A Life Reborn
After living in Prague, Czechoslovakia for several years, Usher, Chava, and Boris immigrated to Canada, arriving on August 15, 1949 on the Samaria . Alex (Shalom), Sally, Lila, whom Shalom had adopted, and their infant, Bobby, were already in Brooklyn. Shalom immigrated with papers saying he was going to be a ye- shiva student. Later, they moved to Canada to join the rest of their family. Usher worked as a builder in Canada and also served as a chazzan. Coming from Europe, he already knew everything nec- essary to be a chazzan and, since he was a macher (Yiddish for a person who gets things done), it was not difficult for him. He was a fine gentleman, a modern religious man who prayed every day, even when we were in the woods.
Chava Edelman
Usher Edelman
1. Boris has a different memory of this; he recalls being too cautious to risk bringing a pistol. 2. Subsequently, Germans who relocated to East Germany after the war established a strong political organization to regain the land from Poland. After the unifaction of East and West Germany, an irrevocable agreement saying that the land had been given up to Poland for good was signed.
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