Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn


A Life Reborn

villagers were willing to sell us firewood, but they demanded mer - cilessly high prices. At night, the people in the ghetto would try to take apart any- thing in the ghetto that could be used for heat. The place became a real mess. Anything that could be was broken and burned — fur- niture, floorboards, fences, barns, shelving, and wood-lined walls. Getting a hot enough fire going to sterilize the filthy water was so difficult that we suffered from thirst, as well as hunger and freezing cold. The laborers would come home cold and wet, and could not get warm. People were desperate and lived in constant fear. They used to come up with theories of why we were not being killed. For in- stance, we thought that the road was very important to the Germans for their war machine, and that we might be safe until the road was completed. Apparently, the Germans had different plans.


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