Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn

Table of Contents


Foreword to the Digital Release of Kaddishel

7 9

Foreword Preface

Acknowledgements Editor’s Note to Readers

25 28 57 64 71 79 91 92 17 19

I. Ludvipol: a Modern Shtetl

A Happy Childhood The Family Business The Zionist Dream Our Two-Year Reprieve Jewish Life

II. The War

On the Day of My Bar Mitzvah

The Mass Murders and Our Escape into the Forest

101 117 125 136 144 155 156 182 186 195 196 212 214 223 227


Boris Edelman’s Story For Us, the War Ends Legal Papers for Palestine

III. A New Beginning

New Life in Our Ancient Land The War of Independence The Beginnings of a Normal Life

IV. Starting Again

Another Country, a New Family

The Yizkor Book

The Bones of Ludvipol


Chava’s Rosh Ha’Shana Card

V. Reflections on My Life and Times


Historical Background And Interviews

243 244 276 330

I. Ludvipol: A Modern Shtetl

II. The War

III. A New Beginning

Bibliography and Sources


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