment we produce keeps approximately 3 kilograms of petroleum from being used,” she says. “Additionally, because our pigment is car- bon negative, using 1 kilogram of Algae Black can remove 4 kilograms of carbon dioxide.” Nike began working with Living Ink in 2021, using its Standard Screen Algae Ink to screen-print items such as footwear and t-shirts. According to Murrie, Nike chose

Nothing’s more rewarding than a couple made for each other.

Algae Ink made from water and Algae Black for the ISPA project because “it was in line with the sub-label’s ethos.” Introduced in late spring 2024, the ISPA footwear box is flexo printed with depictions of various types of algae. Murrie shares that Living Ink collaborated on the project with an approved printing partner from Nike’s existing sup- pliers based in Vietnam. “We worked with the manufacturing group to ensure our ink was able to hit the jet-black color specs request- ed,” she said. “Overall it was a drop-in solution to conven- tional flexo ink.” To inform consumers of its use of the algae-based ink, Nike added a QR code to the box that, when scanned, di- rects consumers to a TEDx Talk by Living Ink CEO Scott Fulbright, titled, “Is algae the ink of the future?,” which highlights the genesis and early stages of the company. Eagle Flexible Packaging Installs SOMA Flexographic Press Eagle Flexible Packaging, Inc., has acquired a SOMA Opti- ma2 wide web flexographic printing press. The SOMA Optima2 includes automated plate mount- ing, auto registration and attains speeds at or above 1,600 feet per minute. It also features SOMA’s Changeover Wiz- ard, recipient of an FTA Technical Innovation award. The inside lid of the box provides the scientific names of each type of algae shown on the outside of the box.

That’s why the engineers at ARC International have focused their skills and talents on crafting perfect matches between the components that must work in tandem on your flexo folder gluers and die-cutters: • Anilox Rollers and Ink Chambers • Anilox and Wiper Rollers • Feed and Pull Rollers • Glue and Meter Rollers You can achieve the press speeds and print quality you need to fill your most demanding orders by pairing your team with The ARChitects of Flexo . Contact ARC today to learn how these engineered matches of flexo folder gluer and die-cutter components (new or reconditioned) can help you achieve a more perfect union of production and profits.

The ARChitects of Flexo

SINCE 1984 800-526-4569


July 22, 2024

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